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NorthernKronic's- New Place, New Space, New Grow, Let's GO!


Grower of fine herbs...
Well hopefully the pics I took tonight will embarrass the ugly/blurry ass shots that I put up earlier this week...

PC#2, Finally got this bitch to start taking up nutes again, and she is finally starting to get her color back.. She is a real PITA though prolly just gonna cull the cutting from her after this run..



Now here is PC#3, I wasnt too happy with this one until right now. She is finally starting to get over her long lived ph issues and is looking nice.



Finally on to the nice looking ladies:woohoo: First up is PC#4 she is so nice and indica leaning, I think she is currently looking like the best candidate for my SOG program that I plan to run under the 1k in a month or so..



Next we have PC#1 which was my original fav.. Funny to think that I still can have a favorite before they even flower.. But I guess thats what happens on your first run after you take a long time off. Good structure and is liking the increased feedings..



Then I have two shots of what the room looked like for me tonight. Also I gave the clones a little bit of nutrients for them to bottom feed on.. Hopefully it's not to strong but I think I had the mix about right..


Well all, thats what it looks like as of tonight. I hope to see bud sites forming somtime over the next week or so. This strain really likes to produce nice fat cola's so I am interested to see how it will do topped vs untopped. Wont really be able to have a fair comparison until next run when I will have a few clones of each that I will try diff techniques with to see which produces the best results.

Oh and on a nice note, I have a friend who may be willing to let me have his 50lb co2 tank and regulator, so I may be adding Co2 injection to my list of goodies hehehe:yoinks: But that is only a maybe at the moment, if I cant get a tank for free I will be getting one eventually... Well I hope these pics make up for those weak ones earlier this week..

But Guys I am looking for some feedback here, negative, positive, critical I dont give a fuck I just need some honest opinions so that I can get back to doing what I do best. So shout out whats on your minds so that we can make this place all it can be and more! Anyway thanks to anyone still stopping by, Peace yall:wave:


Old Soul

Active member
Nice looking plants bro! Looks like they are recovering nicely, great job. That topping really helped the other ones bush out nicely, they should yield well. Can't wait to see them buds forming.


Grower of fine herbs...
Thanks for stopping in OldSoul, I was starting to think I was talking to myself lol. Yea they are finally starting to look nice again, I think my feedings in the beginning stages of veg were off and with that came all of those ph issues.

All three that were topped seemed to respond very well to it. They are really bushing out now and I hope that the budsites will begin to stack soon. They have only stretched a little bit so far and I am expecting just a bit more from them, because in my previous experience with PC it wasnt all that stretchy..

My 1k setup should be here very soon, but I dont think that I will put it into action until all the clones are ready to go into flower, just dont think it would be very energy efficient to run the 1k for just the 4 that I have right now.. But I am getting really psyched to see how much more bud I will be able to produce with that baby.

Anyway thanks again for stopping by OS, hopefully I will start to get some buds soon and things will get a little more interesting around here.

Well today I think im going to go pick up some insulation and maybe some drywall, got a big project ahead of me that I will let you guys in on in a couple days.. Doing some nice upgrades in the basement, cant wait.. But anyway till then, Peace yall:wave:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea PC responds very well to toppings and trainings....as you can see yourself...pitty you had a ph issue...coz they do lose time coz of it...what did you diffrent?
and before you chuck the clones better wait untill grown out...you could be mistaken ....maybe she still is't 100% coz of that problem....normally she should start off that way ey
i do like that groupshot inthere....lots of room to play for'm :D


Grower of fine herbs...
CORE- Hey ya buddy, good to see ya round here. Ya the PC have loved the topping session, and are really nice and bushy right now. Its funny to look into the tent and only have 4 plants in there when in the near future there will be 25+ plants that size inside the tent all flowering at once.

I think I had a ph problem because I used promix with xtra perlite that had been sitting in my garage drying out for like a year. I also didnt feed them soon enough, I believe that I did straight water for too long and it caused my soil ph to get out of wack. I usually use just straight promix bx with nothing done to it and I normally dont ever have any of these problems. But I'm already back to that so im not to worried about it

Oh dont take me too seriously about the culling. I have 9-10 clones of each one of these four pc's that I plan to use for the next run. And dont worry I wouldnt be foolish enough to cull out cuttings before I've had a chance to see them flower, or even grown correctly for that matter. I will be making selections after next run when I do a full scale run with 9 clones of each to see which has the highest avg yeild and best potency..

