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Geez I checked my IC comments and have more friends/allies than I thought, so sorry about that "good people" vs "the rest of you" karma comment I had there somewhere. You are all good even if you don't agree with me or my threads! :D
I also lost another post somehow, although hopefully I can remember as it was just a short time ago and not a long one. oh it's there now, #40, never mind!
Geez I checked my IC comments and have more friends/allies than I thought, so sorry about that "good people" vs "the rest of you" karma comment I had there somewhere. You are all good even if you don't agree with me or my threads! :D I do tend to have wild mood swings too, the slightest thing can get me down in the dumps bigtime, or another minor thing can have me soaring in the clouds! Some days just making my bed seems overwhelming and depresses the hell out of me, other days I feel like I can take on the world and show all the governments how wrong they are and how true progress gets done! :) I didn't have all these problems when I smoked, only in the last 3-4 years where I have smoked little due to fear of testing and supply problems and so on, now I can remedy all that! ;)
I also lost another post somehow, although hopefully I can remember as it was just a short time ago and not a long one. oh it's there now, #40, never mind!

ps anxious to try out those search tips, had an unusually long time to be on here today and an unusual amount of time and still didn't get it done... ok not going to work myself down into the dumps again, feeling good so trying to stay positive. will try again next day! thanks

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hello Dear, I hope you're feeling a bit brighter today.
No-one wants to upset you, a few of the boys do get fed up answering some questions that could be answered with a quick search, you are an obvious exception.
I think most will gladly answer once they understand your condition and how it affects you.
I did PM you but reading your needs I am more certain Super Silver Haze from Mr Nice NOT Greenhouse Seed Co, will fit the bill, btw not bashing GHS just more familiar with the real version :D
You could find knock-out pheno's for those times you want to switch off, you can find soaring, motivational highs and I think all pheno's will lift your mood to some extent, you'll find all finishing times from 8 to 14+ week's, yields can vary from average to astounding depending on pheno. It could be perfect for you? Take care.

Amstel Light

you must be a gringo. only americans want everything in a convenient, easy-to-follow flow chart and bitch and moan when they actually have to study a bit to absorb the knowledge they need to get from A to B. makes me want to scream.

why in the hell would you have to bring race or nationallity into this? booooooo:moon:!!!!

why would you care about qpw on your first grow? look just do it and learn as you go...
here are some parameters
1)temp 70-85 without co2 higher with.
2)55 watts per square foot
3)proper p.h depending on medium (PURCHASING A METER IS WISE LIKE 30$ON EBAY)
4)proper nutes if you dont have a meter just follow the directions on the bottle....
5) air movment venilation


you wont get to far hijacking threads and flaming on thread starter to earn points with other members.

search tip: do your searches on google just ad ICMAG...


Active member
you must be a gringo. only americans want everything in a convenient, easy-to-follow flow chart and bitch and moan when they actually have to study a bit to absorb the knowledge they need to get from A to B. makes me want to scream.


thanks for my first negative rep EVER... along with a "how bout them hardworking mexicans" comment to go along with it. I have lived and traveled and worked all over the world and I have never met a class of people so addicted to convenience. And so fat, stupid and wasteful because of it. I have lived extensively in latin-america and found the people there to be resourceful to a much higher level in a much more REAL way... they are not nearly as addicted to convenience (yet) and per capita cosume and waste about a tenth of what a gringo does.

There are many extremely enterprising Americans , but my comment was about a certain type who want everything put into an easy to assemble package that saves them from having to think. this is tied into our disgusting level of consumption and creation of waste. This type of American makes up the vast majority.

Its not about race. Its about culture. And this is a major part of the overall toxicity of American culture.

your negrep stated: "yea thank god for the hardworking mexicans .....how else could we have built an empire without them?"

Well, it started with black slaves from Africa. After that it was the American working class. Once trade unionism made this paradigm unworkable, we moved to a model of free trade zones full of sweat shops in other countries where there were no trade unions. The proxy wars known as the Cold War to eliminate communism was just a front to make the third world safe for Nike shoe factories. Oh yeah... agricultural subsidies and "free trade agreements", loand from the IMF with retarded conditions that crush the economies of devloping counties help too. Ousting the democratically elected president of Haiti after he tried to raise the minimum wage to about a buck-fifty a day was a good move for our empire as well. A real feather-in-the-cap.

