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Not being able to smoke..


Active member
So as some of you may know I was busted back in march and charged with a Class A misdamenor for 7th degree posession of a controlled substance and a Violation for 7th degree posession of "marihuana". I have no prior record at all never used my Y/O and the only plea bargain I could get was a year of drug court, they wouldn't drop either charge down. I failed my first drug test and did a 3 week sanction in jail which was shitty to say the least, even spent my birthday there.

Anyways, I can't smoke the bud I love so much for the next year. I haven't smoked in almost 2 months and I'm still testing dirty on my random drug tests so my time in drug court hasn't even started yet. I'm trying to stay away from weed-related places like parties and concerts and this website but this just sucks. I've been keeping busy doing things and also trying to find a job. 2 months and I'm still craving to smoke like its a drug!! This just sucks and I don't know what to do I was hoping some of you could offer some advice



Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Get a whizzinator...smoke all you want OR

just bite the bullet and don't smoke....just my 2 Cents


you just have to bide your time man. Keep yourself occupied. Try not to stay bored for any long periods of time. go out for walks, try to avoid places/things that trigger your smoking. I havent had any smoke in 4-5 days & since im not in the usual environment I usually am I am actually doing alright. I quit smoking but I still love it, always will. I have personal reasons why I quit however, it wasnt by force. I doubt you will get a lot of advice on this site considering most everyone on here smokes.. I do wish you the best of luck tho. it isnt easy.


Active member
i was considering the whizzinator but i wouldnt want to risk it because if i got caught doing that id get sent to jail for a long time.. that and i dont have a steady supply of clean urine i could use from somebody who'd be willing to give it to me whenever i have a random drug test. ive been getting random toxes like 4 times a week. ive been keeping busy but everything i do im used to catching a little buzz before. its a learning process i guess, thanks for the support


Yeah, almost as bad as seeing a brother have to do down time is seeing one they let go... Just to suffer for all of us to see. He can't smoke the herb or he goes into a cage. Like shock treatment for a dog. You got to love your country.


hey man, I have a good idea for you Marcellas...why not start a workout regimen? You said you're still coming up dirty after not smoking for a while...working out will get out all the thc stored up in your fat cells and you will feel great! It doesnt' even take long...10 minutes of cardio and like 20 minutes of lifting.


Well-known member
I did a stent in drug court two years ago.It Fn sucked balls. I passed every UA and I was smoken the erb.(once a week) The trick is change you eating habits and over hydrate. The more you piss the less THC in it. I told them my piss is never yellow and they bought it.

Just a Q are they useing the cups with the test stips in them?


New member
Marcellas, you have my sympathies. This is so unfair.

You must move on right? No choice, you must quit.

So... you must fill this need with a new obsession. Dedicate yourself to something transformative and addictive for the next couple of years. Become a fitness freak. Go back to school and start a new discipline and career. Become a kayak enthusiast. Start a business. Something. If you have any anger over this, use it. DOn't let those assholes beat you down even more. Become stronger.

In the back of your mind (or maybe on a calendar) you can plan and schedule your reunion with Mary Jane.... that day will seem like your eventual reward, but there will be other unanticipated rewards as well... meanwhile you must replace the smoke with something equally compelling.

Good luck.


Its not that hard to stop smoking pot. Especially when your freedom is at stake. If your still failing random drug tests two months later it sounds like your still smoking IMO...Man up and find something else to occupy that time. It will be worth it in the end... Why drag a year of drug court out to two or three because you can't stop smoking.. Easier to get it over with and move on man


I did a stent in drug court two years ago.It Fn sucked balls. I passed every UA and I was smoken the erb.(once a week) The trick is change you eating habits and over hydrate. The more you piss the less THC in it. I told them my piss is never yellow and they bought it.

Just a Q are they useing the cups with the test stips in them?

Clear urine pisses off testers. I used to to tell them i've doing treamills and such at the gym trying to get into shape and drinking a lot of water instead of anything else.. THat usually gets you a doubtful maybe he isn't lying, but its a better reason than other lame excuses. I hate drug testers. Lots of water all the time. Keep hydrating. Never get drunk the night before a drug test either. I learned that the hard way. All the water and pectin i usually drink to pass tests didn't work that one time. I was so dehydrated my body just sucked up the water and never came out...
My background is similar to yours.

I have a 4th degree felony. I was charged with possession of a controlled substance, ecstasy. :fsu:

I had never been arrested before, so where i live, i qualified for first time offender probation.

