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NorthernKronic's-I got Pains.... But I got strains..


Grower of fine herbs...
Zeus- Thanks dude! Yea this is a whole new setup.. Its now in a 5x5 secret jardin tent, for now I am only running 1 400 in the right corner because I only have those three plants right now. I do have my other 400 mounted so I can use if I have to, but the plan is to setup 1 aircooled 1k in there and I think that will be the shit when I have it all done and running like I want it.. That CT has me excited we will see how she does. Thanks for always stopping by my :friends:

Core-Yea $23 later I got the cable and finally got those pics uploaded... damn that took way too long, and I still havent found that original cable:confused: The last harvest was the best that I have ever had, and the funny thing is it could have been so much better, but I just didnt have the space back then, but now I got the space so I will see what I can really do.

Man Ive made BHO now twice over the past few weeks and is that shit ever powerful.. But that is nice because it means that I cant smoke it all the time so its gonna last me a long time.. In total I got about 5 grams of oil and the material to make another 3-4 so that will last me more than a year probobly. I like to smoke it but not often, once a week maybe..

Oh Man that TWxWW has me sooooooo excited. She hasnt been stretching much so I really want to see how she fills in and what her smell is like. The last TWxWW I had tasted just like TW it was soooo nice.. But again only time will tell with this lady.

DRDOG- glad you like the new setup my friend. IT will be much more pro once I get the air cooled 1k and the intake fan setup in there.. Should be a good one to watch, thanks for stopping by doc!

Well I got some pics from last night.. I got to go to work though, so I will load them up tonight. Alright peace yall:wave:


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya NK :wave:
I second Dr D - new setup is cherry and your plants look like happiness on stems! Busy guy... gonna be some great shows coming up from this tent :yes: Oh, first run of sweet golden oil - priceless! :yummy:


Grower of fine herbs...
:wave:MGJ-Im glad that everyone seems to be liking the new setup.. It will look sooo much better once I build my carbon filter stand later this week, then its on to getting my 1k setup and cooled correctly... There are still a lot of things to do before it will be finished and running like I want.. but its all an adventure and im just along for the ride. Man Oil is fun thats all I can say.. Cant smoke it very often because its just too strong for most occasions.. But yea it means a lot that you, Dr.D and the rest of the guys like the new setup.. Wish I had more than three plants going but thats just how it worked out this time.. Thanks for stopping by my friend!

Well I got some pics from last night just after I watered.. Sorry the CT is a little wimpy because she was in need of a water.. These pics are of my two babes on day 12 of flower.. Still no real buds just yet.. Stretch is still going strong on the CT but is pretty much over on the TWxWW.. They both look like they are going to be awesome plants, cant wait to see em with some buds on em.. wont be long now..

Both of them stand over 5ft tall from the ground.. should be fun to see how they fill in..

Here is the TWxWW.. Love this plant, cant wait to see how she does.. should be the bomb

Here is the CT again she is a little wimpy in the pic, but dont worry she is looking much better now..

then two shots of the tent.. I know its hard to see but I wanted u to see what I see.. Oh and the one that is not pictured is the Shitty PC that I have.. Still fighting the borg in there and thats the one they are concentrating on.. I seem to be winning the war, but it is going slowly.. Just got to stay on top of the problem and keep conditions in my favor..

Well thats it for now.. I am waiting for my clones to root at the moment so then I will have a lot more to share with all of you... I need to do a hard core cleaning of my veg cab so that I can make it sanitary for my new clones. Peace yall



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah still got the Borg around...that ain't good news....how's the girls doing under all that violence? damn man i'm gonne send some eradicating vibes to ya :wink:


Grower of fine herbs...
Yea fucking borg.. they dont want give up.. but im gonna fight em dont worry. The CT and the TWxWW are barely affected at all. But the one PC that I have in there is suffering pretty badly. Ive been keeping up on the spraying with my pirethrum soap every time I water so thats every 3 days.. I might be going out to get some neem spray.. it seems to hurt my ladies though when I spray them with the neem. Thanks for the vibes man. I feel like I need em fighting against these crazy mutant mites.. FUckers..

