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Nukkumattis endless search for the funkiest magic dust...



Thx Alot Nukkelinukkumattus.

I hope it will finnish where I live....

Great pictures as always.


Active member
hey bom what's your latitude? i grow at north 62 and all those strains that you got will finnish just fine with me!

hello nukkumasa!


Thanks guys!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed Bom !

Girls are way too dark and overdosed at the moment..Too much work lately and just been watering them with not enough attention.. Well my own fault. Gave just water last night and tonight too :) Hope they bounce back quickly..

Some pollinated lower branches..:)

And canopy shots from the veg and flower :)

Soon to be 2 x flower :)

Just have to get the veg area fixed:)


Nice canopy. You've got the good times coming.

I am at latitude 60, so I guess I should be fine. I'm just a little bit pessimistic since last years outdoor grow failed miserably. I didn't do my homework.... Just bought alot of dutch strains with "early"(early misty. etc...) in the beginning of their name. Had like 30-40 plants out and put a lot of work too it. They hardly startet flowering before the frost came in the beginning of oct.

I have grown a couple of indoorgrows, one with cfl and one with hps, so I know that the plant CAN flower. he he.

I didn't know about theese internet-communities of growers when i bought the seeds, (didn't even have internet....) so i got totally wrong strains i guess.BUT, I learned alot about growing i think, so It wasn't a total waste of time. I enjoyed watching them grow through the season eventhough they didn't flower.

I might aswell give you something to laugh at.... This must have been the worst harvest ever.....

Here is the total :

About 10 grams.

I realize that the strains I have now probably will finnish. I just have to see it with my own eyes to believe it.

Later m8ts


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Bom again
:D:D That's one funny looking drying space!:D

I'm sure you'll have some better genetics for nordic outdoor this time:)

I'm novice in outdoor growing, specially here in Finland. Took few harvest in thailand with some dutch and thai genetics :) But it's easy there, the Island where I lived the soil is so rich in the jungle that almost only thing you needed to do was getting rid of the other plants :D Nothing too overhelming harvests but something something :D:D

Here I been planting just couple of summers but my main targed is indoor :) this summer I'll try ti get some outdoor bud done! :)


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to nukkumatti again.

yeah what's up with that message, I didn't get that earlier. You know?

That's one funny looking drying space!

He he. It's gonna be real funny when i put my homebox xs up on the top there. all the way in the back. Just enough room to fit it in up there. A friend of mine has been borrowing it, but I'll get it back tomorrow i think. Can't wait to set it up.

I've been to Thailand a number of times btw.Great country. Spent most of my time over there in Cambodia and Indo though.

See ya!


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to nukkumatti again.
yeah what's up with that message, I didn't get that earlier. You know?
That's just the ICMAG gay shield..We like too much of each other ! :D:D
No You just have to spread your loving/rep to other members too :) And then come back to ME !! :D:D:D

Evil reefer madness is a mind eating troll!! Hawkwind rules!!:D

Yeah mon Sihanoukville! :) Bamboo island.. Laos and other beatiful places! :) Use to Tech-diving /deepdiving with trimix and other gasmixes in Indonesia :) Good good outlaw FUN!!:D First you hangaround 100 meters below and then you get partying like an ANIMAL!!:D
I lived in very remote small island in Thailand back then. Wouldn't do it again tho.. Too many fucking tourists now!.. Even that I made my living out of them, but way back then we just get enough money to get by.. And lowseasons no tourists at all!! Then when it got bigger I moved to southern parts.. Nakhon Si Thammarat. Very nice place.. Only locas and we lived on the country side harvestings ramputans and jackfruits!!:D With a bit weed!:) And Loakhao or loadaeng..The spirits of gods!!:D:D


Sihanoukville man. Such amazingly great memories from that place. It will have a big place in my heart forever. I was there right after the terroristattacks in 2001. Practicly no tourist there because everybody thought ww3 was coming.ha ha ha. Did you know that compare too the ratio of murder per capita, the times we live in now, is the most peaceful of all? People think everything is so fucked up, when it really has never been better.

Anyways. Stayed there for many months. Got to know all the local expats, and a lot of khmers too. Stayed at "Mick and Craig's". Do you remember that bar/hotel? One of the few bar's in Sihanoukville where you were aloud to smoke up. All those empty sandy beaches that went for miles and miles are filled up with hotels now probably.

In Thailand I didn't stay for long at the same places, expect for three weeks in Ko Tao.

Sumatra was another favourite place of mine. Jungle life was freaking me out, but I loved it at the same time. Encoutered 3-4 meter big Cannabisplants there. It was a sight. It is also the cheapes place I have ever bought weed. Got a Hecto for 25 Dollars, and that was touristprice!!!!! It was great weed too. I guess Sumatra supplyes most of the weed in Indonesia.

I didn't reckognice the places you had stayed in Thailand, but It sounds like you had a great time over there too.

Later m8.


Jeah man!
I went to asia 98/99 and came back 2003.. Beatiful times before all this fucking money greeding came in.. :)

Yeah remember that bar.. Even that my memories are a bit faint from time to time!!:D:D Have lost few months completely!!:D:D:D


If our going there again...This place's for us!!


I'm looking for a place where to open my own small bungalow resort... Organic food preferably home grown in my own yard + ganja for the guests! No tourists what so ever. I don't need the money, only the place :D Country where I can own my land and I feel welcome..With loose laws :) That's my mission :D

Jiihaa !! :dance013:
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:D Some mixed bud pics from the vert. location ;)

Sorry I can't really fit there to take any decent pics..

Powerstroyer + SSH


Some powerstroyers, C99, ssh sssdh...etc getting ready! :) They're going in when the current flowering comes down :)

Thinking to hit 30 + on two rows vert. with zero veg in vertical..