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Not being able to smoke..


Active member
wow, sorry to hear, Marcellas...

amazing that it shows up so long after no herb.



Active member
yeah i was smoking some incredibly potent stuff all day daily for years before than and im a pretty skinny dude though so thats probably it. they say theyv been watching my levels decrease drastically though so they know i havent been smoking. thanks


spend every hour you crave the weed writing letters to your congressmen/women telling them you want cannabis legalized so you don't have to be treated like a thief or rapist. Write president Obama and ask him what would have happened if he was caught smoking the reefer instead of getting away with it. Ask for a pardon. Write every person in the senate and house of representatives until they are sick and tired of seeing your name on an envelope that they give in.

Things will never change if you sit there and take the ass fucking your getting. Stage a hunger strike if you have the dedication to see it through. every minute you spend wanting to smoke or thinking about it make sure the people who put you in this situation know your not happy. Believe me they are ECSTATIC! they get to ruin your life all while spouting some shit about being tough on crime while rapists get less time in jail then you've already served. Celebrities spend their jail sentences in their mansions playing polo but normal people fill jails to fund the for profit justice system.

MasterKahn sounds angry and off his rocker but you must get angry too and make damn sure they hear you! do not go silently into the night!


Active member
the thing is they won't listen to me when i was charges with not only possesion of marijuana (if that was the case id be let go with fines and ACD), but possesion of a controlled substance (hydrocodone). they look at me like just another junkie and i dont even take opiates. worth a try though for sure.. any other advice is greatly appreciated


Registered Pothead
As i said in another thread today get a wizzinator. I was on parole here in cali and have passed easily over a hundred tests man. LOL you got a year i had to pass tests once a week for two years out of the five i was on parole. I will admit it takes some balls to do the first time but once you get past that first obstacle you are gravy baby.


Active member
ive been considering the whizzinator but id rather just tough it out and take a break. that and would it be possible with up to 5 random drug tests a week? and wouldnt he notice the change in my "junk" since they usually stand right next to me and watch me whip my shit out and everything?


Active member
its just ive been so bored and lonely lately and paranoid/stressed out about getting sent back to jail so much i dont know what to do its pathetic. ive been looking all over for a job ive never wanted one so much in my life just to get out of my house and kill time. life sucks for me right now


id stay clean, dont risk a possability of smoking and using things that are said to remove it from the body.

imagine if you dont get caught for months, then all of a sudden.. boom your caught.. then theres even more trouble to come.


Active member
yeah i dont plan on smoking, at least until after i graduate from drug court a year from now. its not worth getting sent back to jail again like i did when i failed my first drug test, that was one of the worst experiences of my life and the worst 3 weeks ever. im still dealing with extreme anxiety and stress after getting let free from jail, i know that has a lot to do with not being able to smoke too.

i was hoping to get more advice on how to deal with my stress, anxiety, boredom, and loneliness in this thread. not advice on ways how i could get around the system and smoke because believe me i would get caught. i need more advice on coping with sober life and i know this isnt a great place for it. thanks for all the feedback


Active member
i can't believe it has been a year!! been blazin since my new lawyer got me off drug court last october.. don't have any bud tonight though, lame..

i have been going through lots of changes and lots of bullshit this past year