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Nothern Lights Producer


So, I started my first grow with a Hydro box that fits up to 18 clones....I got some clones and transplanted them into my 3 inch cubes...(no water in the reservoir as there are no roots yet)...just hand watered when dried out and foliar as well twice a day....first few days everything was awesome...then 2 of the plants died...I assumed it was because they had the fan blowing directly against them but there was nothing I could do to avoid that. I only had my cfl and 2 t5's on and was waiting for the roots to show in order to pop on my MH bulbs as well...anyways, yellowing leaves....dying plants....what am I doing wrong? Only been feeding some common, grow, and super B along with some plantacillin... any thoughts?


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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Mega Chron

The wind from the fan is drawing water out of the plants faster than the baby roots can take up . [Do you actually have roots ?]

The hand watering isn`t keeping up .If they have roots turn on the pump . Also keep nutes 1/3 - 1/2 strength till you see lots of white healthy roots . Then crank it up slowly to EC 1.2 .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Were they rooted in sumthin already before the cubes????? Maybe they just didnt make it.... also did u presoak the rw u transplanted into.... that could start killing clones off to...u wanna soakem at 5.2 for a few hrs.... also if the blocks were soaked they could choke the roots also to dry could of cooked them.. many possible factors could led to there demise... i would rock ur system on so that it stays somewhat wet at all times... roots would be drawn to the water...good luck


Yeah, I realized the fan was also an issue (I actually have 2 producers both clones died in the same spot in both...so that leads to the fan being an issue for those specific ones. But yeah the rest of them are not up to par...

They were pre-rooting in 1 inch cubes then I pre-soaked 3 inch cubes at about 5.5ph then placed them in. As mentioned since that time I have only either sprayed them or hand watered and didn't have the tub on...I have reduced nutrient intake since yesterday and that seemed to have helped in the sense that they haven't gotten any worse. I haven't seen roots pop out of the 3 inch cubes...I was told not to fill the tub unless I see roots otherwise the rockwool may get mold or root rot may be caused. I'll keep you all posted..but any other suggestions or help is welcome.


Roots came out at least half the crop today, so I'm going to fill the tub...I held off a bit on the feeding...just sprayed once with plantacilliin with ph 5.5. There are at least 6 or 7 that are dead (from the fan blowing too hard directly at them) but I'm going to give them a few days to get back in action...hopefully the hydro tub speeds the healing process. I'll keep this thread going with the progress of the plants...if they all die then I'll just re crop and start over with new clones. I'll keep you all posted and I'll pop on some more photos as things develop.


UPDATE - Producer Progress

UPDATE - Producer Progress

So quick update with a few photos to boot...

I spent two days giving the plants essentially nothing except a foliar spray once a day with some plantacillin in it.

Today roots started popping out the bottom of most all the plants (living ones) so I filled the reservoir (its a 34 litre tub and I have 2 of them). For 34 litres I added only half the nutrients I would normally add if the plants were healthy but because I've narrowed the yellowing down to overfeeding I decided to keep this week low nutrients and slowly bring them back up.

I've provided a photo which shows the nutes I'm working with at the moment for this portion for the growth stage...We got some Common, Grow, Super B+, Plantacillin, Veg Boom Plus, and PH up/down.

I set my ph levels to 5.5 for both tubs and my measurements were asl follows:

Veg Boom plus:17ml
Super B:30ml

This is half the recommended dosage of each nute. I don't plan on adding more until next week if the plants pick up in colour and size/root development.

I may do a couple foliar sprays during the week.

So the photos I posted show the nutes im using...one of the grow boxes to show how the fan hits the plants on the left and they died cause they couldnt handle it. I also took some up close of a few of the unhealthy plants as well as the drip system cause I think a lot of you are interested in this system/product.

I'll take a photo of the roots once they really come out. :)


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Update: Roots + Progress

Update: Roots + Progress

So the past couple days I've been giving these guys a few hours of added MH bulbs to ease them into the transition of having them in on a full 18 hours. Along with that some roots popped and so I filled the hydro tub with the nutrients as previously mentioned and the plants seem to be recovering and growing as well as rooting quite rapidly. I've noticed a significant change within the past 48 hours.

I threw out all of the dead ones and checked the bottom and sides of their rockwool to see if they had rooted...it seemed they just died and didn't root into the rockwool and dried out from the fan. Speaking of fans...now that I have the MH bulbs in (Two per producer - one on each side of the top of the box) I needed to add extra airflow and decrease temperatures so I added the clip on fan and am keeping a close eye on my thermometer to make sure it doesn't get too hot.

Photos included show the root progress...the health situation and rebound of the clones...they even grew a bit taller :) As well as a wide shot of the clip fan. I'll eventually merge what I have into one producer and fill the 18 slots available then take the remainder and make moms out of the best ones. I'm hoping they recover completely within a weeks time or less.

I'll keep you all posted!


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I'm also posting updates and photos for those of you interested in the grow and the producers etc... Feel free to ask me any questions and thanks for the help. :)


Cleaning out the first tub

Cleaning out the first tub

So far so good...Today I decided to clean out my first reservoir...this was my first time doing this using this system. I filled the rubbermaid tub with 36 litres of water yesterday and let it sit over night (2l of which i plan to use to freeze into ice cubes for a weekly chill on the roots). 34 litres goes into the actual reservoir and I mixed the nutrients earlier in the day than let it sit for 6 hours before actually filling the tub and checking ph. Once I had the ph set to 5.5 I waited a few more hours then used the producers flush out system to drain all the old water from the hydro tub. It gets a majority of it out but there's about a 1/3 of a litre of water and sediment from nutrients that had to be cleaned out by hand (which either way I would clean the tub each time to keep things clean). I swapped the hose with the new water and released to valve and let her fill.

