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Obama administration signals change from prison to treatment in drug war

Ez Rider

Active member

You're as laughable as the Christians who think they're going to be raptured away, while us "sinners" get hell on earth.

There is no impending global or even local collapse... GET OVER IT:thank you:
OK, I guess because you say so, then it must be so. LOL. The fucking system is imploding as we speak. I hope you're one of the first to starve.

Ez Rider

Active member
OK, I guess because you say so, then it must be so. LOL. The fucking system is imploding as we speak. I hope you're one of the first to starve.

The only thing in danger of an implosion is your skull... because there is nothing inside. Jackasses like you have been screaming that "the end is here" for at least the last 5000 years... and yet here we are. You really need to come to grips with your paranoid delusions...it'll make for a happier life.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
I wonder if these dolts on the right, having already given everyone's money to bankers have realized the money they usually set aside to punish their own citizens has gone. :laughing:

Drug policy shift isn't cos it isn't working. It has never worked. It is because the money is gone.:tumbleweed:

What next? No more new bombs or battleships? We cannot let that happen. Jail money gets eaten up by military, law and order and Criminal Justice system first. Surely all we are seeing is a practical reaction to the financial situation (the automatic cuts).

The only bad news on the horizon is the concept that jails can be profit making institutions if run in a certain manner. ie slavery.

If that happens in the USA and some mega right wing dickhead charmer ran with it then the horror show can continue unabated.

It is so horrible I can imagine it happening. Why not? 1984 already did.
The only thing in danger of an implosion is your skull... because there is nothing inside. Jackasses like you have been screaming that "the end is here" for at least the last 5000 years... and yet here we are. You really need to come to grips with your paranoid delusions...it'll make for a happier life.

Do you think my life is unpleasant? Quite the opposite. God gave me the brains to see what the world is and where it is going. That's why I sleep in peace at night; knowing that I am prepared (mentally and physically) for anything.

They say ignorance is bliss, but it isn't. Profound ignorance (like yours) leads to arrogance (like yours) leads to destruction and misery, for yourself and anyone else dumb enough to even be around you.

You throw around large time intervals like "5000 years" as if you even have a clue what has transpired in this one single country over only 80 years. How old are you...17? Clearly you are profoundly clueless of the lessons of history, yet you still insist on trolling this thread and insulting strangers for daring to think and plan ahead for the future.

Speaking of the last 5000 years....during that time how many countless billions of people have met gruesome ends because they were too stupid to see what was right in front of their faces, until it was too late? How many have suffered and cried and died in agony? How many societies have collapsed in their own decadence, and been brought to destruction by invading forces whose actions were not hampered by the same level of idiocy and arrogance? Does Rome ring a bell?

The bottom line here is your ego, I.e. the massively bloated size of it. You just can't stand to see anyone saying or doing anything which conflicts with the narrow, idiotic worldview your corporate overlords have brainwashed into you. The word "asshat" was invented for people like you. Also, "tool."

Look in the mirror. What you'll see is a fool staring back at you. What a disgusting little troll.

Don't worry, you will get just the level of suffering you wish for, and soon.

Ez Rider

Active member
Do you think my life is unpleasant? Quite the opposite. God gave me the brains to see what the world is and where it is going. That's why I sleep in peace at night; knowing that I am prepared (mentally and physically) for anything.

They say ignorance is bliss, but it isn't. Profound ignorance (like yours) leads to arrogance (like yours) leads to destruction and misery, for yourself and anyone else dumb enough to even be around you.

You throw around large time intervals like "5000 years" as if you even have a clue what has transpired in this one single country over only 80 years. How old are you...17? Clearly you are profoundly clueless of the lessons of history, yet you still insist on trolling this thread and insulting strangers for daring to think and plan ahead for the future.

Speaking of the last 5000 years....during that time how many countless billions of people have met gruesome ends because they were too stupid to see what was right in front of their faces, until it was too late? How many have suffered and cried and died in agony? How many societies have collapsed in their own decadence, and been brought to destruction by invading forces whose actions were not hampered by the same level of idiocy and arrogance? Does Rome ring a bell?

The bottom line here is your ego, I.e. the massively bloated size of it. You just can't stand to see anyone saying or doing anything which conflicts with the narrow, idiotic worldview your corporate overlords have brainwashed into you. The word "asshat" was invented for people like you. Also, "tool."

Look in the mirror. What you'll see is a fool staring back at you. What a disgusting little troll.

Don't worry, you will get just the level of suffering you wish for, and soon.
What we have here is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Yours is the only ego running amuck here. Most of the insults, and vulgarity in this thread have come from YOU. All I've done is poke a little fun at your doomsday mentality. You're the one wishing death and starvation on those who disagree with you. That you have the gall to talk about my "ego" is proof of how blind you really are.

Do you know me? Who exactly are these "corporate overlords" of mine? I've got to be pro-establiment because I don't agree with "your narrow, idiotic worldview?" I do answer to the man 40hrs a week(most of the time), but that hardly qualifies as brainwashed.

