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Nukkumattis endless search for the funkiest magic dust...


Active member
mono-cropping nukkumatti ??? and maybe you just want vanilla ice cream ?? no homie you want all of the flavors of the month !!!


:D:D Yo Whodair man !
I was meaning to use just one tent for mono cropping. :) others can be mix match.

Well I been seriously thinking to take down the sauna after new year and fill it with some love! :D

I'm getting ready for it....


Yo Unthing! 3 at the moment...Flowering I mean :)
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Active member
I like your style bro... Sometimes you just gotta fill every nook and cranny... Especially now that the temps are low. Gotta make up for product lost due to heat over the summer. :)


;) Thanks Bobble!
Jeah..You got to do what ya got to do bro eh :D

I got some beef from last summer and wanna do a proper OD here in Finland!!

After that I really like to get somewhere where I don't have to think loosing all my stuff in a fucking home invasion by the pig feces!

Somewhere where hippies dance naked in ganja fields rubbing the sweetest charas from their bodies! :D:D
One way ticket please ! :D


love machine
ICMag Donor
hahahah its winter and im dealing with heat problems can you guys believe this shit ?? LOL

looking great nukkis, 3 flowering tents? shit ahhaha

cheers bro


Hahaaa RED! :) I go out and take pic for you how fucking warm it's here again.. :D:D

Maybe I head there next! :D No seriously one pal owns property from Argentina and he said that would be a dream place for me! ...Cannabis decriminalized... But my friend doesn't grow so just hear saying here.

Cheap land ..Good looking women(well EVERYWHERE we got them) ..Well I just don't know anymore! :D:D Too much options!

Jeah bro..Just three tents you should say! :D MAybe one day..One day I show.. :D:D muahahaha
But jeah ..Should have like three MORE!! goddammid :D


I think that would be it!
Still got the walls I had to take down in autumn.. But I don't trust my landlord enough to put them up again!

You the first I let know if I'm heading there!!! :D


Active member
lmao... let me share a piece of argentina with you... This is one of the girls I was dating while I lived there. My friend and I would go eat lomos and drink a liter or two of Quilmes while we watched all the beautiful girls go by. It was a dream! In Buenos Aires, the market for quality buds is good. You can get at least $10 a gram... but we're talking kilos... ha ha ha... and the federales don't like commercial growers one bit.



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So you HAD TO ?? :D:D Man don't tease dirty ol hippie in the middle of the freaking snow man!! :D Cassandra?? :D You could have at least ask her to take off the bra..Muahahahahaaa

You lived there?? I'm gonna send ya some pm later on and ask some shits! :)

Cheers man!!! Now for sure I'm gonna take down tha sauna and collect some funds! JEEBUS JEAH! :D


Active member
Maybe we buy a nice vineyard?

Or maybe something more tropical, close to Iguazu Falls... :)


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Active member
Sorry to tease bro... I miss it terribly. Alejandra was not only beautiful on the outside, but inside too. A very humble girl. PM me whenever. I've been everywhere in Argentina. Oh, and I got her bra off, and those things were AMAZING! perky...


MAN don't ya know you're playing with my FEELINGS :D:D Fucking awesome shots there brother!

Ya can be sure I have some questions ..I'm gonna hit ya after the new year bro!! :)

Thanks for sharing man!!


Bro thanks for giving some LIGHT here in the dark cold Finland!

I'm sure you got ! :D:D hehee

Clears my head quite nicely when you just remember there's open world just waiting for US!!

Puff puff for taking over the world my fellow ganja enthusiast!!


Active member
2 years ago I went back to South America for 3.5 months... I can tell you there are still real people in this world. There is a world where you sit down at a table, eat and drink together, and enjoy each others company. When I came home, and I was playing cards with some friends at a table, and everyone was on their phone texting... Not really paying attention to the game or the people they were presently with... I realized what I had lost.

My unfortunate circumstance is that I can't afford to live there and come visit my family in the US. I'll need to work for the next couple decades, get my ducks in a row, and buy some land or a business in Argentina... I can't go there and struggle to live. But will it still be worth it in 10-20 years? Or will technology have caught up and ruined what I treasure so much...

Anyway, my pictures remind me of brighter times, when I wasn't stuck in a routine of work and school... I'm a slave to the system for now.


Jeah bro been there myself.. :)
I been traveling quite alot and one point living for a bit in southeast-asia. You come home and find people only caring about loans, money, houses, bloody cars and have completely closed their eyes from the real world!
Where's the unity, helping each other ?? Fuck nobody cares about anybody anymore.. Shame ..

If your car stops in the middle of the road at least here nobody will stop and ask if ya need help or anything. People run through their lives with the most hurry and don't have time or interest to help each other.
It seems that the ONE and ONLY HARD ON comes from money.. Stuff that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST only on fucking paper..

And yet still I'm thinking the same... When I get the funds everything will be alright mentality.. Man You don't need anything to live a full happy life!

I have dropped out already from the working lot here in Finland. That makes no sense! We need to come up with little more long-lasting ideas than the MATERIAL one at the moment. Go work 10 hours a day so ya can shop till ya die..?!?! WTF!!
I don't need anything from the shops here... So I don't work. Mary jane brings my rent and food to the table and that's it!

We got social security benefit and unemployment benefits here but I don't use them. It can turn against me when the taxman realize I don't pay any taxes.. But who give a flying fuck about them!
I don't want the babylon money no more!

Bro I been thinking to just go and live on the beach for the start. Hand to mouth principle.. It's how it goes here too :D I was more happy when I didn't have a home or anything.. Just a tent and BRIGHT SUN! :D


Sorry about the rambling straight in the morning! :D

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