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Nobody hangs these days?


Non Conformist
Clarence said:
I am sorry. I missunderstood the context of the thread. I thought you guys were bragging and trying to better one another on who could go out to a bar and smoke the most pole while having a conversation about quantum mechanics.
I'm sorry too Clarence, but only a gay man like you would think that way! LOL! It was just a fuckin joke man, lighten up! I'm startin ta think you like dishing it out, but can't take it when someone gives it back. You prolly should quit trollin me then...... As far someone not bein able ta keep up smokin, I could care less! To each their own. But when I go to the bar to have fun and I do burn one with some one and they flake out and leave or sit there zoned out, that's not much fun. When that happens it makes me think I shouldn't have even smoked it with em. I reckon if ya can't handle smokin, you shouldn't then, or maybe not as much. But alot of folks will taste that bud and get greedy, hitting it as hard and as many times as possible. Only ta have it knock their dick in the dirt. I don't hate anyone for it, but I do see it as a waste of bud and time. I can't help it if I like ta laugh and have a good time when I go out! That's why I go out! lol Take care... BC


Clarence said:
I find it a little confusing as to why people are hating on others because they react differently to smoking. .... It's not any great achievement to be able to smoke more than someone else. In fact quite honestly if i could get stoned as a monkey off one lug from a joint and stay stoned for a while then it would mean that i would save a whole loada cash and would not have to carry as large amounts of weed around.

my thoughts exactly....some people like to have a soft mellow high while others like to get stoned to the bone, its just preference.



Actually i talk more shit than you so that makes me better. Weiner!


Registered Med User
Damn, when I read the title of this thread I didnt think I'd be laughn my ass off!!!
When I go out I usually dont smoke too much, if I do(too much) either makes me sleepy, or it makes me too damn energetic. When I smoke sativas I dont wanna sit down, gotsta move, take a long walk and let the voices in my head sort themselves out..... I smoke indicas anything anyones saying at the time becomes boring, Ima go to sleep.
Also cant deal with electronics on sativas, I feal the shockwaves burnin out my soul.
....anywayz, yeah, good thread.....


Non Conformist


Clarence said:
Nobody hangs these days?

Yeah they do!

I get the feelin this is one of those guys that would hang around and not say a word. Boring! ( I know that was bad... ) lol BC

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