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New member
If you dont have much time on the internet maybe get Jorge's Bible or some other growing book and start reading. Although I think most of the knowledge I have gained has been from this site and trial and error.
well I will try the search thing, don't get me wrong, but I have had little luck with it before so I don't see this being any better. Hope I am wrong. However, if experienced growers "shun" those who "need their hand held", that is wrong. I am not looking for a fight and will drop it after I make my point, but that is a sad commentary with our society. Those that need a little extra help are shunned, people look down on those that can't or have a hard time helping themselves, like the homeless, the handicapped/retarded, the mentally ill, and so on. that is not right. When and if I become more experienced, I will post sticky "How-To's" on every imaginable subject. that's the problem, there is not a sticky thread on "ventilation" that I am aware of that tells you conclusively what to do in all situations under all imaginable circumstances: use this fan for this size room, use this much light per square foot for this method or that strain, and so on. Why not? I would create a quick reference guide that would answer every imaginable question, but if someone had some time crunch or problem where they couldn't read that much stuff and comprehend it, I would answer their questions directly and not give them an attitude about it. But that is just me. It's sad more people don't think like that, like my grandpa that would have given you a glass of water in the desert if it was the last one he had. But I will try my best to read so I can one day help others the way no one will help me. thanks!

... are you
homeless, the handicapped/retarded, the mentally ill, and so on

The reason ppl are giving you shit is cos the info is readily available on the site.. You think everyone with experience and knowledge posted a question every time they had one or do you think they took the time and researched for themselves?

And ur request for a sticky for literally all info pertaining to growing is simply retarded. Firstly, its impossible to account for every variable and explain every single situation. Ur supposed to take the info u learn here and apply it to ur own grow.
Secondly, since u want someone to hold your hand.. why dont u jus hire someone to walk you thru it, seeing as thats what you want.. but at that point why even do it urself, might as well jus go back to buying bud off the streets
Although I don't agree with everything, I can see the point of those in the "do a search" camp. I will try, make the effort, and so on, but I do think "giving me shit" is uncalled for, along with the demeaning remarks in the last post. personally I wouldn't mind answering any question I could answer, even if I did it 1,000 times already. ok thanks to those who did help a little.


well if you are a newbie (kind of hate that word but can't think of a better one) like me, or not, and have some questions to ask, don't be embarassed, ask them here! Serious questions only please!

I will have plenty I am sure, here's one! I see "grams per watt" a lot, that is grams per watt per what? per month? per grow cycle?

Also what exactly is a sealed room and do you have to do it that way? what are the advantages and disadvantages? I am looking to construct a room for 2 1000 watt lights, one horizontal and one vertical parabolic. What size should the room be to allow plenty of room to test lots of seedlings until I find what I want to clone or breed? Do you need AC or what is the best way to ventilate a room of this size without ventable hoods?

I believe that g/w is harvested dry weight per however many watts of light you used to grow it. A sealed room is used (mostly) for the addition of CO2 without exhausting it to the outside.

Here are a few links that may help you to cut down on all the searches:

“Searching the Growers Forums Easily and Quickly with Firefox,” by Quazi

“Great Cannabis Video Links…FYI,” by Core
(Side note: I have dialup and don't do the video thing so there may be a dead link or two.)

“Plant Nutritiion and Visual Diagnosis,” by Gr3atfulh3ad

“Air cooled reflector testing with digital footcandle meter,” by Pico

“Ventilation 101,” by redgreenry

“The Official Hempy Bucket Thread,” by Southern Seeds

Hope this helps get you started.

Namaste, mess


Active member
well I will try the search thing, don't get me wrong, but I have had little luck with it before so I don't see this being any better. Hope I am wrong. However, if experienced growers "shun" those who "need their hand held", that is wrong. I am not looking for a fight and will drop it after I make my point, but that is a sad commentary with our society. Those that need a little extra help are shunned, people look down on those that can't or have a hard time helping themselves, like the homeless, the handicapped/retarded, the mentally ill, and so on. that is not right. When and if I become more experienced, I will post sticky "How-To's" on every imaginable subject. that's the problem, there is not a sticky thread on "ventilation" that I am aware of that tells you conclusively what to do in all situations under all imaginable circumstances: use this fan for this size room, use this much light per square foot for this method or that strain, and so on. Why not? I would create a quick reference guide that would answer every imaginable question, but if someone had some time crunch or problem where they couldn't read that much stuff and comprehend it, I would answer their questions directly and not give them an attitude about it. But that is just me. It's sad more people don't think like that, like my grandpa that would have given you a glass of water in the desert if it was the last one he had. But I will try my best to read so I can one day help others the way no one will help me. thanks!

if all that info were not readily available on this site if you were to read the many many threads people have busted their ass to create, update and discuss, you'd have a point. but it is, so you don't.
that's the point, MANY MANY threads! I would love to read them all but I don't have the time and can't focus/concentrate long enough to learn anything, and what I read dissipates from my memory within a hour or less.

