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Nukkumattis endless search for the funkiest magic dust...


One word: AWESOME!


Could you enlighten us about those gardening hoses going down through coco? I could imagine myself blowing in those from time to time to give some oxygen to roots. Man i am seriously "ruuvit löysällä" =




Morjens Prowlerman
Jeps they're in soil mix..which I think is too packed at the moment. specially after I put some sand on top to keep those little buggers at bay..Fungus gnats I mean.
So I added some garden hoses there for the roots to breathe.
Big ones got two and 7l got one hose.

In coco I wouldn't use them. I think it breathes enough on it's own..Maybe on a really bg pot..

Last edited:


Oh jeah bro.. I'm SUCKING them when ever got time.. :D:D:D
Suck tha pipe ..Jeee gonna suck some pipe tonight, gonna hit to rap gig to be a GICK!!

..Weekend started already! :D:D:D



Now the fuckers are coming in again start of next week.

I need to take down tents 1 and 2. Fucking shit

Tent3 go hiding..


You're right Powler man..It's starting to get ridicilous already!

I need to harvest the cindy tent a week early..Shit I really hope they got time to flush just a little bit.. Shit man.
I got no space to hide them..Only the tent 3 will go somewhere for the time being..

Also I would have liked to give a week more too for the tent 1. No good no good.


Damn, bru. That is some sad news. I know what you're dealing with, been there myself.

Hope the crop treats you with a surprise, though! Hang in there.

Light one for safer daze!


Jeah..It's ONLY second time with these crops that I need to tear everyting down. Fuck I been doing it every second month now!

...Gonna rent myself new place now! It's not easy here cause you have contracts to rent the place minimun 1 year. If you leave earlier you must pay all the expences your landlord has before he gets new tenant. It's in the law. Even you have some probs the law will fuck You as a small person. Thank You.


love machine
ICMag Donor
You're right Powler man..It's starting to get ridicilous already!

I need to harvest the cindy tent a week early..Shit I really hope they got time to flush just a little bit.. Shit man.
I got no space to hide them..Only the tent 3 will go somewhere for the time being..

Also I would have liked to give a week more too for the tent 1. No good no good.

You're my hero nukku ! hhaahah man you're putting so much fight with the man just to grow some damn plants :):) :respect:

cant wait til you get a better place man, no more moving and tearing them down ,,,, hang in there nukkis! :):)



Thanks RedBro for the cheer up :) You're my hero too :D

First tent's harvested..Now the second one. Just a quick grap of something to eat and finish this joint and on with it.

Maybe some shots tomorrow when the sun comes out again.. :)


Man, I'm sorry to hear you're having more hassles with the landlords. I hope you're getting through it alright. You don't need any more practice taking the grow down, that's for sure. Better days, nukkumatti... peace


He he. busy busy nukkis. Hope the harvest goes well, dont forget to take pics for us........

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