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Not Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Six


Well-known member
How's the rain?

We got a nice rain. You guys got it in the morning, we caught it in the afternoon. The rain started at Omopio Road, by Kula School it was pounding, but past the telephone exchange it began to slack off. It wasn't near as bad here as it was by the school.

We got a third of an inch.

Wanna throw a jinx at yourself? Start a log and gloat about how great the weather is. That is will soon turn to was. If that's the case...the rest of the week looks to be shitty. And all of Sept., Oct., and Nov. too. I doubt we will ever see the sun again.

GH was up here again. They flew right over me this time. I don't know what they saw of didn't see. As long as they keep going it's fine. Then the clouds moved in and they went off to easier pickings.

Once GH left and it started to rain there was no reason to hang around the house. I had an errand to run down in Kihei so I hopped in the car and bailed. Did my trip, decided to burn one at my patients house. Got that done, as I was walking back to my car about 5:30
I heard a chopper. it popped up from the South, and did two circles around my patients house. Made a hell of a racket, then went up two houses and zeroed in on that house. Patient told me a ways back that they too grow. The chopper hovers in place and a guy leans out with a camera and starts taking pictures. The silver chopper circled the house for a good five minutes.

If this was following the old script the ground crew would be right behind. So I waited....and waited...and waited. Ground crew never showed.

That's what happened, you can draw your own conclusions.

Here's a couple of shitty shots of the big plants after the rain.



Everything is hanging, but all it needs to do is dry off, loose the water weight...we'll be fine.

Of course we will never see the sun again so it doesn't really matter.
Can't remember where I saw it, but it was recent...but...

Would a leaf blower for the excess moisture, draw too much attention? (like a giant blow drier)


ICMag Donor
Yep, around 5:30 was talking to my g/f, she lives in the Kaiwahaine subdivision. She started freaking because the silver bird was right above her house. It did several low altitude circles then headed north. Nothing like a fly over to get the blood going...

I don't think there's an outdoor grow close by or we would have smelled it. If there is, I hope it doesn't get jacked.

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Active member
Aloha.they also hovered over me in kula.but so far no groundwork.I guess this is good.timing of the rain was shitty.and now that it will rain for 3 months,who knows.ignite em no hide em.roll em no hold em.harvest time is here.aloha


Well-known member
Almost the Last Brick in the Wall

Almost the Last Brick in the Wall

September has another hour and a half....then it too joins the last five months in the ashtray of history. I'm tempted to just say "Fuck 'em all, this one's in the bag"...

But....that would be a tiny bit premature. And every once in a while statements like that boomerang back to crack you between the eyes....no extra jinxes needed...

A blob of moisture ran over the North side of the state today. Kauai got three inches, Oahu got four, we got nuthin.

The blob should be out of the area by Wensday. But the winds should be light for the rest of the week. That means rain is a distinct possibility.


I lost the fat top from the first plant to harvest. It almost made it through. Hell, it did make it through the big rain. I went out and there was like no top at all there. Look closer and it is lieing flat on the frame plopped on the rest of the tree. Let it dry out the next day, then tied it back up. One small shower fell the next evening...all it took.... added just enough water weight to split it off the plant.

Shit. Got a nice bonus for my patient...and I almost pulled it off...at least today was dry. Tomorrow it'll rain. When it starts this plant will be taken.


See if I can pull off the reverse phychology again.

October is here. Harvest. Get these plants moved the hell out of here....we have enough time left over for one more full wave of clones to add to 2013's total....before 2013 is done. I've built a three week gap in late October so I can harvest and trim without any other projects to worry about.

Started to plant the winter side of the gulch. The suntrack has just moved enough, hitting that side first thing in the morning. The bottom garden is packed. The clone room has everything I need in there....with a few extras to boot. I want to drop them all in...sonewhere. All in all it's been a smooth year.

GH is done and gone....Watched the silver chopper head toward the BI yesterday morning. DB will be dealing with them next. The rippers moon is over too. This one's in the bag....But I didn't say that.


The Bloodweed crosses have not molded at all. Some stem rot is starting, but it's too late to do any real damage. Haven't seen any catterpillars either. This girl above will be the last one taken, and I'd bet will yield the most of the five..


