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NYCD "Budding Out My Mother Plant" Grow



Those didn't even finish the full term. They had close to a month left on them. I flipped the light when they were 7-8" tall. The clones and this plant doe get very tall from this keeper, but it's worth it. I just got done putting the mother under a 400HPS and will move it back and forworth from my flower room. I have one spare 400 in there but don't want to flip her till the 31st. So, she going to have to deal with a 150HPS at night till it's time to put her in the flower room. In the day time, she'll get blasted from the 400HPS and should get her up to speed after the hair cut. I'm thinking if i don't fuck up the nutz. This plant should turn out pretty well.


Active member
yeah fighting white fly envasion in flower room! Thanks she is
a pretty girl for sure!
cant wait till she is ready to pick I blieve she will be a real looker :)
your pics are lucious..... :)
just got a new camera yesterday, still need to learn how to use it!



resident slackass
hey billygoat,
lovely lady you got there.
are you planning on spreading those branches out any?
if you spread them a few inches apart from each other all around you could increase the surface area of your canopy a little bit.


mybeans420 Yes, i'm going to drill some hole along the rim of the bucket and tie some string to the branches and pull them down some. This should get the tops apart for better light coverage.
Thanks and take care


Here's a updated picture of the NYCD that i'm budding out. You can notice the new growth shoots. She is budding now and is already showing signs of presex. I'm guessing, but she should be ready in 84-90 days from now. I'll give her about a week or two before i start counting, then its 70-75 days from then.


Nice plant, BG. Three months from now you'll be a very happy goat! Seems like a long wait, but from what you've said about her so far it'll be worth it.

Can't wait to see those big cola's!

-- tAc


Thanks, It's going to be worth the wait for sure. I got others strains going at the same time and they will keep my mind of the time till she ready. This is going to be my first reall grow and flower in soil. I've always had problems with growing in soil. Always been bettter at hydro then soil. Will see what happesn, but i think i got it nailed down.


She's happy now, but she won't be happy in a few months when i cut her ass down and smoke her up :)


Here's a updated picture of the mother NYCD i'm budding out. The tops are looking good and i should have a bunch of cola's every where once she starts filling in. She is showing signs of presex and should take off in about two weeks. This is going to be a nice grow and i can't wait to see what she yields.


resident slackass
BillyGoat said:
mybeans420 Yes, i'm going to drill some hole along the rim of the bucket and tie some string to the branches and pull them down some. This should get the tops apart for better light coverage.
Thanks and take care

yeah thats what i do with all my girls. i do 8 three gal pots per 6x3 table so they gotta be WIDE:D


Here's the clones and i got a total of 33 out of the Aero machine and another 12-15 in jiffy pots. It's going to be one large NYCD grow here shortly. I'm going to veg them till the end of the month and through them into the table and flower them. Should grow some big ass plants. These are from the mother plant, when i gave her a hair cut.


Still got a couple more to go in the jiffy pot, then i'm done with the clones. Should have enough "hint" for my next run and will have to pick the best ones to fill the table, but i should have plenty "hint"
Later everyone


Thanks, it's going to be a nice full table that will be full of nice large colas if all goes well. All lower branches will be striped off to force larger tops. SOG for sure.
Take care


I'm hoping to fill 30 clones in the 3x3 table and just have tops. No lower branches at all. Then i'm going to buy another 600HPS light and setup my 2x2 and fill the rest of those in there. Now, let's not forget the Thai clones that are rooted already and vegging. I got to find room for them since they are ready. Might mix them into the 2x2 with the last of the NYCD. This grow on NYCD is going to be killer. It's going to smell like a chinese whore house in there and will be filled with all those hugh tops. I'm going to be one high MF onces this harvest is done :)

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