2 years.

I visited my probation officer once every 2 weeks at first
didn't smoke at all... then got switched to once every month...

now im 17 months in, i got 7 months to go. I visit her once every 3 months since i've passed every single drug test.

I used the "dilution method" look it up, its written about in a lot of places. Now i just don't risk it and quit smoking about a month and a half before i visit her.

Yeah it sucks... but you know what? For me, a felony would be even worse.

just resist if you can,

but i love MJ too.


Active member
no i havent smoked since the day i got sent to jail i have no reason to lie to you guys. i call in every morning to 2 different places to see if its my turn for a random drug test. the probation office is the first, and they do the standard 5 dipstick test. and the second place i call is the counciling center which sends it into a lab. i usually have at least 3-4 tests a week. one day i had 2 tests in a row so after the first test i drank a bottle of water so i could go again, and tested negative but the test came up "dilute" because of creatine levels and they accused me of slipping toilet water into the cup. its really not worth it smoking when i get random tests pretty much everyday and its not worth going to jail and fucking up drug court. ive just been trying to find something else i have passion in but for some reason i cant, which sounds pathetic i know.

the workout regimine seams like a great idea, ive been trying to eat a lot of food to gain weight cause im so skinny and working out will help im sure. i go to college and all that i just need a job to keep busy. but its hard to find a job with counciling 4 times a week, narcotics annonymous 4 times a week, 1-on-1 counciling sessions, drug court every week, random drug tests, and going to school full time. last year i actually quit smoking for a few months on my own because i started playing rugby for school and actually never even thought about i felt so great about myself and felt amazing physically it was some of the best times of my life.

as for drinking the night before a test, why is that a problem? ive been drinking 2-3 beers everynight pretty much just to catch a buzz and even get breathalyzed the next morning before counciling and never had a problem. im just having trouble finding something else im passionate about i dont know why. thanks a lot guys


Active member
i think a big part of my problem is that all my friends just sit around and smoke all day and ive been staying away from them because it makes me want to blaze more. so ive been a loner and by myself a lot not doing much. thats why i want to find a job so bad so i can get associated with a new croud and do different things that are fun like sports and fuckin girls haha!! a girl in my life that i love would be such a great help to but ive been such a loner lately its pathetic. and ive been applying all over but its so hard with my schedule, the temp agency didnt even call me back..

luckily one of my best friends from my rugby team gets out of air force training next month and he never got into smoking or any habits like that so ive been really looking forward to hanging out with him again, gettin back into sports, and living the college life like i did for awhile last year. i miss those times, i couldnt believe while i was in jail how less than a year before i was playing rugby, partying with girls all the time and was such a likeable guy than all of a sudden i ended up in jail and nobody really talks to me anymore. boy how quickly life changes!


Well-known member
brother my good friend did 2 yrs drug court and he is epileptic and uses pot for it he had to stop using weed and started having seisures ,had to take meds for that and that fucked him up but he made it thru was the 1st in the county to make it without 1 mess up did all the classes ,kept the journels they want he did the whole 9 yrds and graduated on 4/20 couple yrs back now .now he puffs again no more meds for the epil.
oh and i wish ya the best of luck man


Active member
thats horrible. it should be a sin or illegal to keep a grown man from his herb. whenever i crave to smoke i just remember how horrible i felt when i was locked up. its just adjusting to sober life thats such a problem for me. im so bored all the time i feel like i have less motivation than when i did smoke. i just turned into such a loner before i got arrested all i was hanging out with was druggies that had no ambition and sat around all day getting fucked up, now im avoiding them and i have nobody really. it just sucks
Travel Shampoo Bottle

Clean Piss

Keep close to the body to keep around 98 degrees

How can someone fail at this? It is a pure win if your not a fucking fool. I don't see how people are scared of non-parole piss tests. (parole always wants to see your cock from what i heard, cause i'm not dumb enough to get sent to prison and they won't take me alive)


Active member
the probation and drug court piss tests he stands right next to me and watcnes me whip my shit out and everything. he looks at my dick the whole time im pissing, theres no way around it. i dont blame them with so many junkies and shit trying to get away with others peoples piss. smoking is not an option for me for the next year. im just trying to find a way to be happy sober


Active member
sign up for some classes at the local commuinity college's

i go to school full time at a university about 25min from my house.. i had to quit my summer classes when i got sent to jail and with all this counciling and NA meetings and shit but ill be back in the fall.. please read my previous posts

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