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Nukkumattis endless search for the funkiest magic dust...


WOw wow nukku bro! and thanks for the huge amount of eye candy! great pics and so tasty looking buds. I wanna taste them all :D ....waiting to see your sativa tent in full action, how's that OH x SK#1 doing?


Morjens morjens BG bro! :D

No Sir.. I had to take her out. Don't wanna keep one small pot there with hand watering. I got all others hooked on one water line and she really can't handle the nutes :D . So when I get everything sorted out I'm gonna put up that sativa tent.
But got quite many clones/plants here ready to go in! :D
It's gonna be sssdh + oh/skunk .

Jeps cheers man !!! :)


Mmmm some Swedish reggae for a start!


Then the ALMOST v tent! :D:D Muahahahahaa

Just to show I do something else than sticking my fingers deep in my ass.. :D:D Not that's bad or anything..


Okey dopey..

V tent turn out to be flat :D hehee

Powerstroyers... little bit difficult to keep them happy with the same nute mix than the others... :) But I think we will manage.


SR , CJ , Bubbledust ...

Think I'll start cooking some guano tea...



Active member
looking good, and always improving arent ya ?? smart idea holding off on that sativa...i fed a kali mist like an indica once, she hated me so much she kept throwing off her leaves !!


At least trying bro! I really wanna do a good stadium grow but need to wait a bit before that.. Thinking to take down my sauna and fill that space too!! :D could easily get 2 x 600 in there.. But I need to fix the doorway, dismantle the stove and fix the electric lines but I need an electrician for that. Goes over my head :D:D!

"And God said, let there be DANK: and there was DANK. And God saw the DANK, and it was real good: and God divided the DANK from the hay!" :D:D

Thank You God :D



:) Whodair JEA! :D
Or for bubblebags! :D:D From now on I won't make a holiday trip WITHOUT them! :D Meaning the bags not hay muahahahaa me so funny..

JEJEJEJEE my bro RED man! :D
Man I wanna have a space full of these ladies!! Maybe it's time to start to go monocropping. :)..And What MONSTERS bro? I think we find them monsters from the famous HOUSE of LOVE bro! :)

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Smile Vs Cry
hey buddy some special work you do in your grow , very good shot , plants lookin so healthy and green as hell , i'll be watching closely , happy new year brotha !!!


Thanks Killerweed31!!

Jeah ...Some special.. :D:D very special indeed bro :D Hopefully I get to show you something else one day than the little ganja apprentice runs I got going now.. ;) After some heavy practicing :D

Thanks again :) And You too have a wonderful new year and may your harvests be BOUNTIFUL in a coming year!

Alright..Back to saw some more wood boys and girls! :D Need to make the risers for the vert tent..
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helloooo brother, happy holidaze :D

look at all that dank, awesome show bud... hope the new year treats you well ;)


WOHOOOOO Actric man! :D
How are ya doing again bro? Happy holidays to ya too man!! :)

Jeah and I'm hoping as equally your new year to be the best yet man! :D

Been listening quite alot that Kompani 69 brother.. THANKS!!! :D