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nute management gh 3 part


hey guys i got a question about using gh flora series nutes whats the best way to mange it do i mix it up the way the bottle says for the growth period and just top off with plain water for a week and change rez or do i mix the top off to 1/4 strength and top off or is there a formula on how much nutes to add back to the rez i have a formula for floranova nute but not the 3 part i got a 8 gallon rez flood and drain and just changed out the rez with 5ml mirco 5 ml grow 5 ml bloom and and .05 ml of florasluisous grow which came out to 40 ml of each and 4 ml of floraluis grow ppm came out to 750 ppm if it drops say to 680 ppm how many ml of each do i add back as i see it now i could just add plain tap water back for a week and change the rez with the new mix or mix it at 1/4 strength for a week and change the rez with a fresh mix or would i not change the rez? or i could do like i do with floranova mix and just mix in the right amount of ml per gallon what do you guy think the best way to handle this


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Next time you go to the shop, leave the FloraGrow (the green stuff) on the shelf. It serves only to empy your wallet at no benefit to the garden.

I use an EC meter to determine my plants idea of proper nute levels. (EC up=too rich, EC down=too lean. pH moves opposite to EC) I feed slightly rich and alkaline. This raises EC and drops pH. After 2 weeks I add back 4 gal of unadjusted tap water to return EC and pH to their starting numbers. Many here don't flush at all. I do when I see signs of unhappiness, which takes about 12-15 weeks.

Note following the Lucas Formula probably won't burn your plants but, you may go through them 2-3 times faster than if you tailor food levels to the plants. Many find Lucas too easy to pass up, even with the added expense.


Note following the Lucas Formula probably won't burn your plants but, you may go through them 2-3 times faster than if you tailor food levels to the plants

is this true? I can't see how it would be


i used the lucas formula last grow and i lost my chem 4 weeks into flowering i blamed it on the lucas formula but after i chop it i found out it had root rot the 3 part is what i bought 4 years ago and trying to get rid of it but i need the grow cause it was the only way i could get the right nutes lvl for my strawberry plant but what i am trying to figure out is how many ml of each to add to the add back to get back to the original ec lvl like if i did the lucals formula of 8ml micro, 16ml bloom and the starting ec was 2.0 and after add back my ec was 1.2 how many ml each of mirco and bloom do i add or would it be simpler to do 1/3 add back like 5.3 ml bloom 2.6 mirco


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Lucas says 0-8-16. My plants say 0-3-6 is too strong. When you run 1/3 strength, it lasts 3 times longer.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
spacecadet said:
i need the grow cause it was the only way i could get the right nutes lvl for my strawberry plant

Lucas is based on Ed Rosenthal's and Mel Franks NPK formulas. The reason I, and I assume Lucas, dropped the Grow is, it makes getting within a thousand miles of those numbers impossible.

If you have rot problems with GH, I have to ask what your water temps are? Are you putting other stuff in you failed to mention?


well reason i had root rot was i was running a swc and this run i didn't check the water temp box temp hit around 100 f during the day this run i am doing a home made flood and drain so rez temp should not be a issue. i got a new grow tent and a 600 watts hps for this run all so run a new ganja grow box with a 150 watter and a swc for that system. last run in the swc in the grow tent i was using floranova and i dised to switch to lucal formula using gh mirco and boom with noting else added and soon after i made the change the plant went limp and stop growing so i ended up flushing with plain tap for a week and she never recovered so i had to pull her and thats when i seen the root rot but funny my very frist grow was my best grow back then i used gh 3 part just like the bottle said and never once check ppm or ph then the next run i got a ph meter and a ppm meter and had proublem every since


full time daddy
download this http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/fourtwenty/articles/premixppm3b.zip from this page http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/fourtwenty/articles/download.htm
witch is posted on this page http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=21119 but most ppl dont read what it really dose or try to learn it once you do you will see Ed Rosenthal and Mel Franks + Lucas & ph ( the person ) know whats up and you will have the greenest garden when you hit the taget marks.....

i have done a lot of research on the target and here is most of them {i am missing a few} Mineral Elements (Macro & Micro ) some plants want more & some want less dial in your strain....
N 75-125
P 75-125
K 175-225
Mg 50-75
S 50-60
Ca 100-150
Fe 2.8
B .7
Mn .8
Mo .05
Cu .2
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New member
spacecadet said:
the 3 part is what i bought 4 years ago and trying to get rid of it

Are the current nutes you are using 4 years old? As in, they have been sitting on a shelf for 4 years?