If there was quick reference charts/sheets that detailed all the basic facts on every subject (lighting, ventilation, room construction, mailing safety/safe addies, renting safety, drying/curing, etc), one could quickly reference what they need when they are in a hurry, and read and enjoy when they are not.

You should not have to climb Everest just to get a better view, and you should not have to read countless threads with many pages each just to find a few simple facts. It is consideraBLY frustrating, just try to put yourself in my shoes for a second! You should read threads in my opinion to enjoy yourself and watch grow shows unfold and chill out, not have to hunt through all of them to find a few facts. I am just responding to what you said since you seem to be going out of your way to be critical of me, and if you took half that time you could have answered my questions in great detail, with less effort than it took you to write these posts.

To everyone else, now that I got that off my chest, I can try those search tips. thanks
Ps don't be surprised to see threads like "what's the earliest strains?", "Best strains for focus, creativity and up high?", "best strains for medical use for pain/aches?", "strains with best raw potency?", "Strains with most pleasant highs?", and a whole lot more no one will want to answer! ;) :D It seems there are other threads that get more feedback that ask dumber questions than mine or are on useless topics, so why can't I get some respect? I know, I got search tips. Can't focus enough for that now but in 10 hours or so maybe. peace

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Earliest strains?, It depends on where you in the world you grow, and are you in or out, but basically you need Indica, or Indica dominant strain's to finish quickly - 7 or 8 weeks - indoor, or mature early fall grown outside.
This would also be where I'd search for medical strain's, Indica strains effect the body more than the head and have an analgesic effect you need for pain relief/control.
Strains with raw potency, it is subjective, you can check out Nevilles Haze, for a long time one of the most potent Sativa based plants, SSSDH for one of the more recent Sativa dominant hybrids.
Have a look at Herijuana for an Indica version of a potent weed.
You could check out Tom Hill's catalogue for seriously potent lines of either pure Sativa, Tom's Haze or his broadleaf, Indica strains Deep Chunk (Afghan), X18 ( Pakistan) to name just 2, Tom's Haze I believe fits the bill for your 'most pleasant high' though if you are prone to paranoia perhaps not the best idea :D
You need not stop at MJ in its usual form, you could look at extractions and tinctures for your medical goals.
As for other 'most pleasant' high's, phew, everyones top 5 would differ, you really have to find which suits you, and then that may well change?, If you want to be creative then go back to the Sat based strains, they will inspire you, get the juices flowing, you may well end up doing lots of thinking and not a lot of actual doing? you'll need to not go too far, yet another lesson. I hope this helps a little.


Active member
just try to put yourself in my shoes for a second! You should read threads in my opinion to enjoy yourself and watch grow shows unfold and chill out, not have to hunt through all of them to find a few facts.

you must be a gringo. only americans want everything in a convenient, easy-to-follow flow chart and bitch and moan when they actually have to study a bit to absorb the knowledge they need to get from A to B. makes me want to scream.

if you have trouble absorbing the information- take notes. i have very little sympathy for your plight because you're coming from a place of laziness. 8 months ago, having never grown anything before, I started a thread and a grow and for some reason was not met with any resistance when I asked questions... why? because my post showed diligence, hard work... probably didn't reek of lazy-mindedness as yours does.

boo hoo. too much information for my widdle bwain to handle. somebody please color code and organize it for me. sorry. i'm not sympathetic to your plight.
thanks so much HazyLady, I poured my heart out typing like crazy and I hit something and it all just vanished on me! Such is the frustration I face many times each day. You brightened my day and I thank you. but I just can't take any searches or any more typing right now as I am so upset all that is gone, it is devastating as I can't remember enough to reproduce anywhere near as good a post as I had going on there. Well I will be back when I can get my mind together. thanks!


Devil's Advocate
I don't have months to find what I need and months more to read it all, I need to get going in weeks, like 1 or 2, so I need to find what I need FAST! thanks

Imagine going to school to learn nuclear physics and saying that. It's not different here or anywhere else.


Imagine going to school to learn nuclear physics and saying that. It's not different here or anywhere else.