While that was going on I took a look at root development and a closer look at the plants...the yellowing is almost non-existent on most of the plants...there are 2 left that are having a hard time either bouncing back or rooting so they are the only unhealthy plants in the bunch. The other producer box I have will be cleaned out tomorrow and new water with nutes poured in as well.

This time around I gave the exact dosage required for the plants instead of a half dosage like last time...I think they have bounced back enough that they can handle a normal dose of nutrients. They have also grown quite a bit. Anyways...here is an updated set of images...


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hydro tub filling

hydro tub filling

just a quick photo I forgot to add of the hydro tub nd another close up of one of the plants..


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The BC Northern Lights Producer

The BC Northern Lights Producer

How did you bulid this system? Can you give the plan of it?

Thanks and cheers


Hi Canna,

I did not build this system myself. For a while I was looking into grow boxes that were high quality and also easy to maintain. After lots of research and seeing people who built stuff from scratch etc I figured that the best result for what I wanted was to go with a company called BC Northern Lights. They sell a variety of grow boxes that cater to different needs and cycles etc... I purchased 2 of their Producer boxes which holds 18 plants in each. The reason why I ended up choosing to purchase this system instead of building one or purchasing from elsewhere is because these ones seemed to have the best reviews, I lived closed by to their warehouse so I got to go have a look at them up close and personal. It is essentially set up and good to go with very easy work to start up. Reservoir change once a week and they even made that super easy with these hoses that connect to rubbermaid bins that just auto fill. I could go on and on but I suggest you check them out on their website or on youtube...I've seen a couple videos there. Their customer support is also pretty good, they are on hand most of the day and will even help if you have issues with your crop...they provide you with an in depth manual that covers how to grow your crop successfully and a years worth of nutrients which I have shown a photo of some of them in a previous post. If you are looking for a grow box that is essentially industrial but for a good personal high yielding grow...this is the box for you. :) I'll continue to post more updates so keep an eye on my thread and if you have any further questions just ask. Some people say..."oh well I can make a box like that" etc...but honestly they put a lot of thought and effort intot he design and function of these boxes...they work wonders...no smell...no moisture or humidity build up, venting in and out on its own, auto watering system and timer for the lights...co2 tank hook up...carbon filter as well. due to the MH bulbs if you have it in a smaller room I'm sure it would get quite hot...heat would be a factor with this product so I suggest you understand that it will need a room that is cool and probably air conditioned when the MH bulbs are on...but other than that its solid and I'm happy with my purchase so far. I'm actually planning to buy a third one down the road.


Another Update

Another Update

I was filling my second tub today and saw significant growth in height as well as in the roots. Here are photos from today...


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Update & ROOT ROT

Update & ROOT ROT

So another overdue update...

I ran into a few heat issues/concerns and as a result of which I got some root rot. Lucky for me I have detected it early and did a complete clean down and drain of my tubs and have been keeping things stable using H2O2.

I'm going to start on some Hydrozyme for the next couple weeks...I clipped all the browning roots and did not introduce any new nutes that include bacterial cultures so the root rot doesn't spread as much.

Although root rot isn't a huge concern it will set me back a week or two in growth as I don't want to continue my cycle with rotted plants. I'd rather get them healthy again then continue on. The plants are fine other than the rot...a little algae growing on the rockwool where the light goes through the hole (I took a close up photo) but I don't cure my algae problem as it usually takes care of itself.

You can see in the photos I took that my leaves are all curled down...classic first sign of root rot. Don't freak out if this happens...I would recommend you always keep a hydrozyme mix in your nutes regardless if root rot is present when you are running a hydro tub...cause you will more likely than not get root rot or assume you already have it. Hydro systems are prone to root rot so I saw it coming, especially with the warmer temperatures.

I'm not worried about the root rot as much as I am concerned with my heat issue at the moment. Anyways...here are some updated images....


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These were a few extra photos I had taken today as well....


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I fixed that problem with rockwool using H2O2 10% with a presure sprayer. You hit the rockwool hard with the presure of the spayers from really close, and you can see the H2O2 make bubbles and clean your rockwool!

I was worried when that happened to me, and it only took me 5 minutes to fix it!


I fixed that problem with rockwool using H2O2 10% with a presure sprayer. You hit the rockwool hard with the presure of the spayers from really close, and you can see the H2O2 make bubbles and clean your rockwool!

I was worried when that happened to me, and it only took me 5 minutes to fix it!

Cool I have a pressure sprayer on hand so next time I swap out the tub I will give that a shot. Do you find you get root rot in your hydro system either way?

From what I understand of it, it's essentially impossible not to get root rot in a hydro system unless you are always using the hydrozyme or aquaguard or whatever.

I'll try out the sprayer either way...I just got a new one and haven't had a chance to use it so this will give me the opportunity to test that sucker out. :)

Thanks for the tips and comments guys! I'll be sure to post most as they develop.