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Nomaad OD:2010


Yankee Grower

TG is the man when it comes to this kind of stuff so would have to defer to him :tiphat:. That being said...lol...I'd just go with a simple bacterial tea based on worm castings if you go nuking. In addition to what TG said to do it would only help. You need to get a small worm farm going at the least to make teas from for next year. That stuff would be chocked full of native micro cultures. Just filter the tea really well for foliar. Bummer about foliar spraying is you can beat up your bacteria pretty bad and peeps have tested this.

I worked at one health product manufacturer and we had an intestinal bacterial product based on cultures obtained from plant roots and plant leaves. Wild native plants should have a nice healthy symbiotic culture going...not something like sweet pea though. Damn PM AND thrips just love those things. I'd be tempted to throw some healthy native weeds in the brewer but never experimented this way though with foliar but prolly great for soil drenches. Feed weeds to your worms also. Weeds are awesome natural ferts and mineral rich.

As for calcium yeah I remember Tom saying that it's really key for combating both PM and pretty sure he said botrytis also. That stuff I gave you works great on PM also. It's great for everything...lol. One pumpkin farmer back east used a combo of that stuff and micronized calcium carbonate and his PM never came back. Calcium immediately deactivates the pectolytic enzymes produced by PM so it basically can not spread. I did a lot of research into CaCO3 and was gonna play with nano stuff that's man made so very consistent particle size down at .06 frikkin microns. I got some for a buddy to experiment with and was gonna use the 'stuff', BioAg fulvic and nano CaCO3 against PM but he never got to it. Smallest you can get natural milled CaCO3 is about 1 micron but even then the particle size is all over the place but still a very high percentage at the claimed size. It has to be like less than 5 microns to get into the stomata. I'd be a bit concerned about using the milled stuff cause the larger particles may plug the stomata.

If you play with fulvic I'd go with a foliar treatment also as it'll help. The stuff from BioAg rocks and some good stuff in there besides just the fulvic :). That personal project of mine seems dead but still a believer in that stuff. You still have plenty of time to treat a plant with a 1% soil drench then a week later a 1% foliar feed. Do a side-by-side with 2 matched plants. You might be surprised overall and should help against PM.


Active member
feel free to laugh at me anytime. i can take it.

its very rare for me to wake up from a dream disoriented, but it happens. i am one of those people who wakes up present and ready to kill. I have to medicate just to slow myself down to a normal human pace- so as to not alienate the other humans.

This time, I had an instant awareness that all was well. I felt and heard the fan, remembered a conversation about which plants to pollinate, and started to mentally plan my trip this week to pick up pollen with which to pollinate. I am running all clones and have found no herms in the black boxes (harvested in full) so the possibility of it happening at this point are nil. My heart rate was under control pretty fast.

And that brings me smoothly to my next set of concerns. I am going to be pollinating a couple of branches here soon. Can anybody direct me to a good tutorial on this practice? Or care to share from their own experience? I am most interested in the proper precautions to take to ensure ZERO pollination outside the desired branches. Is a single plastic bag sufficient...?

As my dream would suggest, I am definitely not taking the importation of pollen into my garden with anything but top notch east coast neurosis.


Active member
If you play with fulvic I'd go with a foliar treatment also as it'll help. The stuff from BioAg rocks and some good stuff in there besides just the fulvic :). That personal project of mine seems dead but still a believer in that stuff. You still have plenty of time to treat a plant with a 1% soil drench then a week later a 1% foliar feed. Do a side-by-side with 2 matched plants. You might be surprised overall and should help against PM.


I put it on the calendar for the root drench tomorrow and the foliar on wed. I am just going to do zone vs. zone. 10 plants in each zone. All three strains represented in each.


Well-known member
Is a single plastic bag sufficient...? it will work but needs to be clear so that d flowers keep on growing good for ya.:D


Active member
Ganja D inspired me to take some fat stalk pics.


Blue Dream


Pineapple Cough

Yankee Grower

I like the Tecate can instead of the 7-UP posted by Ganja D...lol.

As for pollination get a small paint brush and I've also used Q tips. Try a non windy day and just paint the buds. Tap the paint brush lightly inside the container before applying to get the bulk off. You really only need one pollen grain per pistil. Take the 'virgin' brush and paint a few buds to get it sticky then start pollinating and should contain the pollen better. For that east coast neurosis cover the branch you want to pollinate then spray down the rest of the plant and any adjacent plants. Pollinate the desired branch and cover up for a bit. I've immediately sprayed down pollinated branches and still had a bunch take. You can always spray the pollinated branch like 24 hours later just in case any stray stuff. I've had puffs of pollen escape from my brush inside a room and still not much took.

I doubt you're gonna have any problems anywhere else in the garden if you're careful.


Active member
I believe it says "Tecate" on the can. Cheap Mexican beer. I wouldn't know if its any good cuz I rarely drink at all. I have not had more than a sip or two of beer in over a decade. The once in a while that I drink its a glass of good wine or a shot or two of tequila. The latter is for when I want to feel a little buzz for a few minutes which happens once or twice a year.

Alcohol has the unique quality of bringing out the inner asshole in just about everybody. I've got enough outer asshole to me that its just better to leave it at that.

Ganja D

I also quit drinking. I have a nice glass of good bourbon whiskey every now and then. Drinking actually makes me a lot nicer. I gave it up because I watched it ruin too many lives. I won't allow any alcohol on the property here.
Oh and Nomad,stalk porn looks great,I'll drink a 7 up to that.
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Do you watch Dexter, dude? Isn't that a killer show!? Dude you're missing out on so much good TV! Do you have cable, dude?


been looking for a full garden shot like you used to do in the winter and haven't seen one in the days... trunks look great no less

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