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i was thinking of joining norml but wasnt sure if i should. so i thought id stop in here and ask for some advice from some fellow ic magrs. whats your :2cents: on norml? am i wasteing time and money? or is it something worth while. i would like to start helping with our cause and thought norml would be a good place to start.


i like norml and mpp. nobody's perfect but they've done a lot of good stuff.


Active member
ASA, Americans for Safe Access is a good choice. They are working on the local level ensuring that new legislation complies with the existing laws providing safe access to medical marijuana.

NORML is only out for themselves apparently. They may have helped in some cases, but look at them lying about opening the first cannabis cafe in the US. Self-serving, lying hype for a profit making venture, rather than disseminating the TRUTH!
sweet that was pretty quick responses thanx guys!! il look into ASA and the MPP. anymore info that would help me get started on the road of activism?
thanx Korhash. but is there anything that i could do on top of just donateing? i feel like more needs to be done than just sending money to people. just have the feeling that i need to be doing something but i just dont know what. know what i mean?lol


you can be an advocate and publicly voice your opinion, or you can be a grower..
I wouldn't suggest both at the same time.
good advice il stick with the latter since im not a good speaker and iv got a build going for a future grow. i was hopeing that there was something that i could do. thanx cellardweller
I do see NORML as just being out there for the cash. You send them a hundred bucks and you get a backpack. Its like you're just buying an overpriced product. It is a pretty cool hemp bag though.

I don't know about that cafe though. It seems like a pretty sweet deal from what i've read. 25$ a month for all you can smoke?!?! that sounds amazing and not very profitable. I know I smoke more then 25$ a month worth of high grade. Maybe I read it wrong.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Well an old head once told me "Normls been around since the 60s r 70s and look how far they got me"... Just my 2cents.


I do see NORML as just being out there for the cash. You send them a hundred bucks and you get a backpack. Its like you're just buying an overpriced product. It is a pretty cool hemp bag though.

But this is expected, it's a cheap piece of crap & most people who donate want their money to be put to good use, rather than a top of the line backpack with the leftovers going to the charity. I'd rather get a crappy backpack and have the $$ be put to good use. I find it hard to believe that a group like NORML is "out there for the cash."


I've found the best way to keep the cause going is to grow myself and sell it to the middle school kids.My contribution to society
But this is expected, it's a cheap piece of crap & most people who donate want their money to be put to good use, rather than a top of the line backpack with the leftovers going to the charity. I'd rather get a crappy backpack and have the $$ be put to good use. I find it hard to believe that a group like NORML is "out there for the cash."

Its far from a charity organization. Its more of a lobbyist group. I do think we need our voice heard in Washington but it's impossible to lobby against big pharma, tobacco, and alcohol just running on donations.


I'd just avoid any and all organizations and just support people on a personal level.

Practically speaking, how much can a lobbying group really do at this point anyway? We don't need to change the hearts and minds, never have. This isn't an intellectually difficult issue to comprehend in which we need to spend money to get the word out. The literate and educated support marijuana reform almost across the board. Change will come on a case-by-case basis when individual politicians see it to their benefit to make a change. Nobody who matters gives two fucks about what's "right," or "correct."

I'd save your time and money. Change will come, and it won't have dick to do with "getting the word out."


stone fool
Norml is fired, they have never been effective - tell me one thing they have done that actually helped? They are a t-shirt seller, and the big shots live off our money. New york and LA offices? That is where the money goes, not to help our cause.
Norml is fired, they have never been effective - tell me one thing they have done that actually helped? They are a t-shirt seller, and the big shots live off our money. New york and LA offices? That is where the money goes, not to help our cause.


3rd base

A few years back I felt I needed to get involved too. I sent a few $$ to NORML and they sent me a cool hemp shirt and a bunch of pins. The following year they asked for more money. This time I considered sending a tax-deductible donation to the foundation, but decided against it.

When I went back to school, I called NORML and got the OK for my university's MJ supporters group to become a recognized college chapter. Unfortunately, the group's officers were too lax and disorganized and let it all fall apart.

Since then, I tried getting involved with my state NORML chapter and had mixed feelings. The directors were mainly the stuffed shirt types and seemed kinda phony, like they all had ulterior motives and were possibly just trying to serve some other interests.

The people who did the actual grunt work seemed more like the type who just wanted to get involved and pitch in somehow, although there were some who were clearly getting in line to try to capitalize on the MMJ bill that was being tossed around at the time.

I've since found a small MMJ group. No fancy board of directors and from what I've seen, no BS. Their sole purpose is to get a usable MMJ bill passed. These are the folks I'll donate my time and $$ to.

I'm a realist too and understand what movingtocally is saying. However, I believe it's the show of hands that ultimately brings about change. I just can't believe that if we all sat back and did nothing we'd still have 13 compassionate states today.