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Nobody hangs these days?


Non Conformist
I hear ya, and if they do hang they sit there like a bump on a log and say nothing. BC


Mother Nature's Son
Shit, if you need someone to talk your ear off while smoking, then I am your man. I never shut up, always have something interesting to say. Hell, a lot of people I have met are convinced that I do more than smoke weed, they think I am all hopped up on something. "You are too excited and talkative to just be a stoner," they say. Not true, I am just a talkative and hyper guy.

And yeah, I hate going over to a buddy's house to smoke, and after one joint everyone there is "fine." Shit, then I guess I will go smoke these other two by myself. Even if I am annihilated and someone offers up another joint to smoke, I will always say yes. I just don't get it when my peers take 6 hits off a joint and are gone. That is fine, but keep hitting it, see the moon, man.

I am only 23, and most of my friends just give up to quickly at a smoking session. C'mon, you ain't gonna OD.....


Get two birds stoned at once
I'm a lightweight, but thats probably because I'm a slight 150lbs and take regular breaks which gets rid of the cough and halves my tolerance.

I also have a tendency of trying to get the smoke deep as I can and hold it longer than most I people I know.

"You are too excited and talkative to just be a stoner,"
Thats what people say when they have dumb friends lol. I had a fishing buddy like that, he'd get baked and stfu lol.


i do hate that shit too, after awhile of puffin i wanna go do something. i especially hate it when i make time to go over to someones spot and they nod off after smokin their own shit!! pisses me off!!


Freedom Fighter
Haha...yeah, when my friends come by to get weed, I always have a session (no in and out traffic!) and I like to try and fuck them up-- Start passing bowls with finger-hash sprinkled on...have them try 3 or 4 different kinds of weed...and when they start telling me they are too fucked up to smoke anymore...I'll just remind them that I have done this with several groups of ppl this evening!! :muahaha:


668, Neighbor of the Beast
I'm the only member of my crew that doesn't drink, so I can smoke out the entire bunch. They start off trying to keep up but after the second or third go round they start falling by the wayside.
Next morning I'm up bright and chipper, ready for the new day while everyone else is grumbling and moaning. They usually start coming around when they pop that first can open, but it always seems downhill for them the rest of the day.


Active member
people that talk alot bug me out when i'm high,i just look at there mouths spewing random shit wishing they'ed shut the hell up,everything they say is meaningless,at that point,just sound's mergeing together endlessly.....


livin my way the high way
i like to talk alot with a cool person but not about dumb stuff. i get what your sayin guys ive only met 2 maybe 3 people who will just keep chiefin when i pass it to them. and everyone of those people is at least 5 years older than me and been tokin for over 10 years. ive been smokin for 2 and can hang with the best of em.

when i went to the A Dam with my sis i kept buying joints and bud and hash and she actually told me to stop cuz she was to high. shes smoked for close to 20 years and could hang with me. o by the way shes the maybe 3 in my list of people that can hang.

ok rant over have a nice day.


I get pissed off, because my tolerance is way too high. What the hell am I going to do though...take a break?!?! Sure, I see that happening.

All I can do is smoke another one.


ICMag Donor
kmk420kali said:
Haha...yeah, when my friends come by to get weed, I always have a session (no in and out traffic!) and I like to try and fuck them up-- Start passing bowls with finger-hash sprinkled on...have them try 3 or 4 different kinds of weed...and when they start telling me they are too fucked up to smoke anymore...I'll just remind them that I have done this with several groups of ppl this evening!! :muahaha:

Happy Birthday kmk!!!! hope your smokin good,and from the post above its looks like it!! lol :rasta: :joint: :jump: have a great day :D


Non Conformist
Clarence said:
Maybe you should stop going to the Blue Oyster.
Now now there Clarence, I only went there because -you- invited me! I told you I was straight and prolly wouldn't fit in. I went jus ta show you I wasn't a gay basher, don't be jealous and blame me because "your" friends liked me better than you, fella! You'll jus have ta get over it. Don't worry tho, once was enough fer me! You can have it all to yerself. I felt outta place being the -only- straight man there. You feel better now, big fella? LOL! Take care... BC


Active member
stop going to the bar to try and meet people...

or just hang out with marc emery. that douche wont shut up.


Mother Nature's Son
I don't want people thinking I am a non-stop chatter box. I do go through quiet spells, and I tell everyone I meet "Feel free to tell me to shut the hell up, I won't get offended." It is not always random crap either, deep and meaningful conversations/debates are usually what take place. I hate being the only one willing to speak though. Or being the only intelligent one there, I would rather debate than teach.

I hate, HATE!!! when I am nice and stoned, and up for a walk, and all my brother and buddy wanna do is sit on the couch. Bah! Gets very boring, I want to get up and be active. I also hate the fact that they have to "sleep it off" more or less. When we go camping and stay up til 4 smoking and taking a few shots, they don't wake up until noon......or after. Fuck that, I am up at 8 regardless. Gotta get out and do stuff!!

Totally off subject, but it bugs the crap out of me when it takes someone an hour to get motivated in the morning. When I wake up, I am ready to go, be it jogging, smoking, work, smoking or driving. I am up and ready, and I hate to wait.


B.C. said:
Now now there Clarence, I only went there because -you- invited me! I told you I was straight and prolly wouldn't fit in. I went jus ta show you I wasn't a gay basher, don't be jealous and blame me because "your" friends liked me better than you, fella! You'll jus have ta get over it. Don't worry tho, once was enough fer me! You can have it all to yerself. I felt outta place being the -only- straight man there. You feel better now, big fella? LOL! Take care... BC

I am sorry. I missunderstood the context of the thread. I thought you guys were bragging and trying to better one another on who could go out to a bar and smoke the most pole while having a conversation about quantum mechanics.

I find it a little confusing as to why people are hating on others because they react differently to smoking. At the end of the day we all like getting high and we all like to enjoy our high how we like to enjoy it. I personally would not like someone jabbering shit in my ear, but on the other hand if i feel like being quiet and not saying anything then so be it. It's not any great achievement to be able to smoke more than someone else. In fact quite honestly if i could get stoned as a monkey off one lug from a joint and stay stoned for a while then it would mean that i would save a whole loada cash and would not have to carry as large amounts of weed around. I would still be high. To me that is what it is about. If i am with people that I am not agreeing with then i will move on. Everyone is different why bitch about them.


To be honest i cannot imagine some one out smoking me i have yet to meet that person

I think the biggest reason i smoke so much is i never met a joint i did not like



Tarkus said:
I also hate the fact that they have to "sleep it off" more or less. When we go camping and stay up til 4 smoking and taking a few shots, they don't wake up until noon......or after. Fuck that, I am up at 8 regardless. Gotta get out and do stuff!!
Dude, that's fucking weird if you only need 4 hours of sleep after a night of partying.

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