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Not sure what's happening


So the first plant I'm going to show is a bullrider. She's actually a really d strain a friend gave me. He's says "she's tired" and pulled her from the cycle. I loved the strain and was happy to take it for it's final run.

I've made her nice and big, even tho she's had a deficiency since I got her. I was using an sensi grow as a main veg food, sum times I use stuff like fasilitor, nirvana, Epsom salt, and all kinds of bennies. I never ph my feed that goes into dirt, as I'm under the impression there is a natural buffer. So possibites of deficiency are : calcium, iron, magnesium, and all possible because of ph?

You'll notice I put the plant pretty much straigh in the bag, I was hoping a the fresh dirt and space for roots would really help the deficiency but it definitely worse. I wouldn't know how to test ph this way.
Any pictures after the big bag of dirt are yoda og. The person who gave them to me said he only brewed organic tea for them. I've had them about three days. I have no idea what's wrong with those ones...


Active member
...a good organic soil does indeed buffer ph but, lol.

if it were me i'd check the runoff ph just to see what was coming out of my rootmass.

...sorry i can't be of more help but i'm a coco grower who put down the soil some years ago not to mention how difficult it is to diagnose the cause of something like this even with pics, ...hopefully some of the soil experts will chime in soon.

...like i said i grow in coco, hempy's to be exact and i feed KISS style and i NEVER have problems like this, my op practically runs itself.


peace, bozo

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Looks like nute lockout, prolly cause you are not checking the PH in your run off, the soil could be loaded with nutes, you will see the PH in the soil drop when this happens. You should feed soil mediums with a PH around 6.0.

You will likely need to flush them out real good, and pick off the leaves that haven't recovered.

What strength ratio are you using?

Is it PH perfect?

Are you using RO water or Tap Water?

What soil medium and where did it come from?



I am using ro water. It is the ph perfect version. I don't like the brown gunk it causes in my dwc, (always happens but plants are healthy, I figure the gunk wi eventually be a problem. so I literally switched to lucas two days ago. The bullrider hasn't received it yet tho. I've been using the water out my hydro Rez, ranging from 5.5-6.0.

The soil is now fox farm ocean forest. I have no idea what dirt it came with, or what dirt the yoda Og are in.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you guys focused on the bullrider? The og has some weird necrotic spot but I'm not sure if it's phosphorous. Are most compost teas low in phos?

@bozo what size light is that? How do you cool it!?? It's so close to the babies!


Active member
I am using ro water. It is the ph perfect version. I don't like the brown gunk it causes in my dwc, (always happens but plants are healthy, I figure the gunk wi eventually be a problem. so I literally switched to lucas two days ago. The bullrider hasn't received it yet tho. I've been using the water out my hydro Rez, ranging from 5.5-6.0.

The soil is now fox farm ocean forest. I have no idea what dirt it came with, or what dirt the yoda Og are in.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems you guys focused on the bullrider? The og has some weird necrotic spot but I'm not sure if it's phosphorous. Are most compost teas low in phos?

@bozo what size light is that? How do you cool it!?? It's so close to the babies!

in your previous posts you made no mention of DWC which is a completely different animal than soil and requires some very different skills.

anyway, that light is a single, barebulb 600HPS and i have a fan on the floor blowing straight up at the bulb and it's up there where the exhaust fan is located, that's really all i do to cool the light, ...well, lol, except i also use the fencing stapled to the walls as an anchor point so i can tie my stems and keep them from getting too close to the light.

here's a couple more pics to clarify.



...and here is a link to a discussion of this style of growing authored by a real expert.

Benefits of Vertical Growing

...over the years i've struggled with several styles of growing as i searched for a way to achieve reliable, repeatable results and it turns out, at least in my case, that simplicity was the answer.

so instead of a high-density micro-SOG with 55 plantlets in DIY 1liter SmartWater bottle 'pots' filled with organic soil inside a warddrobe sized cabinet, i now grow 8 plants in 6liter coco hempy buckets around a barebulb 600 in my closet and i feed KISS style with Jack's Pro Hydro and Cal/Nit from seedling or rooted clone right through harvest, ...shit practically grows itself compared to what the workload USED to be.




...anyway, that's my story and i'm sticking to it, lol.

peace, bozo


Active member
...btw, here is a look at the outside of that cab where the only modification you can see is the lock i installed just under the door handle.


peace, bozo


Oh wow, I remember your cab, I'm fairly positive I've read some of your work/posts in my studies the last two years. Like I said I've been a long time lurker :D thanks for posting bro!

But yes I am running bio buckets on the other side of the bullrider, you can kinda see em in the overall side shot of the bullrider. :p

I'm tempted to flush such a huge amount of dirt with my hose, should I just suck it up and use the ro? I have one for drinking so I only get three gallons at a time, honest after just type it that I'm prolly gonna do just that.

At the moment my issues are in dirt! Was why there was no mention of the dwc, I'm using that same netting you use but to make a script screens attached to each individual bucket, I felt all clever making them :woohoo:

Also I have temps ranging from 73-80, rh is 30-60, Rez temps 70-72. I use heisenbergs tea :tiphat:

Vertical growing is legit, I'm all for it and have done a bit of reading on it, and will definitely check the link, thank you. I didn't think that cooling a bulb as you do would be so simple? I'm assuming you use an a/c too? What's your temps run?
This is my first legit(? I wouldn't say big time but I'm trying to use the room the best I can) and I decided to scrog at an attempt for more yield.