Well...Sativas take forever to finish.

This was a post full of nuthin'. The exciting part is over...I hope.

Rusty...I've heard of the leafblower. It's not a matter of attracting attention. We run weedwhackers here all the time. If I had one...which I don't... I think we are too far along to use one without damaging the heavy flowers. The day after the rain was sunny, except for the small shower that dropped the top.

Festi....yep...small island? It was nice to calmly watch them work without freaking out. They wern't bothering me....

Casper....nice place ya got there. Thanks for the tour. Gotta say...you live in a pretty area. That was some of the best OD long season I've tried.

DB...Jeez. I have grown a lot of plants. Seen borrer bettles twice. Both in minor branches in plants in the cane. How many spots did they drill to kill that plant? Have you ever seen them there before?
Was that the only one they hit? Did you hear if anyone else had problems like you? Do you think the dry summer had anything to do with the beetles?

I hope everything else worked out well for you.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Spot on about the chopper.
Did 3 loops over N. Kona, then drifted north towards Kohala.
Just one bird. Not even that low.
Like they're just goin' through the motions to keep us on our toes.



Active member
Lookin good oh.glad we are almost done with long season.oh and I might have spot for a few keikis.wink wink.good vibrations wit green harvest gone.aloha.


Well-known member
Spit it out...

Spit it out...

That didn't take long to get old....it never does.

I hate trimming. It ain't like this is the first I've done it this year...someone had to do all those damn clones...We have yet to develop a strain that trims itself....there's an idea.



One plant is done and down. Outta here. Most went down to my patient...She's now wallowing in a small mountain of weed. Not a bad place to be...if ya' gotta wallow.


It was not without problems...

Nothing ever is. In this case we ran out of Copper Soap. Not a bottle on the whole damn island.... and believe me we looked. I was almost forced to order some from the mainland. While it was on the slow boat to Hawaii, the WPM would have taken over. Somehow I don't think I am the only person on this island using it. Though I doubt they'll admit it.

Fortunatly my partner had some up at one of the houses he keeps up. It disappeared from there and appeared here. Love the way that works....Free....Can't beat free.

Saved my ass. While the search was on, I tried Neem...that was a joke, a total waste of time. That stinky crap didn't work worth shit. The WPM just laughed at me...I heard it. "You can't stop me with that shit...moron."


Once the copper soap hit it....screams of WPM agony. It was fuckin' glorious. Nipped that problem in the bud...literally.

Good thing nobody reads this shit....except Weez :tiphat: This is the place where I fess up to my crazy ways. The killitall mix I use is this.

A shot of copper soap. Two shots of Adam's dog shampoo. A few drops of BT. Three gallons of water. In the backpack sprayer. Afternoon or cloudy. Blast everything. Soak it down, You're done.

Done right, do it early, every two weeks until flowers are quarter sized. After that mist instead of blast. Stop two weeks before harvest.

All I can say is that it works. You can laugh now.

Security called.

They said the fat lady was in the limo, five minutes out. Plans have been made. The forklift is waiting, the final acts are halfway through, once we get her fat ass in here....

Getting ahead of myself....

Where was I?

One down, one on the cusp, waiting for the chop, next one ...two weeks out. The final two? End of the month. Then another 21 clones here and there...and the year is done.

Then I take the entire month of January off....in theory at least. Gotta keep the moms going...so it's not like I can actually go anywhere far...like I'd want to in January.

Weather is changing. Rain is a good possibility this week. The next plant may be chopped fast if it rains. When you live here, there are signs that let you know the change of Season. I spotted the first plover last week. And a boat spotted the first Humpback whale yesterday. Winter is out there...still aways though....but closer than you want.

Wifey is starting a small breeding project. A winter project. That'll be a trainwreck...but don't tell her I said that. She wants to develop next years crop....yea I know...not gonna happen. but it keeps her busy.

Someone asked me about greenhouses....do people grow in them?
I'm sure they do....but I doubt there are any big ones growing MJ exclusivly. That would make a splash in the market.
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Active member
Mahalos for da update.lookin gooood.i only get two left and waitin.lets have a session wen u get time my bruddah.aloha


Well-known member
Seriously epic journal OH...you are pulling off what I thought was not possible with the day length here in Hawaii.
Good luck with the end of your season.


