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Nomaad OD:2010


More pics,more pics,more pics!!!!!!! hahahaha

C'mon Nomaad we're getting bored here,I want to see more sexy green ladies with their flowers hangin' out.
Explaining humor is hard.. its probably funny because im a Christian.

Anyway JC should interview the 'maad for sure, that would be a greater contribution to the ganja world than just filming his garden


Active member
because its OK to have a sense of humor...

because its OK to have a sense of humor...

We're talking about the JC that wrote the bible, considered by some to be their savior. Not the one who is a character in one of the later works of The Bible, considered by some to be Their Savior.



If for what ever reason he hasn't gotten in touch with you still, PM me and I'll shoot you his #.

Always a pleasure seeing you, and it was very nice meeting the little lady and the beautiful (and very well mannered) littler ones.

Oh yeah and PICS PICS PICS!!!


Active member
Anyway JC should interview the 'maad for sure, that would be a greater contribution to the ganja world than just filming his garden

It would be pretty cool just to have footage of the garden. I don't really know wtf i'm talking about anyway.

Pics coming soon.
Hahahah dude are you kidding me you're one of the funniest guys I know. That last post of yours on the humor question seriously had me busting up. That in itself would be interview worthy

PIIIICSSSSSS!!!!!!! I can understand how busy you must be though. Seeing as its a ghost town around here lately


Active member
Sorry its taken a while... busy busy busy.


Pineapple Cough.


Blue Dream



I promised the Dome would see another day in the sun. In this incarnation she will be the main space for the trim that will happen at this garden I am helping out at. I'm going to be making some modifications to the cover... its going to be a beautiful space with carpet, a wood stove and dehumidification. And then she'll be ready for greenhouse duty again in the spring.




Pineapple Thai... lots of potential here. Hope I can get a cut of this. Gonna be done in days
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wonderful stuff maad bro, bd is just looking great. nice to see jc on visit, seems like you had a nice time.

happy to see the return of the dome! are you have only one tree in there?


Active member
wonderful stuff maad bro, bd is just looking great. nice to see jc on visit, seems like you had a nice time.

happy to see the return of the dome! are you have only one tree in there?

Howdy Esben. Nice to see you.

You are confusing the humboldtlocal's Jorge Cervantes visit with mine... which has not happened yet. We are expecting him today!! How cool. The dual reality that he is visiting (I'll believe it when he shows up) AND that my garden is being visited alongside the likes of HL... both factors are highlights of my season! I'll post pics later today. Big thanks to Unknown Prophet for setting it all up.

Yankee Grower

Very cool about the visit. You're gonna be famous. I want your autograph...lol.


Active member
Esbe: Had I been able to keep the dome up at the original site, I would have put a single Cough plant in it in 400-500 gallons of soil. In a Smartpot, of course, but, my fantasy it would have a radint heating pad under it or radiant heating tubing inside the smartpot itself. I would have take off the cover for the dry months of summer, and sometime around a 2 weeks from now, I would have covered it back up and started up the radiant heating to get her thru till thanksgiving.

Next year, you can expect something like that to happen. I don't know if it will be Cough or the Shadow Haze bx2 x Cough cross, or what... but ain't no minor county functionary gonna tell me to take it down from where it is now.

Yankee: LOL is right. I am not a star-fucker (I have worked in Hollywood for years and been around dozens of celebs... the only ones who I even wanted to talk to were Scorcese and Kevin Smith... not because they are famous, but because they are geniuses with whom I have shared interests and work that I admire, much like my good friends here on ICM), nor do I seek fame. The only difference between when JC visits and say... you do (I have learned as much from you as I have from him for sure) is that 1) He is going be shooting video and 2) More importantly... when I rolled up on the 707 a year and a half ago, I was helped by a number of good friends. One in particular is my homegirl, who, as a grower, puts most of the guys around here to shame... even this year- and she is due to give birth to her first child on November 5th. Anyhow, amongst the gifts she gave me were her copies of Jorge's Bible and Marijuana Garden Saver by Stich. have failed to ever return her books to her, as i require all new Sherpas to read them both.

Like so many growers, the Bible laid the foundation for everything I have since learned about growing... To have the opportunity to contribute to Jorge's new video, and thus pass something on to other new growers is very cool for me. It will also be nice to return homegirl's book to her, signed by JC hisself.
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Esbe: Had I been able to keep the dome up at the original site, I would have put a single Cough plant in it in 400-500 gallons of soil. In a Smartpot, of course, but, my fantasy it would have a radint heating pad under it or radiant heating tubing inside the smartpot itself. I would have take off the cover for the dry months of summer, and sometime around a 2 weeks from now, I would have covered it back up and started up the radiant heating to get her thru till thanksgiving.



Active member
What an amazing way to end my week. I spent the entire afternoon hanging out with Jorge and his cinematographer, Chris. They shot loads of footage in the garden. Jorge is a genuinely inspiring person. I thank him for the visit and look forward to seeing the dvd project develop.

The part that left the biggest impression on me was that when he left, he was more concerned about not forgetting the jar of homegrown coffee beans than the jar of Kush salad I sent him off with.


Trinity Gold

Shoulda had some Jack Herer or somethin for dude.... :)

Is this the same Chris that was workin @ Eddys?


great stuff nomaad jorge is a lucky guy! you think youll have anything going after this upcoming full moon or is that the final push? pineapple cough looks killer

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