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A few years back I felt I needed to get involved too. I sent a few $$ to NORML and they sent me a cool hemp shirt and a bunch of pins. The following year they asked for more money. This time I considered sending a tax-deductible donation to the foundation, but decided against it.

When I went back to school, I called NORML and got the OK for my university's MJ supporters group to become a recognized college chapter. Unfortunately, the group's officers were too lax and disorganized and let it all fall apart.

Since then, I tried getting involved with my state NORML chapter and had mixed feelings. The directors were mainly the stuffed shirt types and seemed kinda phony, like they all had ulterior motives and were possibly just trying to serve some other interests.

The people who did the actual grunt work seemed more like the type who just wanted to get involved and pitch in somehow, although there were some who were clearly getting in line to try to capitalize on the MMJ bill that was being tossed around at the time.

I've since found a small MMJ group. No fancy board of directors and from what I've seen, no BS. Their sole purpose is to get a usable MMJ bill passed. These are the folks I'll donate my time and $$ to.

I'm a realist too and understand what movingtocally is saying. However, I believe it's the show of hands that ultimately brings about change. I just can't believe that if we all sat back and did nothing we'd still have 13 compassionate states today.

ya thats something like what im looking for. how would i go about finding something like that? im in the mid west where the ball is finaly starting to roll, a lil slow but moveing none the less.

3rd base

Well, what I did was google advocacy groups in my area.

If that turns up nothing, you can check your state NORML website to see if they have any links to other activist groups in your area.

I know the search feature here leaves much to be desired, but you could try searching ICmag.

Treating Yourself magazine or their website may have info on groups as well.

sac beh

Norml is fired, they have never been effective - tell me one thing they have done that actually helped? They are a t-shirt seller, and the big shots live off our money. New york and LA offices? That is where the money goes, not to help our cause.

Let me just say one thing--if I may--in praise of NORML. I owe the beginnings of my involvement in the medical cannabis and cannabis legalization movements years ago in part to them. Someone doing web research on the issue will inevitably end up at NORML's site where there is very helpful information for those wanting basic information about the benefits of cannabis and the basic legal issues. But with the basics down, I went my own way never wanting to affiliate with such an organization which I couldn't trust 100%.

On a personal note, I have worked for years with various movements and organizations working for societal/political changes and these experiences have taught me more than anything this: the greatest acts happen in one's daily life, and as organizations grow in size their motivations will necessarily change from the original goals to monetary ones.

All that said, I agree completely with the above quote, and I'm very skeptical about their motives sometimes. Live what you believe, help your brothers and sisters in their struggles, and don't let your message be watered down.

sacbeh :joint:

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