Do you mind if I ask your average yield? You actually have two more plants around you 600 than I have biobuckets under one 600.

I have two 600hps with a 400mh inbetween for spectrum. I've considerd making it a ups or even a 600. All cool tubes.


Something else I guess worth mention is I haven't gone over 600 ppm with this plant, after I flush tonight, should I bump up ppm for such a big plant?


Active member
Gotta ph your feedings. I'd say a ph burn then a secondary lock out. The only time I never ph is with top dressings. Even with top dressings it's good to have some oyster shells crushed and alkaline foods.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I am all confused now you have DWC and Soil?

You need to use Calmag with your RO water, could be Calmag def.

I haven't really understood your exact situation.

DWC and OR soil, still looks like Lockout, or Calmag def.



$$ ALONE $$
All my seedlings are doing the SAME exact thing right now and I dont know what it is. I havent changed a thing. Some strains are fine and others are getting burned to shit like yours. I use FFOF mixed with 40% Chunky Perlite
I t/p'ed into bigger pots hoping it would help but they are getting worse.
I use only tap water. It takes 16 drops of down to get it at 6.3 ph (estimate).
All my other plants are doing fine. Its just the Chemmy Jones and GrandoggyPurps.
The last run doing the same thing with the same seeds was fine.
What changed? Im at a complete loss.


When I t/p'ed this one it looked fine. (this pic) Now its completely burned, in 2 days after t/ping them.

They all look way worse now after T/Ping them~

Anything I can do?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
They may be shocked from transplanting them, if you have some superthrive you may want to add some to R/O water, Calmag should be fine as long as there is no Nitrogen in the mix, some manufacturers us nitrogen in there recipe.



Active member
All my seedlings are doing the SAME exact thing right now and I dont know what it is. I havent changed a thing. Some strains are fine and others are getting burned to shit like yours. I use FFOF mixed with 40% Chunky Perlite
I t/p'ed into bigger pots hoping it would help but they are getting worse.
I use only tap water. It takes 16 drops of down to get it at 6.3 ph (estimate).
All my other plants are doing fine. Its just the Chemmy Jones and GrandoggyPurps.
The last run doing the same thing with the same seeds was fine.
What changed? Im at a complete loss.
Im afraid to give them any Cal-Mag+ thinking they will burn even worse. Is that what they need maybe?
View Image

When I t/p'ed this one it looked fine. (this pic) Now its completely burned, in 2 days after t/ping them.
View Image

They all look way worse now after T/Ping them~
View Image

Anything I can do?

Fox Farms is hot. Too hot for seedlings. They should grow out of it. Next time, start seedlings in Fox Farms or Miracle Grow Seed Starter Mix, then transplant once the roots have filled up a transparent Solo cup.


Well I thought I explained it pretty well in the first post but I'll try again. Starting with this:


What Strain is it? I have multiple strains. Yoda og, alien og , gsc, pink lemonade, purple lemon kush, bullrider, giga bud, the white.

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Mostly indica hybrids except for link lemonade, mostly sativA.

How Many Plants? 8 alien, 2 gsc, 6 purple lemon kush, 2 the white, 1 Giga bud, 1 pink lemonade

Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Veg

If in Vegetative Stage... How Long? Not sure on the today of, I've had them three weeks but were given to me as "teens" . The gsc is about 6 weeks. All of the other strains are 1 week

Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor.

Soil or Hydro? Both. Ima try and keep it simple; plants IN DIRT, separate from my bio buckets, are bullrider and yoda og. IN BIO-BUCKETS I have 8 alien og. IN COCO, next to my dirt plants, is all of the other strains listed.

If Hydro, Reservoir size? Control Rez is 5 gallons but system hold a total of 35 gallons, all the "mini reservoirs"

If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?70-72

If Hydro, what type of Medium? Grow stones,
If Hydro, what type of Setup? Bio Buckets

If Soil... What is in your Mix? Earth worm castings and ffof.

If Soil... What Size Pot?3 gallons or the whole bag?

Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? 2 600 hps, 1 400 my

Is it Air Cooled? Yes, tubes

Temperature of Room/Cabinet? Room is 70-79

RH of Room/Cabinet? 30-60%

PH of Medium or Reservoir? Here's another tricky part. I haven't pHd the bullrider( in dirt) at all. Everything else I ph. The bio buckets get 5.8-6.0. The coco gets the same, the yoda og, also in dirt gets 6.5-6.8.

Any Pests? No

How Often are you Watering? 1-2 times per week as needed.

Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Everything was very lowwww. It used to be oh perfect sensi grow with liquid karma, and fasilitor, Epsom salts. 600 ppm for bullrider .
The alien og got about 110 ppm of b52 and root excelurator. I was scared to burn them. I've a week they've been bumped up to about 320 ppm of Lucas formulae with fasilotor and Epsom salt.

Size or Square Footage of Room? 10x12

Ok, so that's the basic break down. Now I guess more specifics. From post number 1;

It's sitting in the entire bag if fox farm. It had the deficiency when it was In a 3 gallon pot of ffof and ewc, so I transplanted into the big bag. In fact I received it as a "teen" with the weird yellowing/purpleing of the bottom leaves.

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