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Nomaad OD:2010



Nomaad - I had heard youre a strange one..but wanting to fly aroundin fairy wings with glitter and tights....i think that may just have sealed the deal bro..haha..silly east coasters..must've been all that tap water drank as a child..


Now that we're giving Nomaad proper amounts of grief I'll chime in!!!

Seriously, looking pretty good for your 2nd year "Harness Boy"!!!

And you know I'm jealous of your Cough plants....

BEST wishes for a prolific 2010 Nomaad, fun to be following along with The Shadowcasters so far...

Hasta Luego Hermano


Active member
Oh .... wished i had mentioned this before for u guys , my friend is ordering more than several of truckloads (22 pallets per truck) of Vital Earth's "monomix" & could piggy-back other decent sized orders ontop of that . He wasn't quite together back a few weeks ago but assures me now the Vital earth boyz will be working more exclusively with him from now on. His cost ordering this large is $6/bag & he's charging 60c a bag or 10% only ontop of that . I'd do it at that price as a favor & helping the cause out .

BTW Nomad ... am really loving that geodesic dome of your's WOW/nICE !!!!!!That's a super nice sunspace & bet the light is well reflected back within the dome at night for better veg cycle maintenance till transplant ? And is that a dark-cloth that can be swirled around entirely for light depo treatment i see at the top ? That's a clean functional looking planty space .

Just loving it.... Bucky Fuller lives !!:wave::wave:

I might need a pallet or two more dirt next week... do you have a link to more info on this monomix? When I first got here last year, I met several people who spoke very highly about Vital Earth... I even have their number in my phone... But I never managed to get my hands on the product. $6.60/bag is a good deal assuming that its a 1.5cf bag.

Yes... the light reflects amazingly in the dome. No matter what angle the sun is at, at least one truiagle has PERFECT transmission... it bounces around inside like crazy. The plants are getting huge fast and seem to love it. The black plastic you see can get "swirled around" to cover the dome, but it is not sufficient for light dep. Its just a single layer of 6 mil black plastic (and the worst quality of that product I have yet to see) and its intended pourpose it to keep the supplemental light from bothering my neighbors. But now that I changed the cycle so that the light comes on at 2.30AM, its less of an issue.



Dome looks awesome. Might attract an alien landing. I was given some bags of Vital Earth by a friend with a store last year. 1 cuft bags so pricey. Very complete soil,lots of amendments, but very heavy. I don't think it had any perlite. Very little if any. I would add a lot.


Active member
at $6.60 they are the same price as the per-bag price for almost everything at my local shops... FFOF, Roots... mostly everything that comes in a 1.5cf is $9.99. plus tax... not all that much cheaper by the pallet at $650 per 62 bags after tax.

I am totally into soils that have no perlite. Perlite is way cheaper than bagged soil (specially if you go with the norcal) so mixing it in is extremely cost effectove. I am mixing in a ton of perlite to my FFOF mix. (4:9cf)... From what I have read, most other bag soils contain 25-35% perlite. So a mix without it at the same price is actually 30% cheaper minus the price of the perlite. It probably translates to close to a 20% discount.

My 4 pallets of Greenfields just got here.


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ICMag Donor
$6 and some change for FFOF :laughing: . The cheapest I can get it for around me is $20 a bag and thats buying it in bulk!! I go to my local compost site and get truck loads of compost for free though and it seems to work out good for me. No way in hell do I think I could ever pull what you guys do in the gurellia spots I have.


Active member
$9.99 for FFOF. Six and change was the price for a bag 66% of the size full of Vital Earth. In the end, they come out to the same price.

I am totally aware what they pay for dirt outside of cali... I was checking the price on Greenfields and most of the online distributors want $17 or more. crazy.

I am also running some pots that are just compost, perlite and old age dry grow. I finally got my soil back and it reads just as nice as Black Gold...

This may be the last season I run bag dirt. I just need to see it in action, in my hands to know one way or another.

Madrus Rose

post 69
Yes these are 1.5cf and their Monomix is apparently a coco blend my friend just said so sounds like it might be more akin to BG's CocoBlend . Have to stop by the office to see the sample bag he has there , might be the 'planting mix' that was the denser Vital Earth product HumT saw last yr . They're a little behind on updating their website so no link to the MonoMix so will go check it out . Mixing soils for the OD not my idea of fun so as near as u can get to a lighter perfect mix the better , imo....last yr we went with Sunshine#4 in trenches, watered in nutes, tea etc ....easy peasy , the girls turned out fine .