But anyway u got any suggestions of anything else I could try? Im all ears my friend!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i'm just having this from reading ..but i think floramite is your best bet....but please ask around first before you act on this :smile:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man how was the ct smoke from your first batch? I have 3 going right now, just wondering what I'm in for.



Grower of fine herbs...
CORE- Floramite sounds interesting.. My pyrethrum spray is working OK for now.. I really need to find something that works better though.. I have a lot of reading to do.... Thanks for the help as always my friend!

SIR-My Nigga, yea my lack of useable growspace was getting on my nerves so I had to upgrade out of the closet and into this new5x5 tent.. These Secret Jardin tents seem to be nice and high quality, good big zippers and all that. Cant wait to show u what I can do with a 1k in my hands.. that should be coming sometime in the next couple of months once I get a chance to travel..

BR-To be perfectly honest with you BR I only had one female of the Crash Test and she was the Standout out of 13 diff plants last run.. Just had the most delicious mango/grape scent that transitioned very well into flavor after about 3-4weeks of curing. I was lucky enough to have a very Amnesia Haze dom pheno, I think that is the one to look for... IMO.. I wish you the best of luck.. I know I will be popping the rest of my CT after the holidaze.. Then looking forward to Cores next selection of Genes for me to test.. Gotta love that guy!!! hahaha Thanks for stopping by my friend if ya ever need anything else just holler at me..

Not to much going on here tonight.. had classes this morning and work in the afternoon so its been a busy day. Hope everyone is well and their gardens are flourishing :muahaha:



Registered Medical Patient
great update man...thos ebabies look very happy despite the BORG!!!Lookin forward to more shots..we're at about the same point in flower, right now, cant wait for the finish!!Peace bro

- Z


Grower of fine herbs...
Whatup Yall!

Core, Nightcrawler-Im back and in good spirits :muahaha: Just want to let you all know that I am OK, and that everything is fine. Had a security breach in early fall and closed up shop. Nothing came of it but its always better to be safe rather than sorry. Ive missed my time on these boards more than most people could imagine, but i know that a lot of my homies here know exactly what im talking about. It looks like I will be having more time in these up coming months to be spending with all of my grow buds once again. I must say that everyone's efforts are looking splendid and I cant wait to really catch up on what everyone is working with now. God 4 months seems like an eternity to be away from this community, and im fucking stoked to be back:headbange

To all of my of my good friends here its good to be back and I gotta lot of catching up to do. its just good to see that everyones skills are growing just like their plants! It has fucking sucked ass to be away from IC for as long as I have been. But a new year starts soon enough, Peace yall!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
good to have you back Kron

looking forward to seeing you around again

Welcome home!!


Registered Medical Patient
NK, my brother from another mother...So good to have u back brotha!!!!I cant wait to see what u been up to...How was the last harvest?? How did ur CT and Mongrel/PC turn out?? Alright bro, now that ur back, its time for a VERY lONG overdue update!!!!Peace bro

- Z


Grower of fine herbs...
Core-Yea im back now homie, and yea it does feel good. Still got a lot of catching up to do on everybodies grows but thats the fun part anyway.. Good to be back my friend :muahaha:

DR.Dog-Thanks for the nice welcome home DOC! Im really liking all the new OGA threads Ive been seeing around here. Looks like you guys are really kicking ass! Cant wait to catch up on your thread :rasta:

BR-Whatup Homie! Currently I dont have anything going. I have to wait unitl I move in 2-3 months before i will setup shop again. Dont worry tho ill be around catching up on what everyones got going... YOU INCLUDED! Good to see you my friend:wave:

MGJ-Howdy buddy, Hope the Holidaze are treating you well! Have a good one my friend!

Zeus-Dude.. Its fucking good to be back man, ive been missing this place and all of the good people for a while now! There was no last harvest for me. I got to about day 35 of flower when i had that security breach and I had to chop and burn. Its all good tho because like I said id rather be safe than sorry. But I took it as a sign+ I had those fucking crazy mutant resistant mites that were not responding to any treatment that i was giving them. But now when i setup next I wont have to deal with any of that bull shit(Crossing fingers) but I wont be taking clones from that particular friend again. Its good to be back and its really good to talk to ya buddy! I will be by your thread shortly! Peace Homie!


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