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Sure is a mixed up world .
Here is part 1 of my plan for a better society at large ban all religion from politics and education.
You obviously do not understand what he means by the notion of getting rid of "whiteness".

Several misunderstandings to unpack here. Let's try this first:

Jews, specifically Ashkenazi Jews, have been kicked out of 89 countries a total of 109 different times throughout history for usury and vile behavior towards the native population. They have a deep-seeded, physiological and spiritual hatred of white gentiles that manifests itself whenever the Jew is in close proximity to the white gentile. The most notable examples include modern cultural Marxism, and Weimar Germany.

...Now, that feeling you have in the pit of stomach right now from reading that "hateful" paragraph? Don't worry. I'm not talking about Jews as a people. I'm talking about "Jewishness," which is different than criticizing people who happen to be Jewish.

Now that we have, with one little trick, switched the focus from A) People you are encouraged to racially attack to B) A people for whom you cannot criticize, you have undoubtedly learned how ridiculous the notion of "metapolitical whiteness" is.

..I have attended the same lectures you have; I know the double-speak. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've even aped it before. It's a verbal trick under the guise of nuanced sociological understanding.
Its not the same as killing people of European descent, breeding them out of existence, or otherwise eliminating them.
No. The fact that this man openly cheers white demographic displacement, has a literal calendar in his office that reads "days until whites become a minority," the fact that a toddler can find that most anti-white rhetoric around the world stems from Jewish money...these are just a series of wacky coincidences. Surely he and his people wants the best for whites.
What it means is to take away the relatively recent and scientifically inaccurate view that there is such a thing as "white people".
Oh boy. We're doing this? The whole shtick of "ackshuuualy, white people don't even exist! You're not even a people! You have no group identity at all, haha! ...Except for the times that you do a racism.. then we know exactly what a white person is." So tiresome. So scientifically laughable.

The idea of "whiteness" is highly toxic historically and has caused some incredibly awful problems. Remember Rwanda's big genocide? Well it all started in the 1800s when Europeans told one group of Africans that they were more-European-looking and put them in positions of power over the less-European-looking groups. The whole system slow boiled until it exploded and suddenly 400,000+ people were dead.

Listen to yourself. Whites don't exist, but "whiteness-" notably the evil historical acts done by gentiles with fair skin (but not white!)...that exists. And it's a huge problem.



Active member
Who are the "white Genitals" again ? fuck hope i'm not one of them as well
its bad enough being called a Caucasian, whoever they are?

Fuck Religion, what God ?
Fuck socialism as well, destroying society's since 1890s


Active member
OK so "white" people bad, anyone else can do no wrong, especially "blacks" and Muslims????

I'm sure Muhammad had slaves, you lot are not game to go there tho are ya

I'm very sure it was the "blacks" and the Muslims selling the "blacks" to the "white" stnuc
how about you lot go there as well

I'm not in the US of A, fucked if i'm chasing up trivial news from Americant

The kid was 12, are ya really saying at that age, make a mistake and your life will be fucked for ever, and be happy about it, who cares what he said, its a HUGE overreaction

Did you make any mistakes at 12, fuck I did hey

You clearly don't know my opinions on things if you think I will waste any time defending Islam in general. I am not a big defender of religious ideologies. Criticizing religions is important to keep them honest. There were a few really great things about Mohammad, but otherwise he was kind of a monster. Given how he came to power, its not surprising he was the way he was, but still... certainly no role model. Not everyone follows partisan agendas rigidly. Its very liberating once you train yourself to stop doing so.

I did actually do a fair number of criminal things at 12. Mostly vandalism. I got in a huge amount of trouble too. Some of it was unjust, but a lot of it was not. Maybe this will be a serious wake up call to that kid that threatening to lynch people is not to be done in polite society.


Active member
Several misunderstandings to unpack here.

I do believe you are unpacking some serious misunderstandings at me, but I'll humor the notion that they may be getting delivered earnestly.

Jews, specifically Ashkenazi Jews, have been kicked out of 89 countries a total of 109 different times throughout history for usury and vile behavior towards the native population. They have a deep-seeded, physiological and spiritual hatred of white gentiles that manifests itself whenever the Jew is in close proximity to the white gentile. The most notable examples include modern cultural Marxism, and Weimar Germany.
What genes specifically cause Jews to compulsively hate non-Jewish "white" people? How exactly does this work? I have been in some pretty dire situations in my life and one of those times my family only made it by because an Ashkenazi Jew chose to help us out with no demands in return. We're as white as it gets, and not even a little Jewish. If they wanted to destroy me it sure would have been a lot easier before helping me out of trouble.