Again thanks for stopping by Core:wave:

Peat- Thanks for stopping by and tagging in buddy, bud sites should be showing up soon. I cant wait till we can get some good flower shots going:headbange

Well went and installed a new shelf in the room for ballasts and other electrical necessities. Tomorrow I have to go buy and install a new growroom door because the one thats there is well.... there isnt one hahaha. But anyway I will take pics of the process. Should be interesting to say the least. Until then thanks to all that stopped by, peace yall:wave:



Grower of fine herbs...
Hey all:wave:

got a bunch of pictures from last night. They are finally starting to show off their budsites..

First up is the indica PC#4, she is still stretching and looking nice..



Next up is PC#1 she has lots of nice tops forming.. should be real nice in a few weeks..



Now this is PC#2 she is still looking the weakest.. but getting better..



And to finish on a good note, PC#3, she has a stature that is very close to #1 I cant wait to see the differences or lack there of in their buds..



Also got a couple shots with them all put into the tent..


Here is the veg cab.. Most are looking great, looks like I lost maybe 4-5/28 so not to bad.. 80-85% clone rate.. The plugs are really nice and big so they can probably stay in there for about another week or so.


Well thats all I got for now.. Ill be back a tonight with a little more of an update.. Until then, Peace yall:wave:


Old Soul

Active member
Really nice update! Those things are bushing out nicely, they really love to be topped! Can't wait to see them in a few weeks when they start packing on the buds.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
off and growin again. the pc#2 looks like the most durable from here huh. is that assumption correct. it looks the least affected by your ph prob you orig had. glad to see you working again. i got to take my pics i am about 4-5weeks on my buckets and 2 weeks on my coco gals. finally something to show so i will take some dark shots in a min


They're looking good, NK!

Nice pruning!

:chin: I'd put those bushy girls under the 1kW asap!
As long as temps are good, that is. :wink:

BTW, I never would've suspected that over dry promix would cause a pH problem. :confused:

Nice recovery, none-the-less! :yes:


Grower of fine herbs...
OldSoul-Whats happing man! Thanks for stopping by:wave: Yes the girls are looking better and better, finally showing budsites now which makes me happy. I am so amped to finally be seeing the beginnings to some buds finally, now I know im not too far behind. Again thanks for stopping in OS!

Sir- Yea back to having fun again for sure.. I would have to say that the PC#2 was the most affected by the ph problems that I experienced earlier. #3 was the second most affected and #'s 1 and 4 were much healthier and less venerable if you will.. Nice to hear that your buckets are going well, Im gonna have to stop by and check those out soon. Thanks for coming by my friend:wave:

Peat-Yea the overdried promix doesnt sound very plausable, It might have been the fact that my earthjuice froze over the winter in the garage, and i continued to use it. Either way the problem has been solved.. We think very a like when it comes to the ladies though. Cant wait till I get them under a 1k.. They will be fat! Thanks for stopping in dude!

Philthy- Thanks for stopping by and dropping a line! I'm happy that things are finally looking better. Should be even better looking once they get some buds on them!

Well I got some fun pics that I will upload tomorrow, def a lot of exciting stuff going on around here... Peace for now yall..



Grower of fine herbs...
Well had a really busy night last night.. Lots of changes were made to the grow room. I went on a little shopping spree last weekend, and spent a couple hundred at the grow shop..

First purchase..


Radiant 8" aircooled reflector. Man I love this thing, hinged and sealed glass for almost no air leaks. Runs real cool too because of the 8" flanges.. Def will be nice if I ever have to run more than 1 or two inline...

Second Purchase....

Xtrasun 1000 watt hps ballast with dual voltage capability (which i didnt even know it had, until I got it home.) Thing produces a ton of heat, really makes me think about trying to locate it somewhere outside of the growroom..

Third Purchase...
1000 watt Sylvania HPS bulb. It was included in the package.. Not a hortilux but thats fine for now....

Had to also get some 8"-6" reducers to mount on either end of the reflector to meet up with my 6" duct.. Just a little ductape and some time and this is what I ended up with..