That kind of dirty, classist, racist economic activity, combined with global military hegemony is how we have built empire. How did you think it happened?

Amstel Light


thanks for my first negative rep EVER....

There are many extremely enterprising Americans , but my comment was about a certain type who want everything put into an easy to assemble package that saves them from having to think. this is tied into our disgusting level of consumption and creation of waste. This type of American makes up the vast majority.


Your welcome you should be receiving a lot more after that jewel of a post.....a huge generalization about a whole country/culture is what most think is racisim....plus the added gringo remarks make it worse... if you like the latino country's better than why are you still here?


Active member
sorry about the gringo comment. I sincerely apologize. in the last place i lived it is absolutely not a derogatory term. been there for five years and I have forgotten that its an ugly word in a lot of places. I'm not a name-caller by nature and I offer a full retraction of the word. can I use yanqui in its place?

as for the "love it or leave it" jingoist babble... I do spend much of my time elsewhere...Other countries, cultures. But this is where I am from and being mindful of how much of a burden this culture is on the rest of the world, and always doing what I can to make others mindful and, more importantly trying to live a more reasonable, more just, more sustainable life every day that I am on the earth... well that's just how I roll. If you can't own the fact that your culture's consumption is a blight on the rest of the world I suggest you offer a solid argument to the contrary and we can take it from there.

Do I appreciate certain things about the United States... yes. Are they disappearing as time goes on? Fuck yes. Are you just shouting empty patriotic slogans at me? Yes. They are about as effective in showing that you have a cogent argument to the contrary as little red boxes in MY IC.


Nor'easter, you don't really have to get into the second half of this copied post, but the first part is as succinct and educational as any grow guide I have seen to date...period!

Just go over the first half of the post about guesstimating the size grow you want/need and the rest will eventually fall into place. Good luck to you!

The bold print is my doing. I presumed to think it may be more relevant for you.

by Lucas of (what was) Cannabis World

Starting a Medical Cabinet and Bubbler Principles

Here is a "getting started in hydro" article I called the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and one called "Bubbler Principles"
calculating supplies to start a med grow

Hello friends,
this is just a draft, I invite all contributions
Lets say someone is interested in starting to grow their own Medicine. Here are some ideas on how to start picking out the components needed.

1. Pick a light WATTAGE based on quantity of medicine needed per month (conservatively estimate 3 months to yield 1 oz per 50 watts)
the following system elements all flow mathematically from the light size, buy nearest real world size approximations.

2. Calculate required exhaust CFM (Watts/4 is a proven ratio)

3. Calculate required GH Micro and Bloom nutrients, and pH down (if using tap water) to purchase. (Watts/400= quarts of Micro required for a 3 month crop cycle. Buy 2quarts of the Bloom for each 1 of the Micro, buy half as much pH down as Micro)

4. Calculate required plant numbers. (this is a very flexible number, Watts/100 is my personal preference.) I suggest you buy twice as many 3" netcups as you have plants.)
Notice items 1-4 are hydro store supplies, while there, you also need a pH meter, rooting hormone, some growrox for the netpots (dont be tempted by 4" rockwool cubes, they are not needed for a bubbler), and a water pump to drain the res,
items 5-8 can be had at wall mart or similar)

5. Calculate required reservoir GALLONS (Watts/25 is a proven ratio)

6. Calculate required airpump watts. (Watts/100 is a proven ratio)

7. Calculate required cloning fluoro wattage. (this is a very flexible number, Watts/20 is a good rule of thumb)

8. Calculate required square footage for canopy. (I love screens. Watts/50 is a good rule of thumb.)

Lets see how it works with an example. Jane Patient has Cancer, and a doctors recommendation to use Cannabis for pain, nausea, and appetite. She requires 2.5 ounces of High Quality Medicine a month.

1. 2.5oz x 50watts x 3 months = 375watts of light. The nearest real world size is 400watts.

2. 400watts /4 =100cfm exhaust blower

3. 400watts / 400 = 1 Quart of GH Micro, 2 Quarts of GH Bloom, 1 Pint pH Down if using tap water. For RO or bottled water, no pH Down is needed.