I Thought You Had To Be A Rocket Scientist To Grow MJ! Shit Now I Have To Become A Physicist To Grow MJ. When Will It All End? LOL

Thank You


Part of me wonders how you'll be able to tend your garden if you can't find things on the most helpful forum I've ever been able to find.


that's the problem, there is not a sticky thread on "ventilation" that I am aware of that tells you conclusively what to do in all situations under all imaginable circumstances: use this fan for this size room, use this much light per square foot for this method or that strain, and so on. Why not? I would create a quick reference guide that would answer every imaginable question, but if someone had some time crunch or problem where they couldn't read that much stuff and comprehend it, I would answer their questions directly and not give them an attitude about it.


i understand what you're asking for, but the info simply doesn't exist for every situation under all imaginable circumstances. no matter how much reading and research you do, you will still have to go thru a trial and error period in your grow location to see what works best. (i'm currently growing using 3 different methods dirt, dwc, and aero to try to achieve the optimum grow in my room) i will agree that many of the users on this site are a bit snooty or conceited and will not stoop to assist newbs or people who are not in the "in crowd" :moon:, but there is still a wealth of information here that you can peruse and use at your disposal. if you can't remember everything you read, then print the threads out, organize them, and put them in a binder so that you can refer to them when you need them. good luck with your growing!


Active member
I bookmark every link on every subject I'm pursuing at the moment. The search function is a bit lacking, though the search this forum box is more helpful. I try to limit my query to one or two words. If I get no useful hits, I just google the question in another browser. Sometimes that method even brings me back here with exactly the link I needed!
Imagine going to school to learn nuclear physics and saying that. It's not different here or anywhere else.

that's just it, I have always done better being shown or taught or told how to do something. I never was great at school work for that reason, just couldn't concentrate or retain, and oh boy exams killed me especially as time went on in college. I had a harder and harder time retaining and focusing. I still graduated high school as one of the top guys scholastically, but could have done a lot better especially in math and science if they actually demonstrated what it could be used for like in a work study or intern kind of atmosphere. If they had intern or apprenticeship programs for setting grow rooms and growing, I'd be all set! :D
So long story little less long, I believe I would make a great physicist (or almost anything else) if shown and trained by one, but a lousy one trying to learn it out of books.
To messn'n'gommin'post 27 and Hazy Lady 30: a huge thanks to you as you actually made an effort to answer my questions or some of them.
To hippie_lettuce post 17 & FrankRizzo post 16, also bicyclepenny and bfap3000: good tips/advice/points, thanks!

To everyone else, well you don't want to know, let's just say what goes around comes around, you really think if it was slightly possible for me to do what you say that I would be asking this? Things have a way of working themselves out, karma will restore justice in the end.

Hazy lady:

Everything you wrote was very helpful, thanks! I am in NE US, non med state. I want to have the option to do in and out, but aerial surveillance here is pretty high and has always resulted in me stuffing things too deeply in shrubbery to get anything worthwhile the few times I tried. Otherwise pretty rural and I wouldn't worry about being discovered on the ground but from the air.
I need something to be ready by October 5-10, preferably by 3rd week september as foliage starts turning and can get frost even then. I have an opportunity to go inside, which wasn't the case for some time. I am very uncertian on how to build a room to minimize FLIR detection, I know if they are doing that you are already screwed, but still if some can grow using say 8K and FLIR scanning them wouldn't result in a search, I would want to know how they do it as it would be super secure for the 1-2K flowering and up to 400W veg I'd be looking to do. What size rooms for those lights? How many plants would you finish and how many seeds would you have to start to acheive that in the end? How do you ventilate a room if using old reflectors that are not coolable, and if you'd prefer not to use AC for electric use concerns? what size fan and how many circulation fans? Would a carbon filter be good or what would be needed to control odors on even the stinkiest strains so as to be unoticeable?
And how do you even decide on a strain? I don't even know what I am looking for, just know I'd now it if I experienced it. The earlier the better even indoor, but not top priority. I'd like top notch potency, but being that I haven't smoked in a while not the most important consideration. Want it to do what I want it to do medically but more on that later. Big yield would be nice but not a top priority. Being beginner prrof, vigorous, low light tolerant, spider mite and mold resistant would all be nice too. But effect is most important.


i understand what you're asking for, but the info simply doesn't exist for every situation under all imaginable circumstances. no matter how much reading and research you do, you will still have to go thru a trial and error period in your grow location to see what works best. (i'm currently growing using 3 different methods dirt, dwc, and aero to try to achieve the optimum grow in my room) i will agree that many of the users on this site are a bit snooty or conceited and will not stoop to assist newbs or people who are not in the "in crowd" , but there is still a wealth of information here that you can peruse and use at your disposal. if you can't remember everything you read, then print the threads out, organize them, and put them in a binder so that you can refer to them when you need them. good luck with your growing!
yeah man exactly! This site seems one of the worst for helpfulness and clickiness. At least one other place, you ask and you recieve, no fuss no muss just helpful kind folks. Wish I could remember where that is! I bookmark things but then forget why I did so and things get lost in my big sea of bookmarks which I have to organize. You might be right to a point on the trial and error thing, but there are some cold hard facts too, like I know there is a certain formula for calculating how much air exchange you need for a room of given cubic feet but don't know where/how to find it. But you hit it on the head, organize, I have to try to find a way to organize my thoughts and I am advocating fact sheets to organize all the facts on different subjects in one place and I think it is very possible. Just list the specifications for different situations. I will do so if I can ever find the facts I'm looking for! thanks for the insight!
I bookmark every link on every subject I'm pursuing at the moment. The search function is a bit lacking, though the search this forum box is more helpful. I try to limit my query to one or two words. If I get no useful hits, I just google the question in another browser. Sometimes that method even brings me back here with exactly the link I needed!

