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Nug shots from 420

Dr. D

Active member
I took a fair few pics whilst in dam and all of them bar a few are of hash and nug shots so as i upload il post em up here for you all to see..there were many many flavours floating around..i didnt think much to most of the dutch weed except from Amnesia Coffeeshop and of course the weed grown and bought in by ICers...i cant remember what all the pics were but i think i can remember most..anyway enough talking heres some shots
First up MODS Dreamweaver first thing i was passed when i got to Seed Boutique

Im pretty sure this is OG Kush from Amnesia named OJ kush

Next up is Grey Diesel from Grey Area

And this is just awesome i love large pieces of hash :yoinks:

I know you guys are loving that pic..its Sherazade Afghani plants grown in Morocco the Moroccan way..i have a small sample of some i havent smoked yet i think il save it..more to come dont go away :sasmokin:


well well dr.D, i see you got a pic of that nice Sherazade hash too. it was great meeting you man. i really enjoyed your company at dinner. good choice of place, we lucked out mwith the menues lol. great pics so far mate i look forward to more.....

peace out


Dr. D

Active member
Well all i know about these is they were all from the Amnesia coffeeshop and were all taken in there so im not sure what they are...something from the Amnesia menu lol

And this is the superb bubble truecannabliss made and bought with him..no-one will forget this hash it was some tasty shit and i think pretty much everyone felt its effects..i know Abby Normal did lol...come to think of it one of those pics or maybe both could have come from trues jar and may be G13widow maybe he can confirm that...theres still plenty more to come...


Hey those nugs look familiar...hehe looking good Dr._D. Had a blast chilling with you and cant wait to do it again. Damnit i got weed all over my keyboard... :joint:

Dr. D

Active member
Hey Gaius was great to meet you too man..and that food was great wasnt it?
Il defo be eating there again when i next visit dam.
Heres some more budshots

I think this may be Mako Haze or a Cambodian Haze

And im not sure what these are no memory whatsoever lol
Heres a nice shot from the walk back to the hotel one night....still more to upload...


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Those buds are TOP: Sourbubble BOTTOM:G13/Widow
Glad you got those pics coz i forgot to get any.....i'll pass back with a few pics i did take.

Dr. D

Active member
Hey Cal didnt see you there..im counting down till next year also mate cant wait to meet my IC friends again and make some new ones..
true hey man thanks for the indentification...heres some more...

This huge nug was either CherryBomb or SSH from Reeferman which ever it was it smelt great.

This one was Sour Diesel that true bought from Amnesia i think.

Next up is some of Brightside's awesome Cheese

Such lovely nuggage was going around in Hunters bar i so surprised i can remember any of it..some of it was so top notch though that it makes it quite hard to forget :yummy: i can almost smell it now


Great pix Dr.D

Thanks for posting your pix......now I can verify that what I thought I had seen was all real....haha.


Active member
Nice shots!... Brightside's cheese is the only one I'm sure of that I've smoked... I've been curious for this one for some time... very tasty, I've enjoyed... well grown!

Hi Jahminded, I see you've made it back home?... Hope you enjoyed your trip!

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SativaBelieva said:
Nice shots!... Brightside's cheese is the only one I'm sure of that I've smoked... I've been curious for this one for some time... very tasty, I've enjoyed... well grown!

Hi Jahminded, I see you've made it back home?... Hope you enjoyed your trip!


Yeah man...I made it in yesterday....I absolutely enjoyed my trip...thanks to folks like you that were so welcoming....cant wait till next year...... :woohoo:


Active member
Hey Dr D!

Nice pics and good to see you posting of our fun. I did enjoy the Diesel from Amnesia, although did not stand up to Rez sour....but still good herb. What I personally liked alot was the cambodian haze....that stuff took me for a ride...smoked a big fat spliff all too myself early in the am....talked about a stoned morning.......man.
Your a cool mofo Dr. D, and made quite the impression on me daughter and myself. Good manners go along way with me, and you had them...good stuff.
Great pics....hope to see you next year!
Drop me a PM some interesting stuff happening around here.......


My man Dr D, It was a pleasure to hang with you again. It was most fun. I wish next time to spend more time with you talking and toking.


Man...cool seeing so many people from the event online.

Glad to see both Johnbudd and Smokey made it back to the States safe and sound. Hope both you guys and your families are doing well. L8.

Guest 10952

Great pix DrD. That Kush looked pretty good man. Diesel is always a nice treat too.


Somehow I missed you Alex, how did that happen? Would have been nice to toke one up with you.


damn, i have to get out there next year! the MOD's sure get my hopes up for the freebies i got from gypsy!

Dr. D

Active member
Hey everyone was great smokin with all of you..it was so much more chilled than last year giving more time to chat and smoke with peeps..i cant wait to do it again and bring some of my goodies for you all to try..anyway heres more pics..this is some bubble trichomefarmer and truecannabliss were loading up in the bong gaius rented i think there may be some of trues hash and maybe tf's Sage too

At one point true was loading the bong up giving it to gaius to go off and hit people up with it..lol...
I think this bud is CherryBomb

And this is a bud of Love Potion that gaius had

Next is something really special this is Hindu Kush from a 30 year old cutting, this was a really nice smoke id love to get hold of a cutting of this

i was feeling pretty wasted by this point i remember i was sat with JohnBud his daughter Peter a Canadian guy and i cant remeber the other guys name..mmn a good half of that bud went in a joint and it was bigger than it looks in the pics..heres the bud after Peter rolled some of it up

...still more to come..man i wish i was still there :pimp3: