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NY COP arrested on POT CHARGES half pound


Active member
Take your pic which one it was..................


Is it the one on the left ?

i'd rather not think it's the one on the right


I'd like to think its the guy in white in the first row furthest to the left.. haha - he looks pretty happy.

But I think its the guy in the first row further to the right because he‘s younger, then I look at that the guy in the second row behind the first guy who I "hoped" it would be- "smily dude back left guaranteed".. funny stuff


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Ouch, here a half pound is a possession charge. They would have took the weed wrote him a ticket and sent him on his way


Lammen Gorthaur
Making this poor sot miserable doesn't improve the quality of life of anyone in this forum. The persecution of people for their choice of intoxicants will continue until we demonstrate a united front to the public that shows us to be reasonable, responsible and mature adults who are not engaged in anything deviant, disgusting or dangerous. Until that day arrives, we have plenty of work to do right here without beating on somebody who got sold out by someone else in our community. While there is humor in anything, this person's life is over, their ability to retire in dignity has been erased and their sense of self-worth and their ability to maintain themselves as a stable member of our society has been greatly impaired. Nobody gained anything in this tragedy and that's a piece of news nobody seems to really care about; we're dying one member at a time...
I wonder how many lives this douche bag has ruined for pot. What goes around comes around pig. Glad I got to read about it when you got yours.

P.S. for all you people defending the cop, HE WAS GOING TO SELL IT! Now he is going to suck it.


A foot without a sock...
Making this poor sot miserable doesn't improve the quality of life of anyone in this forum. The persecution of people for their choice of intoxicants will continue until we demonstrate a united front to the public that shows us to be reasonable, responsible and mature adults who are not engaged in anything deviant, disgusting or dangerous. Until that day arrives, we have plenty of work to do right here without beating on somebody who got sold out by someone else in our community. While there is humor in anything, this person's life is over, their ability to retire in dignity has been erased and their sense of self-worth and their ability to maintain themselves as a stable member of our society has been greatly impaired. Nobody gained anything in this tragedy and that's a piece of news nobody seems to really care about; we're dying one member at a time...

Kudos to you for having the correct perspective.

Narrow-mindedness will be the death of us all. :joint:


cannabis enthusiast
If that would have been a normal citizen, they would have had traffic charges along with intent to distribute, and I'm surprised they didn't set the road block up by a church just to double f*$# him.

i agree man if that was normal citizen a half pound for personal use..yeah right he has been slingin, set up the road block by a school and getting the felonies bumped up one na hes a cop. he will get a lil probation and lose his $20 an hour job but if that was one of us we be doin some time with every little detail signed in red.


i agree man if that was normal citizen a half pound for personal use..yeah right he has been slingin, set up the road block by a school and getting the felonies bumped up one na hes a cop. he will get a lil probation and lose his $20 an hour job but if that was one of us we be doin some time with every little detail signed in red.

the cops in that area make well in excess of 100,000.00 sheriffs just little less

brass makes alot more

would think he had a 6 figure position


Well-known member
You guys have to understand that this happened in East Hampton. I'm sure most people have heard of the Hamptons. East Hampton is home to some of the wealthiest people on the planet. To name a few Steven Speilberg, Sean "Puffy" Combs, the list goes on, if your anyone in the upper echelon of society you own a house in the Hamptons. This guy was their harbor master.


You guys have to understand that this happened in East Hampton. I'm sure most people have heard of the Hamptons. East Hampton is home to some of the wealthiest people on the planet. To name a few Steven Speilberg, Sean "Puffy" Combs, the list goes on, if your anyone in the upper echelon of society you own a house in the Hamptons. This guy was their harbor master.

are you saying that you think he was bringing it to someone?? someone quite well off, for a profit? nahh...a cop wouldnt do that


Patient Grower
half pound? i think hes doing more than smoking it

Where do you get this idea? From the legislature that's defined ridiculously small amounts as 'intent to distribute'? I buy everything in bulk. I'll buy 100 rolls of toilet paper at a time. Does that mean I'm dealing toilet paper? No, it means I got a good price, I know I'm likely to continue defecating daily, it doesn't go bad, and I don't have to think about schlepping to the store for TP for a year. When you get a few miles under your belt you just might appreciate having a supply, and not having to go out and play the game every time you want to get high. Especially if you have to travel.


Patient Grower
I take it some posters here have never had a cop look the other way. Yeah, let's toss those who just might see it our way in jail with double time because asshole straight cops enforce a stupid law. Now that makes a heckuva lot of sense. Let's see some proof that this guy was a hypocrite. Let's see that he made x # of pot busts in the last year. Let's hear that he volunteers to teach DARE classes in his spare time, then you might have a basis to call him a hypocrite. Personally, I think hypocrisy is thinking that anyone should be put in jail for cannabis.


Well-known member
This was blown way out of proportion. Obviously this guy pissed off the wrong person (rich and powerful) and that person had the leverage to have him busted. The newspaper the article is from is a joke too. They don't have real news they have stories like this one that hasn't harmed anyone except the dude that got busted. Police should never be trusted they are here to take away our freedoms not protect them, that's up to us. Fight the tyranny of the NWO!


Pythagllio, I can bury any cop except for Serpico in a courtroom. ANY cop. Lets see how many times he reported one of his fellow cops for excessive force, planting evidence, filing a false police report, perjury, soborning perjury, drinking and driving, beating his wife,consumption of illegal drugs and the list goes on. The answer will be never. He will testify that he has never seen nor became aware of a fellow cop doing anything wrong. They are all choirboys.
Until that stops ,ALL police are dirty.

Open Eyes

He is a cop. Harbor master or not, he is a cop. This "cop" probably busted kids for smoking weed on the lake all the while doing it himself.

While i think NOBODY should be in jail for smoking weed his purchase of 1/2 pound indicates that he was probably doing more than just smoking it himself all the while writing tickets, confiscating weed and incarcerating people. He has ruined lives and he got everything he deserved.

I want him to go to jail on the sole basis that he is a hypocrite. Throw the book at him. ALL cops i have ever dealt with have been nothing but scum so i could care less about him getting his butt stretched a bit wider.Serves him right for screwing peoples lives up for something he did himself.


Hell yeah, New York City is the "busted for possession of marijuana capital of the world", yet look at their cannabis laws.


He is a cop. Harbor master or not, he is a cop. This "cop" probably busted kids for smoking weed on the lake all the while doing it himself.

Meh a harbor master doesnt really sound like a regular cop. Sure hes a leo, but so isnt a park ranger.

Granted I really dont know what a "harbor master" is. Where i grew up we had marine patrol (division of local sheriffs) and these guys were hella dicks, but like someone else said, 95% of their bust is for OUI boating, and personal amounts of drugs.

Then we also had fish n game and game wardens. (2 different states).

Also Coast guard.

From google it seems a harbormaster directs boats in and out of a harbor.... seriously guys? Because he has a tiny bit of authority hes a COP?
Fuck cops... They shit all over us and then think theyare above the law. Instead of slapped on the wrist they should get more time. Atleast we aren't sworn to uphold any laws. Cops around here where I'm at are dickheads... Shit our old Mayor got off of a conspiracy to commit murder charge, from a racially motivated incident that happen decades ago. But everyone knows he was involved... Oh he was a cop when it happened

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