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NY COP arrested on POT CHARGES half pound



There needs to be a Federal law covering police perjury and prosecutorial misconduct. One which is actually enforced. Life in prison with no chance of parole for perjury by a cop.

Read Testimony of Alan Dershowitz ,House of Representatives Judiciary Committee December 1, 1998

I can't link it for some reason


yes....i agree with the other posters say..a haalf pound IS NOT just for personal use..dont care what you say or grow..who the hell buys a hp at a time?!
iim also inclined to believe in most states I bet a QP would be enough for a mandatory dealing charge..

its bs and i dont give a shit who he is..he had a badge and should be punished and anal raped severely for about the next 10 yrs like any one of us would have gotten


Meh a harbor master doesnt really sound like a regular cop. Sure hes a leo, but so isnt a park ranger.

Granted I really dont know what a "harbor master" is. Where i grew up we had marine patrol (division of local sheriffs) and these guys were hella dicks, but like someone else said, 95% of their bust is for OUI boating, and personal amounts of drugs.

Then we also had fish n game and game wardens. (2 different states).

Also Coast guard.

From google it seems a harbormaster directs boats in and out of a harbor.... seriously guys? Because he has a tiny bit of authority hes a COP?

thats what he does marine patrol


some of you guys are really jumping to conclusions.....just because he is a harbor master does NOT automatically mean he is busting people for herb. You think he is jumping on everyone's boat and sniffing for herb? You guys are fucking crazy.

This is a person that just like most of us smokes herb. By the sound of it he smokes quite a bit. Buying a half pound is nothing and could last some people six months. It is all a matter of perspective.

I think it sucks and nobody is talking about the fact that he got ratted out. Some of you posters would have made great Nazi's.



some of you guys are really jumping to conclusions.....just because he is a harbor master does NOT automatically mean he is busting people for herb. You think he is jumping on everyone's boat and sniffing for herb? You guys are fucking crazy.

This is a person that just like most of us smokes herb. By the sound of it he smokes quite a bit. Buying a half pound is nothing and could last some people six months. It is all a matter of perspective.

I think it sucks and nobody is talking about the fact that he got ratted out. Some of you posters would have made great Nazi's.


ive been boating the waters for many years in these areas and the south shore patrols are very intrusive, and ive had several boardings without justification

never had any trouble but plenty of unreasonable stops and inquires even when I was not under way

definitely not the same freedom i have experienced on land

does he deserve extra punishment for pot?


But being a cop and being a pot head are choices

he wasnt forced to choose both


Jump to conclusions....don't get me started

Did you Have Your face, arm and back broke by an officer of the law who was out to amuse himself? Have you spent the last 32 years in pain from that experience? Have you been arrested three times before (innocent of all charges) and have every single cop come in and TESTILY. One case the judge dissmissed saying "the police were less than truthful"

Did you spend five years in prison for those other two times

Have you been pulled out of a car or snatched off the street and had a gun shoved in your face or temple by some obviously demented person in uniform, only to have him let you go when he finally comes to his senses (witnesses show up)

Do you think any of this cop pals,who will testify that it had to be for personal use for him, wouldn't show up to testify against you? and testify that a half pound HAD to be in their "professional opinion" possessed for sale?

I ain't jumping nowhere,to no goddam conclusion. SIMPLY the REALITY of the situation.


Jump to conclusions....don't get me started

Did you Have Your face, arm and back broke by an officer of the law who was out to amuse himself? Have you spent the last 32 years in pain from that experience? Have you been arrested three times before (innocent of all charges) and have every single cop come in and TESTILY. One case the judge dissmissed saying "the police were less than truthful"

Did you spend five years in prison for those other two times

Have you been pulled out of a car or snatched off the street and had a gun shoved in your face or temple by some obviously demented person in uniform, only to have him let you go when he finally comes to his senses (witnesses show up)

Do you think any of this cop pals,who will testify that it had to be for personal use for him, wouldn't show up to testify against you? and testify that a half pound HAD to be in their "professional opinion" possessed for sale?

I ain't jumping nowhere,to no goddam conclusion. SIMPLY the REALITY of the situation.

UReap u my boy not talking bout your opinions....

As to this type of post---hate to tell you but all officers, specially higher level ones have the POWER OF DISCRETION. Meaning they choose what they want to enforce and how they want to do it in a given situation. You still don't know what this guy has or has not done in the past.

don't worry about how I have been down.

I prefer to see the sadness in this one rather than shredding the dude for his choice of career.



Active member
some of you guys are really jumping to conclusions.....just because he is a harbor master does NOT automatically mean he is busting people for herb. You think he is jumping on everyone's boat and sniffing for herb? You guys are fucking crazy.

This is a person that just like most of us smokes herb. By the sound of it he smokes quite a bit. Buying a half pound is nothing and could last some people six months. It is all a matter of perspective.

I think it sucks and nobody is talking about the fact that he got ratted out. Some of you posters would have made great Nazi's.

Unless your out on your boat regulary Johni, you don't know what your talking about, like Ureap said, they fuck with you big time, way worse then on land, and here when all the lakes freeze up and your just trying to relax with a fishing doob in your icehouse the same (water cops)guys come out on snowmobiles and fuck with you, it's like you lose half your rights when your on the water or something.
The 2 run ins I've had with these guys were both over weed.


for those saying 8 oz isn't for personal use...you are very naive. look at the facts...he's a cop, you think he wants to run to a dealer every time he needs weed? fuk no! you buy in bulk! i did...hell that's why most people grow. so we don't have to fuk around with dealers.
while i loath our government and most leo...there are a few stand up ones. the chief in our town certainly doesn't go out of his way to bust people for pot. he has on numerous occasions looked the other way...no tickets no record. they actually go for the meth and heroine dealers...which is where i'd rather see tax dollars go.
not sure what the real story is...but i'd like to think...no one should have legal troubles over a fukin plant!


Bottom line is everyone of us tomorrow could each pick up a half pound and drive it across a half-dozen states. Then get pulled over and not one cop that you subpoena would testify that in his "professional opinion" it was for personal use. You could bring the whole NYC police force down and they would all testify that it is not an amount for personal use.

Yet, all his buddies are sure it is for personal use.


A foot without a sock...
Bottom line is everyone of us tomorrow could each pick up a half pound and drive it across a half-dozen states. Then get pulled over and not one cop that you subpoena would testify that in his "professional opinion" it was for personal use. You could bring the whole NYC police force down and they would all testify that it is not an amount for personal use.

Yet, all his buddies are sure it is for personal use.

Hate the game, not the playa


Take your pic which one it was..................


fourth from the left looks like a happy toker :kos:


Smokin on that serious...
homeboy probablly found out he was selling to a cop, and called the cops on him!

haha, karma works in mysterious ways eh?


weed fiend
I hope we find out a little more about the tip. That's the interesting part, IMO. The thoughts of buying a sack and getting tipped by the dealer is bogus as hell.

Maybe it's not the dealer and our harbor master pal has a big mouth.

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