Well-known member
been following your grow oldhaole and really hope you get a full harvest and the fat lady sings till her eyes pop...

do you what brand of neem oil you used? i have had luck with neem during times of high humidity...but not in high rain fall...
I'm sure your fully aware.....I'm at Costco looking up at the mountain. Holy shit, there is hell coming your way! Big black clouds lingering over the ranch. They are saying 2-4inches an hour. Hopefully your girls are safe.



Well-known member
Fuck me running.... today has not been a fun day.

Fair warning. This post may become rather rantish....It's been one of those days.


Come to think about it, yesterday sucked too.

Start off the damn mutts have taken to harassing one of my neighbors. Fuckin' stupid haoles....yea I said it.

The morons took down the screen on my fence, cut all the trees back...she wanted to see the mountain. Now the dogs can see her and they bark at her. And it's my fault.

Even if I didn't do what I do....I gotta fix it. We started work on a second fence this morning. Put it eight feet back, I'll hang roofing iron on it....old rusty roofing iron. Make it as ugly as possible. Not like I'm gonna have to look at it....Dummy wants a view...I'll give her one.

Drop that on my plate....eat up.

While I'm working... I was also keeping my eye on the weather. This rain wasn't unexpected, Kauai and Oahu got pounded yesterday and the day before. It was definitly heading this way. Yesterday I sprayed the last two plants for WPM expecting this rain would wash the copper soap away. Then two weeks to pau.

When the first drops hit they caught me unaware. Ran up the hill with the chain saw, five fast cuts and haul the whole damn thing inside. Frame, string, and all. You always hear friends joking "you gotta cut that down with a chain saw".

I did. Twice. Took less than ten minutes. Still, it was raining pretty good by the time I got the second under cover. Second time down the trail I slipped and faceplanted in the dirt.

Another goodie for the plate.

And it pounded. More than in inch in two hours. Big drops. Even a couple booms of thunder. The two left behind are looking kinda sad. Lots of water in those flowers. The one on the bottom is by far the best of the five too. I'm not worried, a sunny morning will perk it right back. After the crash and rush to cut I clean forgot about three clones also ready to take. So they went through the wash cycle unecessarly.

This shitty weather will be around for another couple of days.

Drop that tasty morsel on my plate....eat up.

The biggest plant left out there, through the rain, is the closest Bloodweed phenotype of the five. This is the only big plant I will keep. Like mom the hairs turn White to Orange. Like mom she has good mold resistance. Like mom she smells real good. This one will still fatten up somemore....weather permitting.



Got a ton of trimming to do....call that the main course.

The sun has moved far enough South that it is time to move all the plants to the other side of the gulch. One planter has been done and planted. The big one in this shot has been taken.


These plants will not yield near as much as the clones from summer. There is almost no jump before the flowers appear. Then I started work on the next planter. We need to get this planted...it's a now thing. Greeted by these two problems....On the good side once they get moved we can put a lot of good dirt in the hole. On the bad side I doubt they will move by themselves.


In the big scheme of things this little nibblet would be dessert. About the only thing that hasn't happened is Green Harvest.

Give 'em time.

Casper...hope you took those two.

Kalo. Thank you. Big plants can be done. The question is are they worth it? Before this log is done I'll run the numbers and ask the questions that is never satisfactorily answered...."What the hell an I doing this for?" and "Is there an easier way?"

ozzie. The shitty neem is from Bonide. Their Copper Soap works real good. Their Neen? Not so much.

Country....Yep. Raining. Check. Indeed, I did notice. :biggrin: Thanks for the set up to this post. You guys stayed dry?


Active member
Got one and shielded other bes I could.brah was raining buckets.ho mean kine.wuz surfing hookipas and looked up and told mai friend lets go.black dark windless.jus made em.clear as I write this and hoping for our mornin sunshine.great journal as always mai friend.aloha
Even if I didn't do what I do....I gotta fix it. We started work on a second fence this morning. Put it eight feet back, I'll hang roofing iron on it....old rusty roofing iron. Make it as ugly as possible. Not like I'm gonna have to look at it....Dummy wants a view...I'll give her one.

This part actually had me laughing out loud. Too funny OH.

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