Or did you mean you used some 4 years ago so you bought the same kind for this grow recently?


my gh 3 part is 4 years old i used it on my first 2 grows, then switched to gh flornova the 3 parts has been stored in a cool cabinet in the kitchen, so as far as i know it still good.


New member
I'm positive I've read a post here somewhere speaking about some old nutes causing problems in a grow. Plus, I just tossed some 3 part GH that was a little over 2 years old. Hope I didn't toss good nutes :)

Hopefully, some of the more experienced growers could chime in on the subject.

Good luck.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Under proper conditions, GH Flora (NOT speaking of floraNOVA) lasts for years. My Micro fell out of solution only after being stored in 40º-100º temp swings for 5-7 years. Even then it still worked, it just made for ugly roots. The Bloom never precipitated.

The official fix is to mix Micro with equal parts hot water, shake well and use at double strength.


Custom User Title
One of the pluses of refined nutrients like the GH 3 part is that they don't go bad the same way that most do. Things like Flora Nova and PBP will go bad because there are things in there that go bad in the sense food goes bad, which isn't true for refined nutes. I've got some PBP I've had for a couple years and I wouldn't feel safe feeding it to my plants, I've got GH nutes that I'd have no problem feeding them if I had them for the same amount of time.

Keep your nutes in the dark at room temperature to cool temperatures for longest life. I've heard of some people storing in the fridge, I've got no experience with that though.


so far the nutes seem to be working out good
here my set up
dr-120 grow tent
600 watt hps galaxy digi ballast
supersun 2 air cool hood
holorlux blub
vortex 6" 450 cmf fan
6" scrubber
home made flood and drain
nutes gh flora secreis nutes
1-chem? x c-99 14 days old from clone
as of today ppm 640 ph 6.1 after 2 ml of gh ph down only adding tab for the top off and change rez out once a week with fresh nute



Active member
Best part about the Lucas Formula is when you're stuck in my particular situation.

No access to pH or EC meters, pH up or down and I can still grow DWC using the Lucas Formula and RO water.


Glad to see you guys trippin on Coco! I've been thinking about it myself. Appreciate the information.

Thanks :rasta:


i think this week end i will clean the rez and change over to the lucas fourmula so far she doing very well and io know she can handle the exra nutes


Active member
i use three formulas.. for the FLORA 3 part...
The first I found from Nimbly from OG..

0 - 2.5 - 5.5 w/ a quarter tsp epson salt per gallon

The next is REZDOG Inspired....

0 - 4- 8 per gallon add Epson salt or cal mag for first 2 weeks of 12/12, then only as needed

AND of course LUCAS

0- 8 - 16 Per gallon No calmag or epson salt needed..

I DON't use a ph or ppm meter
I use ONLY RO water
AND i add the NUTES ONCE a week, w/ only RO as a add back dureing the week...

I have used allmost ALL the ferts and additives out there.. Tossed em ALL ANd came back to the FLORA. Its SIMPLE (once ya get it) grows great sticky tasty buds, and its inexpensive!!!


SWC and we tend to swap out the tubs every week or two, depending on how often we can put in some time.

Typically when we add back it's because we're in a period of constant feed levels & we'll just mix up our usual strength and top a couple pans up.

we dial the feeds around slowly over the course of flowering, and there are variables depending on calcium and nitrogen needs which can really vary from plant to plant.
the micro gets tuning in the early weeks and then drops off as the bloom creeps up from 8 or 9 towards a max of 12ish.

We do like the Floralish+ for the humates, and calmag sometimes seems needed.