Active member
I have decided to put trenches into one of my blackboxes instead of packing it with a bunch of smartpots. I am trying to fit almost 30 plants into each 15'x16' hoop structure. All of these plants will be coming out of 5 and 10 gallon smartpots. They will go into the trenches on May 1st, and veg for two full weeks before tarp pulling begins.

Am I going to be crowded? I am going for a solid sea of green. On my first grow, I pulled down about 6lbs from each black box... I think that can be easily duobled... just based on the size of my plants and the area they covered last year... my plants never really stretched in that scenario... maybe I am overcompensating this year.


Nothing wrong with a hedge. Better than having unfilled areas. I am going to have some hedges this year. They make great wind barriers.:) I might try to make a corn maze out of one of my gardens.:)


you're thinking smart for your dep... but how about this...just put a chicken wire on the ground, fold some 3' field fence as long and wide as you would dig your trench, ziptie, landscape fabric, proceed to dump soil in to your bed..the drainage is key brother.


Active member
nomaad, I just think you are going to be way too crowded. If the plants are already in 5 and 10 gallon pots b4 they hit the ground, then get a 2 week veg time/de-stress/acclimate, then start their stretch (beginning of 12/12) your sq. footage /plant is going to be miniscule by the end.

Heres some pics of a hoop 12 x 20 Greenhouse, w/13 plants in it. They went in the trenchs May 15th from 4 gallon pots. The sq. ft. is similar to what you are using.

The distance between each plant is 4 feet, you are talking about more then doubling this amount of plants, meaning a distance of 2 feet from plant to plant. I just think the plants don't want that amount of root competition. Or Light competition up high.

GL whatever you decide.


I am totally into soils that have no perlite. Perlite is way cheaper than bagged soil (specially if you go with the norcal) so mixing it in is extremely cost effectove...

this is the first year that I've realized this, I'm saving quite a bit of money so far and carrying my soil in isn't as bad because instead of 5 bales of pro-mix I can carry 3 bales of peat and one bag of perlite and have it come out to the same volume of soil, so I save on a trip and the effort that requires plus perlite is always light to carry. I also like buying bales of peat moss at Wal-Mart, gotta save money where you can these days.

Oh, and the trenches should be fine. I've seen good results in shallow trenches in a guerilla situation, meeting your expecations easily. In your backyard they should be raging...I think trenches work great because they can all share a huge amount of rootspace.


Active member
Horsemouth: Thanks for the post. How long did the GH in your pics veg for? full season?

I guess its going to have a lot to do with how big the plants get between now and the day they get transplanted. What I want is 100% coverage. I can prune the fuck out of the hedge if need be.

Planty... I'm not sure... one of the advantages of the trenches was increased overhead. I want to keep the hoops down to 8ft high and these plants are going to stretch like crazy. Maybe I just pot the 5's up to 10's and the 10's up to 20's and cram em in there. I can remove some if they get too crowded and rig up another hoophouse somewhere.


That is a beautiful setup, good thing you are legal though cuz a glowing tent at 2:30am would be pretty visible in a nightime flyover...


Active member

That GH did get the full veg, but here's a few bits of info that might help. Since I'm at the 45th parallel, also at 3800 feet, my trigger date for flowering is July 15-20th. Also, I'm growing a 90 % Indica strain that is super quick to turn. I'm pretty sure I had a plant go into flower in the beginning of July. The cold my friend, the COLD!

So I figure the GH had 2 months of vegging b4 the stretch started. However, my strains are shorty's. Your 1/2 to 3/4 Sativa's would have been twice that height w/that much vegging. Also, you are putting out 10 or 20 gallon size plants, WAY BIGGER then my starting point.

These are the reasons I would drop the 30 number to 20, and do a thorough stake down job. Also, I like Dubbalicious's method of the NO lower branch trim, and a heavy leaf trim a month into budding. Especially for OD, where the Leaf content in a GH is much more profuse then just outside.

You can find Dubbalicious's threads about this leaf trim vs. lower branch trim on ICMAG somewhere. Hope that helps.

I think I'm posting my OD Purple Ticinenesis grow from seed in the Purple Ticinenesis thread started by ESBE.

Good luck all this summer!


Well-known member
Esto es tremendo Nomaad!! Woow!

Absolute great work, keep doing it BIG...i gonna pull a comfortable chair to watch the show. k+++


Active member
Gracias, Dimajones. Este ano va a estar algo especial. Y despues de la cosecha un par de semanas en tu pais!