I'm almost afraid to ask what Rome has to do with anything in the 21st century. I'm sure you are well versed in the ways of the barbarian horde.

Your continual wishes of ill fortune upon me and others is indicative of who is really 17 around here.

Peace out...
You're the one wishing death and starvation on those who disagree with you.

Nope, it has nothing to do with "disagreement", simpleton. I only wish death and starvation on those who deserve it. If you are too stupid to prepare to survive when disaster strikes, and above that feel the need to insult those who do prepare, then you deserve to die. The world needs less of you.

That you have the gall to talk about my "ego" is proof of how blind you really are.

Keep running your cock sucker, Mr. Egotist. After all, "all you did" was "poke fun" at people who prepare for disaster, by calling us all idiots and fools, I mean why would anyone possibly be insulted by that?

Do you know me?

Yep. I've met a thousand just like you.

Who exactly are these "corporate overlords" of mine?

If I list about a thousand of their names, would it make a blind man like you more likely to see? Here's a tiny few of about a thousand organizations that are working to ensure you starve, as we speak: the Trilateral Commission. the Council on Foreign Relations. the Federal Reserve. the Bilderbergers. There is tons of public information available about these people and what they do. Try educating yourself. You won't though....because you have chosen blindness...and slavery.

I've got to be pro-establiment because I don't agree with "your narrow, idiotic worldview?"

No, you are pro-establishment because you verbally, loudly suck establishment cock, which is what betrays you as having a narrow, idiotic worldview. If you aren't pro establishment, then why the fuck are you in here attacking people who are anti-establishment, and ridiculing them for their views?

I do answer to the man 40hrs a week(most of the time), but that hardly qualifies as brainwashed.

The fact that you are brainwashed is evidence of brainwashing. It has nothing to do with your employment status, and everything to do with your acting like a tool of the system.

I'm almost afraid to ask what Rome has to do with anything in the 21st century.

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Another phrase I'm sure you heard before, which went in one ear and out the other because you're too stupid to understand and apply its meaning.

I'm sure you are well versed in the ways of the barbarian horde.

Yes, I have seen war, death, and destruction up close and personal. So will you, soon. Then you too will be acquainted with the "ways of the barbarian horde" i.e. humanity.


Frito_bandit what he's saying is true. You're the only one who started being a prick here for no good reason and insulting people for having different beliefs. I think you have some serious anger issues and paranoia. Should probably see a doctor and quit smoking so much crack or whatever it is that has gotten your panties into a bunch. I tell ya what if this apocalypse and collapse really does come if the only survivors have your type of attitude we'd probably all just die anyways. You have no faith in humanity so you choose to live in a hole and hide away like a firghtened little rat, just coming to poke your head up and insult everyone and tell them how dumb they are for a little while then leaving to scurry away back to your little rat den.

If you hate us all so much then why not just stay in your grumpy gremlin hole? Nobody wants to hear your shit anyways.

QUOTE=Mud Boy;5784599]Have some Kool Aid suck boy.:moon:[/QUOTE]

Haha :) Actually when I was talking to sterling I meant to say Frito and not mudboy. Truth is I hardly even read whatever petty little argument you had to say! It didn't register because you raised no valid points. Now excuse me while I go smoke more establishment cock so that I can get things done while you whine and roll around like a baby pig.
Frito_bandit what he's saying is true. You're the only one who started being a prick here for no good reason and insulting people for having different beliefs.

No, I insulted you because you would "take treatment over jail", just like the trained seal you are. Instead of recognizing the truth of my argument and seeing I am correct in pointing out that it's the attitude of a slave, you decided to get butt-hurt over it.

I think you have some serious anger issues and paranoia.

I think you're a coward, with a strong dose of stupidity on top of it. Enjoy your treatment program, slave.

I tell ya what if this apocalypse and collapse really does come if the only survivors have your type of attitude we'd probably all just die anyways. You have no faith in humanity so you choose to live in a hole and hide away like a firghtened little rat, just coming to poke your head up and insult everyone and tell them how dumb they are for a little while then leaving to scurry away back to your little rat den.

What the fuck are you talking about? If the apocalypse comes it will be because of people like me (if you're lucky to have me around) that timid weaklings like yourself have a shot at making it through without having all your shit stolen and robbed and your life taken. I have plenty of faith in humanity; just not in individual dumbasses who refuse to see the error of their own stupidity. My neighbors will survive. I have real skills to use and trade; I will survive. I'm guessing you probably won't, unless it's by the grace of God.

Haha :) Actually when I was talking to sterling I meant to say Frito and not mudboy. Truth is I hardly even read whatever petty little argument you had to say! It didn't register because you raised no valid points.

Wait, it "didn't register" because I raised "no valid points", or because you "hardly even read it"? You're too brain dead to even keep your story straight in the same paragraph. LOL


I gave you clear, concise and logical reasons as to why I think treatment is better than going to prison. You're just too much of a clown to understand. Completely wrapped up in your own crazy little paranoid schizo world.

Ez Rider

Active member
:laughing: :snap out of it: or at least :stfu:

I cannot honorably continue this argument; especially in someone else's thread
Good day to you sir