yeah me too, and like I mentioned it becomes a big jumble and can't find what I want later. but good points as well. thanks

Now on to the effects I am looking for and conditions. I inherited (lucky me) early onset high blood pressure and high cholesterol, anxiety disorder, allergies, possibly some kind of social disorder and have a host of issues that come and go and sometimes come back again. I lost my mom over a year ago and still can't quite get over it, it hit me like a ton of bricks and so many things I wanted to do and say and things I wanted to straighten out and so on, so lots of regret. She hinted or briefly mentioned something I was born with but was very tight lipped about specifics. I have to get my medical history and find out.

I was born premature, turned blue and she thought she was going to lose me, and I always had trouble socializing (I was reading something on the internet not sure what now, but was researching Asperger's, autism, social/anxiety disorders and one of them was like "yes, yeah, yup...." to every symptom). Also had trouble concentrating and focusing, and that seems to be getting much worse lately along with memory (often forget what I wanted to say mid-sentence).

I am amazed I am able to focus well enough to type all this, even though it has taken hours of starting and stopping and walking away. Rare moment of clarity/functionability. My mind wanders easily, I can be doing one thing and all of a sudden something comes up and I do something else. I can be thinking of the nature of the universe and numerous different things at once and can't shut it out and do it one at a time.

I am often extremely morbid or depressed and feel like the whole universe is against me sometimes but never seriously considered suicide. I have trouble getting out of bed to face another day most of the time, and rarely feel well rested or refreshed. I am prone to clumsiness and injuring myself due to my focusing problem, and mostly feel very tired and lethargic. Every so often, I get a burst of energy that makes me hyper, even harder to concentrate on things like reading but I can get so much done it so little time.

Surpringly, I can sometimes focus when my life is at stake, so I have used these energy bursts to chainsaw a lot of wood and split it for our wood stoves. I work at a frenetic pace until I am thoroughly exausted and ready to collapse, usually 1 to 2 hours of constant fast paced strenuous activity. It's like an obscessive compulsive thing, I can't slow down. I have also started cleaning out cabinets or rooms and can't stop even after hours until it is all done perfectly.

During one such episode, I was lifting big hunks of wood no problem, but I turned slightly while kneeling stacking wood, and threw out my lower back. that was weeks ago and still aches me in certain positions especially while laying down. I get these side spasms sometimes where my side cramps up, gets tight and something twitches inside (also have internal twitching events in my head, chest and virtually everywhere else at some point which causes anxiety and makes sleeping difficult). During one point this past spring, it hurt so bad I was just in a chair most of the time, only getting up when I had to and putting pressure on my side to alleviate the pain. even when I think I sleep well, I am exausted even getting out of bed sometimes. I cough a lot and guess I make funny noises when sleeping. I can get nausea/diarhea that comes out of nowhere even bouts of vomiting, although thankfully not recently. More common is either a total lack of appetite or more rarely a huge appetite. I often get sharp pains in my head chest groin or abdomen but not as frequent lately. Falling asleep is a big problem for me as my mind has trouble shutting down. I've woken up briefly unable to breath and heart racing, only to check out fine and be told I had a "panic attack". I think they just don't want to run tests to find what really is wrong, but since putting me on prozac these symptoms are greatly diminished. I am on a total of 5 pills now and don't want more, but would in order to function if I had to.
typing as fast as I can before I forget, then therefore babbling, is also an unfortunate tendency of mine! :D

So to sum up effects I'd be looking for, a few different effects for different needs:

1). heavy narcotic high for when I need to shut down and sleep.
2). happy, up, motivational high yet still helps focus if possible, to enable me to function during the day so I can pick of the pieces and move on with my life. may need more than one strain to take care of various aspects of this.
3). pain/nausea relief, appetite normalizing or stimulating. anti-spasm, relaxing, etc. may overlap #1 or need one or more strains additional for this.

I have seeds that I have bought on the rare occasion I had the money, and also seeds that have been gifted. I don't want to list out my seeds for security reasons but the gifted ones (most are gifted) I have no idea on maturity time or anything else about them. I will reveal as I need to when growing out, but am very paranoid, so don't know if I could do a "grow show" thread as a grow is in progress, maybe a few pics after the fact. so if someone could suggest certain strains I could see how they match up to what I have and go from there. thanks

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