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Norden seeds auto viking thor - 60x60cm 55w Led


Hi guys!

So i just started up a bunch of Norden seeds auto viking thor and loke in my tent, most of them are going outdoor but im keeping two auto thor in my tent for an indoor run!

I will be growing in my 60x60 tent, i will be using a 55w led light due to high summer temperatures here now. I would love to be able to use my mars hydro 900 instead but that thing generates way too much heat to be used during summer.

The plants are two weeks old today, I had them sitting in my window the first week and after that they have been in the tent.


The two plants im keeping indoor, they are sitting in 9 litre pots with some nice organic soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite, i will be using some biobizz nutes for them later on.

Here are the ones going outdoor, i will be putting them out in a week or so. The five ones in the back are auto viking loke, rest are thor.

Got fan and light hooked up to this thing which adjusts the fan speed to keep the temperatures i have set up, love it cause this tiny light isnt producing much heat so its great being able to run the fan at lower speeds. The whole setup sounds about as much as a computer running as i also built a sound-proofed box that the fan is sitting inside of :) The light has no fans just passive cooling so no additional noise from it.

I will update with pictures frequently!


Alright so time for an update!

I still have some of the outdoor plants in the tent, I have put 6 out so far and the rest are going out this weekend. Plants are now a few days past 3 weeks. They seem to love the soil and the big pots and are growing along nicely!

I have also decided to keep a third plant in my tent instead of growing it outdoors, I repotted it into a 5 litre pot the other day.

I have started some LST on the other 2 plants im keeping indoor:

Im hoping to get the most out of my tiny light source by using lst on all 3 plants. As im running the lights 24/7 I think I might get another one of these 55w leds and only run bouth at night when its not so hot and then only one during the day.

Heres a pic of the six plants i planted outdoor today:


Hi Budpirate

Everything looks fine :)
Interesting how far you can go with the 55W during summer.
LST will absolutely help you :woohoo:

Best luck :tiphat:

P :smoke:


Hehe Im pretty much at 59 lat myself :) I will post some pics from the outdoor grow as well. Altho I think I might be a bit late with the outdoor plants, Im hoping for good non-rainy weather during late summer so I can get something out of the outdoor plants :)

I have now gotten all the 15 outdoor plants out and only have 3 left in the tent!

I have also added a circulation fan in the tent as I have been having some issues with tiny black flies, they are more or less gone now with help of yellow-sticky things + fan.

The plants are adjusting well to the LST, I have also started LST on the third plant as it was getting big enough.


The plants have grown a lot since my last post, been working on tying them down best i can and its kept them real nice and low. They have started going into flowering the last couple of days and they are now about 5 weeks old.


One of the plants is a bit bushier and shooting out more and longer side-branches compared to the others.

Outdoor plants are still alive and well but they are way smaller than the ones indoor.


Update time! :)
The plants are in their seventh week now, they have started flowering for real now, the smell has gotten very much stronger in the tent this last week, ive been away a couple of days and it was nice to come back to a tent in full flowering :)





I will be visiting my two outdoor fields later so will update with pics from there shortly :)


Things are going well in the tent, the plant in the smaller pot is yellowing faster than the others and also producing way more trichomes at this point

My outdoor fields are doing good aswell, all plants are still alive and well. In one of the fields the plants are way more compact, the other one has plants like twice the size.


They look happy out there and are flowring on, im hoping to harvest them in like four weeks or so ill see how they develop


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Nice thread man. Been wondering about those Norden seeds in action outdoors.. Will be watching how this goes for you, so good luck! :):yes:

Growing OD in the North is tricky and challenging to say the least, but very doable and even rewarding once you get the hang of it. Just keep at it, learn from your mistakes and think of ways to improve your methods.

Reach for the stars!

- BT @61N :tiphat:


The plants in the tent are now 12-13 weeks old, flowering on nicely, one of them looks like its flowering slower but its fattening up its buds way more so not all bad.

here is the one fatty plant dwarfing the other plants buds :)

The buds on the other plant in the big pot arent nearly as chunky as on the fatty plant

Heres a pic of the plant in the tiny pot, kinda bad pic so you cant see but its properly coated with trichomes and buds have swollen up nicely.

The tiny plant in the tiny pot is looking like it will be ready for harvest shortly but im thinking the fatty plant is gonna need like 2-3 more weeks as its looking now.


I have also chopped some of my outdoor plants earlier this week and i currently have them in a jar for curing

I saw there would be lots of rain coming during the week so i figured i might as well chop some so that i will get something out of them, i left a couple of plants out there to see how they would deal with the rain and moisture as a little experiment. Wasnt really much of a harvest from my outdoor plants, im expecting like 1-2 grams per plant or so, but its always something

Heres some pics from the day i went out and chopped them


In one of the fields three plants started developing what looked like purple calyxes


Would have been real nice if i had some dry and sunny weather these last weeks so that i could have left them out a couple of weeks more.


I have harvested the smallest plant from the tent now and its currently drying up :)

Chopped her at 70 days from seed.

I will let the other two sit for like two more weeks mayby.