...Now, that feeling you have in the pit of stomach right now from reading that "hateful" paragraph? Don't worry. I'm not talking about Jews as a people. I'm talking about "Jewishness," which is different than criticizing people who happen to be Jewish.
I feel nothing when I read what you write. If I internalized every bit of ignorance on the internet I would lose my mind.

Now that we have, with one little trick, switched the focus from A) People you are encouraged to racially attack to B) A people for whom you cannot criticize, you have undoubtedly learned how ridiculous the notion of "metapolitical whiteness" is.

..I have attended the same lectures you have; I know the double-speak. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've even aped it before. It's a verbal trick under the guise of nuanced sociological understanding.
No. The fact that this man openly cheers white demographic displacement, has a literal calendar in his office that reads "days until whites become a minority," the fact that a toddler can find that most anti-white rhetoric around the world stems from Jewish money...these are just a series of wacky coincidences. Surely he and his people wants the best for whites.
Oh boy. We're doing this? The whole shtick of "ackshuuualy, white people don't even exist! You're not even a people! You have no group identity at all, haha! ...Except for the times that you do a racism.. then we know exactly what a white person is." So tiresome. So scientifically laughable.
You know Israel is a white-centric ethno-state right? That's a rhetorical question because of course you don't. Zionists banned black people from Israel too. You'd fit right in with them. Whiteness is the standard of power in Israel. If you really knew anything whatsoever about Jews you would realize just how simplistic your view of their world and motivations is. Zionists are certainly vile monsters for the most part, but Zionism was started by British Christians and furthered by a small minority of the world Jewish population. They conspired with Hitler to launder money for the Nazis and in turn get support to steal Palestine from its inhabitants. While this plays into your ridiculous narrative about evil Jews; what you ignore is that all over the world there were Jews who opposed the Zionists. To this day, Orthodox Jews largely oppose the state of Israel and Zionism in general. You'll never get any sense of what Jews are about as long as you keep reading Stormfront or whatever other alt-right fact-fucking source you're pulling this pseudo-science from.

Listen to yourself. Whites don't exist, but "whiteness-" notably the evil historical acts done by gentiles with fair skin (but not white!)...that exists. And it's a huge problem.
I will go over this again because obviously I have failed to communicate this in a way that you're able to understand. I will try to do better.

"White" people in general are not denied identity when you take away the idea of "whiteness". They get to be "Irish", "Italian", "German", etc.. Most "white" folks know their general ancestry. Black folks on the other hand were mostly unable to keep track of their exact origin because some dickwad chained them up and threw them on a boat. That's a big reason that "blackness" as an identity makes a lot more sense than "whiteness". Your history didn't get erased, and so you really have no reason to use a ethnic label that was based on something as superficial as skin tone. While I hate the term privilege; Caucasians generally do have it relatively easy in this area. We're certainly in a position to lose the general racial moniker and simply go with more nuanced descriptors. Do you understand what I am saying here? If the world stopped considering anyone "white" tomorrow; you would still have no problem finding identity.


Active member
Bullshit, the English for one, half of them wouldn't know who they were
they been invaded so many times, they are mongrels lol

What are these "Caucasians" you speak of, I'm not Asian, but i'm "white?" why would we be "Caucasians" ?

Privileged you got to be fucking joking

Racist what is that? can only "white" "Caucasians" be one? or can any tribe/race have a go

If there were no "whites" left in the world, who would you all blame for all the worlds problems ? shit we "whites" caused them all, apparently

It will never work, you lot need someone to blame

me granddad was "white" and "privileged" enough to get mustard gassed in WW1,
wasn't he lucky

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- No matter which way you look at it - we all started out as multiple tribes in Africa - then some decided to head North and met up with Neanderthals and bred with them - some went north/east and met up with Denisovans and did the same - Many tribes stayed in Africa and over the years some tribes were lost and others were founded and grew strong - always groups of humans have travelled and moved to new lands - expanding across the globe - and that is still going on to this day -