4. 400watts / 100 = 4 plants

5. 400watts / 25 = 16 gallon reservoir

6. 400watts / 100 = 4 watts of airpump power

7. 400watts / 25 = 20 watts of fluoros

8. 400watts / 50 = 8 square feet of canopy

putting the calculated results into real world equipment would look something like this. Jane would go to a hydro store and buy a
400watt HPS, a
95cfm Dayton Blower,
1 quart Micro, 2 quarts Bloom, 1pint pH down,
1 pH meter, REQUIRED! (no TDS meter needed with GH 0-8-16 nutes strategy)
8 3" netcups (twice as many as plant number),
1 stick of Fifteen 1.5" wrapped rockwool cubes (Four times as many as needed for 1 crop),
1 bottle of Clonex
1 small water pump and matching hose to drain bubbler
then she would go to Wall Mart or similar and buy a
15 gallon plastic tub, a
5 watt airpump, a
14" stone
1 plastic airline
1 18watt fluoro fixture, (they are smaller than the 20watt and fit in a smaller tub)
1 nursery tray and dome, or cake and dome (eat the cake :),
1 plastic tub to mount fluoro to lid as cloner

Janes biggest challenge will be to build a grow area that is lightproof yet has free flowing airways. It is best to intake from the house climate, and exhaust outdoors. If the ventilation needs are respected, temperature will not become a problem. Some of the materials I find valuable for lightproofing include Panda Plastic, and Foil faced insulation board. Im a big fan of 2x2 sheet metal corner brackets from Casa De Pot. You can assemble a very strong frame with 2x2" lumber.

I sincerely hope this thread serves to help new people.


Namaste, mess
Hey Noreaster- This is a way to search, written by someone at another site, re-written probably 10,000,000 times. It's as old as Google.

1. Go to Google.

2. Type what you want to search, we'll say "LST"
After the term, type site:icmag.com

3. so it would look like this : LST site:ICMag.com

or whatever term/site you want. Bear in mind, it won't help with a thread titled "help!" that deals with LST, or forums marked LST, just threads with LST in the title. As a bonus, it shows you the date of the last post, so you can check if it ended 7 years ago.

I know I don't post much here, I'm usually on another forum, but we get it all the time there, too. I did it myself, when I just started, asked a question everyone else has seen 27 times a month.

Sometimes it's a pain, but otherwise you'll get people giving you :spank:
Spankings all day long.


Amstel Light

sorry about the gringo comment. I sincerely apologize. in the last place i lived it is absolutely not a derogatory term. been there for five years and I have forgotten that its an ugly word in a lot of places. I'm not a name-caller by nature and I offer a full retraction of the word. can I use yanqui in its place?

as for the "love it or leave it" jingoist babble... I do spend much of my time elsewhere...Other countries, cultures. But this is where I am from and being mindful of how much of a burden this culture is on the rest of the world, and always doing what I can to make others mindful and, more importantly trying to live a more reasonable, more just, more sustainable life every day that I am on the earth... well that's just how I roll. If you can't own the fact that your culture's consumption is a blight on the rest of the world I suggest you offer a solid argument to the contrary and we can take it from there.

Do I appreciate certain things about the United States... yes. Are they disappearing as time goes on? Fuck yes. Are you just shouting empty patriotic slogans at me? Yes. They are about as effective in showing that you have a cogent argument to the contrary as little red boxes in MY IC.

"can I use yanqui in its place?" how about just americans?

"But this is where I am from" and "If you can't own the fact that your culture's consumption is a blight" so when your abroad it's the dirty gringo's fault...and when your at home you dont participate in any of the vast magority's evil consumption practices right? your living completely off the grid when your in america? Grow your own veggy's or do you go to the corporate satanic grocery store? play your own music? or do you occasionally go out and buy a cd ? no trips to mcyd's or burger king? or is scouring the countryside looking for wild berry's how you ROLL?

no im not shouting anything patriotic, I just find it hypocritical of you to bash america for all of her problems now and historical, while your still enjoy her dwindling bounty. I bet the first thing you do when you get off the plane from the thirdworld paradise you have just retured from is latte then laptop all the while listening to an ipod.


Active member
I grow my own coffee on my farm in central america... knowing what goes into the growth (not much) processing (dicktons) and roasting (skilled), I really only drink my own coffee... and only a few times a month. i don't really need stimulants. i have spent the last five years building carbon neutral , non toxic homes out of timber bamboo. my family has a balanced carbon footprint due to the amount of bamboo we plant each year... in fact, my bambu related carbon balancing doesn't only cover my household's carbon footprint but yours too... and about 6 other average US households while I am at it.