I decided to move the carbon filter stand out of the tent because it was too big and just wasnt going to work out for the time being. Ended up just putting the filter up onto a 5 gallon bucket with the vortex right on top of it..

It then blows through the regular flex duct to the reflector and then through the insulated ducting and out..


The temp in the tent is actually a lot lower than I had expected at 81f. I estimated that it would be around 90 with a passive intake only. I believe that when I go and pick up another stanley blower to use for the intake that I think will help me lower temps even further. There is still a lot of tweaking that will be done on this setup. Now that Im looking at the pictures I think I can put the stand back in without much trouble.. Gotta take a lil time to think about it though :joint:

Well thats all I have for now. Buds are finally starting to show themselves so its only a matter of time until things start to get interesting. Thanks again for all those who stopped in. Peace yall:wave:



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
yes that ballast works great and does get hot i have same one. locate high up if not out of room. a lil wisdom- put that scrubber up high also.... you dont want to be pulling all the cool air out do you, and fresh co2 coming in intake down low like that. and lose the duct tape you have on the hood. the glue will melt and tape will come undone eventually. go and get a roll of aluminum tape for ducting. better glue(more heat resistant) and wont become malible(soft) like the reg duct tape. i know you would hate to come home to ducting hanging in your canopy and a room hotter than hell( learn from my mistakes) heed that advise and you wont be disappointed. mounting the scrubber up high will lower your room temps considerably. look over all my builds, you never see a scrubber down low unless it is only scrubbing and not exhausting also. best of luck and welcome to the 1k crew lol


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
also when my used ballast broke i sent it in and got it fixed for free. it was a gift to begin with from INB and i never paid a dime to repair. if you can set up a 220 line or build a breaker box like i did to run that other voltage your power bill will cut in half for the ballast usage also!


Grower of fine herbs...
Peat- Thanks for stopping by man, and yea def need to wear shades when I go into the tent now, or else when I come out im blind lol...

SIR- Thanks for all the great suggestions my friend:yeahthats I am planning on going to the store this weekend when I get some time off to get another blower for intake and some aluminum tape for the reflector/ducting. Until then I am just going to be diligent and check the duct tape's condition every time I enter the tent too try and make sure I dont have any problems with fried plants and flying ducting.

I also was super stoked to find out that it was 220 capable. I actually have a dryer socket that is not in use in the room directly next to the grow. I plan on taking the ballast in to get it converted and get a new plug sometime in the future.. For right now though it will run 120.. I have the ballast placed as high in the room as possible, I think I will try and move it outside the room though in the future to keep temps a bit lower..

As far as the scrubber goes, after looking at the pics I think I will be able to put my filter stand back into the tent without too many problems. That will make sure that I am scrubbing the hot air at the top of the tent like I used to before I got this new reflector.. Again thanks for all your input man, I really appreciate you passing on your first hand knowledge and I will try to learn from your mistakes if at all possible... LOL.. thanks again homie...

Well last night I transplanted the plugs that were in the veg cab into 4.5" round pots. 24/28 made it fine. Unfortunatly I only have one clone of the PC#4 that looks like she is going to make it. Put them all under the 250 last night and 3 didnt have the roots to survive.. But I think it will be fine as long as I have the one to keep around for future research...

I think tonight I will grab some shots of the flower tent with the ladies basking under their new light. Looks like the temp is really nice in there.. Around 81-82 at the canopy so looking even better than I thought.. Just want to get that extra intake fan to make sure it wont get too bad once the summer heat really starts rolling..

Also I will grab some shots of the transplants in the veg cab... Ohh and I almost forgot to tell you guys. Got 2 new strains.. Well I guess one new strain since I've had one of them before. The first is Sweet Tooth and the other is Purple Citrus. They are both clones from a friends mom's that were really nice. They look really good, not sure about the lineage of the Purp Citrus.. But cant judge a book by its cover.. Just gotta grow it yourself and findout what its got.. But anyway thats it for right now. Good to have things rolling again. Peace yall:wave:



Active member
Mighty big bushes you're growing NK.
Nice hut and light setup too. I just saw a thread where someone had a whole room full of those radiant8 boxes.