- This whole 'race' idea - based on skin colour - is a fake construct to play on the whole 'Supremacist' ideology - where-by one tribe/group of people will think/say they are much better than another - due to the colour of their skin - and this happens worldwide - whether its a white person or a black/brown person saying it - the colour of a persons skin is determined by melanin - and is no reflection on the character nor intelligence of that person - none of us choose our parents - and so being born black or white or brown - is not determined by the individual - but by who their ancestors were - and they were all humans - just like you and me -

- If everyone understood the anthropological science about race - then they would all realize - that we are just one race - the human race - and then to be a 'racist' would be someone who is prejudice towards their own species - which would be ridiculous -

- Keeping this whole racial argument alive - is just a way to drive a stake thru the heart of human unity - and works for those who wish to see all humanity divided - as it has ever been - and gain or keep power and wealth and favour due to these fake 'racial' divisions -



Active member
We are all earthlings, we probably should all get along

It will happen one day, probably when some "alien" race invades us
we all stand together or all die, it will be a glorious time for us earthlings, united at last
and forever together

sounds good, except for the "alien" invasion bit
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race may have no biological basis (aside from being able to trace genetic heritage as it pertains to global location), but cultural differences are definitely a thing.

fuck culture, but that's the way it is.


Kalergi in his own words:

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”

A laconic, YEP, to that! Alternative words for the browning of America AND elsewhere.

For me this is mere conspiracy theory. The political situation in Europe, in the World, is so fluid that there can be few accurate predictions of the future. (Altho so far some Global Virus Theorists seem to be correct.)
Kalergi in his own words:

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”

A laconic, YEP, to that! Alternative words for the browning of America AND elsewhere.

For me this is mere conspiracy theory. The political situation in Europe, in the World, is so fluid that there can be few accurate predictions of the future. (Altho so far some Global Virus Theorists seem to be correct.)

yet here in Canada they did everything they could to stifle white reproduction, brainwashed our young girls into thinking families are bad and raising kids is a waste of their life...and of course birth rates plummeted...Now the left is using those same plummeting birth rates as justification for mass colonization of Canada, they even put a Somali Islamist in charge of Federal immigration for fuck sake... The left is using mass migration to increase their political strength which will allow them to pas policies the white population would never allow .

White Beard

Active member
Gee...another scaredy-cat “expert“ of ‘the left’....

So: are you a monarchist? A Jacobin? A Dantonist?
A Maratist? Or are you with Robespierre (gotta kill ‘em all!)?
Gee...another scaredy-cat “expert“ of ‘the left’....

So: are you a monarchist? A Jacobin? A Dantonist?
A Maratist? Or are you with Robespierre (gotta kill ‘em all!)?

just an observer... I don't buy into any of it hook line and sinker..but you can't deny many of the elements of this conspiracy did play out exactly as they were written... the mas migration into Canada doesn't even make sense to anyone any more except a mall handful at the very top of the Liberal party..the rest of Canada wants no part of it... in the end there is ulterior and likely nefarious political motives behind all this unwanted mass migration into Canada


Active member
yet here in Canada they did everything they could to stifle white reproduction, brainwashed our young girls into thinking families are bad and raising kids is a waste of their life...and of course birth rates plummeted...Now the left is using those same plummeting birth rates as justification for mass colonization of Canada, they even put a Somali Islamist in charge of Federal immigration for fuck sake... The left is using mass migration to increase their political strength which will allow them to pas policies the white population would never allow .

Justin Trudeau's brother Sasha is on the payroll of Iran's State Media. Look at Justin Trudeau and see if he has any Middle Eastern descent in his features.

The entire objective of the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan was to Balkanize the worlds indigenous populations so that the governing authority looks so extremely similar to the governed that they don't suspect the directive is foreign.

That is why Xi Jiping is a Mongolian by ethnicity but the Communist Internationale placed him governing over China. Same as why Leo Varadkar is governing in Ireland. Khan in London. Ilhan in MN. Putin whom is TURKISH in Russia. Janet Rosenberg Jagan of Guyana back in the day. Where are the indigenous leaders?

Darwin wrote that Scandinavian blondes are the most advanced and blah blah blah. He just made them sexually coveted THINGS. It is a genetics game and the fundamental material owners do not want other peoples families getting too strong.
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Active member
the last time they behaved this way there was a railroad being built. what's the new transportation item on the horizon?

they might need some cheap labor since everyone else will be off at War.