I do value my Wi-Fi... in fact one of my businesses in CentAm was a wi-fi network to parts of the country that are completely off the grid. In addition to the residential clients who keep the business going, we continue to hook up two or more rural schools each month at no cost.

My day to day activities are undertaken with the idea of consuming less and producing more at ALL times. we buy no new clothing except for socks and underwear and shoes, but only shoes not made in sweatshops. I prefer australian-made slip-on work boots. 90% of the rest of it is second-hand.

there are studies that say that by just being AWARE of the IDEA of curtailing your consumption it will drop by 10-25%... and that is with absolutely no explicit intentions... just an awareness. Imagine that.

While I know that we are far from perfect, our consumption/waste footprint is easily 75% less than the average american household. If you figure in the direct carbon sinkage we are responsible for (that covers about six more US sized households every year at the rate we plant bamboo and the rate at which bamboo creates biomass) we're covering our entire rural neighborhood here and the one surrounding our central american farm. It even covers the considerable amount of air travel we indulge in.

I do enjoy the dwindling bounty of the United States, but everything I do here, from the products I consume to the clothes I wear are chosen for their impact on our consumption footprint. We get better at it every day. This time back in the States I am a little uncomfortable with our food consumption habits... too much imported (i would like to be a 50 mile locavore) stuff and too much packaging... we're have limited choices in our area but should have it all dialed in with a CSA by next summer.

no shame in my game. i walk what i talk. you have zero basis to make the judgments you are making... but it don't bother me none. Keep tossing me easy ones and I'll keep knocking them over your head.


Active member
Oh...and we are not "americans"... Or I should say...we are all americans... from the arctic wastes of northern canada to the tip of patagonia... all americanos. Only United Statesians have the audacity to claim the title for themselves.


Active member
my cats breath smells like cat food:)

I hate that. Our new kitten sleeps on my chest and breathes that hot nasty shit on me all night.

Sorry for hijacking your thread, OP. No excuse for getting into ego battles. But there is nothing I like more than sparring with proud members of the consumption elite.


Sealed room: Indoor grow environment with little/no exchange of outside air. Major advantage: CO2 can build up without being prompty expelled, as happens in non-sealed rooms. Secondary advantage: No exterior pollens, molds, or insects carried in via ventalation. Approx 1/3 of the heat removal is via hooded lights, vented like a horse shoe. One "in" vent, one "out vent" in between exists one inline fan and hooded lights. 2/3 of the heat is removed via a non exchange a/c unit.

Good A/C is a must. Plan for a minimum of 5,000 btu unit per 1000 watt light. Rocky Mountian climate.
Rocking CO2 system also a must for this design. CAPP's PPM3 or similar control device keeps CO2 at controlled levels.
Throughly sealable room is also a must. "Great Stuff" sprayable foam may help with this.

Hows that for "sealed room"?

well if you are a newbie (kind of hate that word but can't think of a better one) like me, or not, and have some questions to ask, don't be embarassed, ask them here! Serious questions only please!

I will have plenty I am sure, here's one! I see "grams per watt" a lot, that is grams per watt per what? per month? per grow cycle?

Also what exactly is a sealed room and do you have to do it that way? what are the advantages and disadvantages? I am looking to construct a room for 2 1000 watt lights, one horizontal and one vertical parabolic. What size should the room be to allow plenty of room to test lots of seedlings until I find what I want to clone or breed? Do you need AC or what is the best way to ventilate a room of this size without ventable hoods?


Invertebrata Inebriata
Nor'Easter- I don't think you should smoke pot, much less grow it. Better leave it to the pros.
wow after this took a negative direction, I didn't expect much out of this thread, thanks mess and Hazy Lady and attila76 for proving me wrong! excellent info! Both direct and search tips. And yes I have wanted to try Super Silver Haze for some time, maybe I will save and get some! This makes an overwhelming seemily impossible task a lot more manageable and gives me hope, I can't thank you enough :)


Anybody Know New Dame Blanche x Double Fun

Anybody Know New Dame Blanche x Double Fun

Does Anybody Have Experience With: New Dame Blanche x Double Fun? This Is All I Know?
NDB = New Dame Blanche Made By The Breeder Dame Blanche (RIP 2007)
Double Fun = Dr.Weed (Old Ed Genetics) X Citral (Positronics Stuff)

Thank You