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no need for cigs godammit!


Active member
ready 4 a buzzkill...? my boy, 39 filipino. just diagnosed with lung cancer! :badday: WTF.
yes he burns buds 24 7 AND follows up each time with f'n cigs. smokes cigs and pot all day. doc told him its def from smokin. didnt ask him 2 many question but i assume its more from the cigs. who knows...but if we all burn buds all day, why the need for cigs? not bashin anyone who does...just upset. i've never been a cig smoker so i cannot understand it. IMO 1 or the other, why both? upsetting news. :joint:


Active member
he was having breathing probs recently and went to doc. i assume they caught it early. i didnt ask alot of questions...


Active member
Tobacco sucks... It's hard trying to get ppl you know to quit that shit n stick to the green... either they just don't get it or maybe want lung cancer... kinda sad but they are bringing it on themselves knowingly...


Patient Grower
^^^Sure, or maybe they're in the grip of a serious physical addiction, and you're the one that doesn't 'get it'. Sure, just put them down. Easier said than done! Whatta bunch of naive malarkey.


Active member
I've seen plenty of people do it so don't talk shit fool 72 hours and the phsyical addiction to nicotine is gone... most people obviously don't want to... how long has it been a fact cigarettes cause cancer? It's a lot easier to not start then to stop.


Active member
well bad news. got the scoop. stage 3, AND they cannot remove since it's super close to main artery. starts chemo and rad any day. only way they will try and remove is if treatment doesnt work and absolutely necessaery...


Active member
Sorry to hear that man :( hopefully hes stopped smoking cigs and started vaping mass weed... hope he gets better mang make sure he doesn't give up hope!


Patient Grower
SweetNightmare said:
I've seen plenty of people do it so don't talk shit fool 72 hours and the phsyical addiction to nicotine is gone... most people obviously don't want to... how long has it been a fact cigarettes cause cancer? It's a lot easier to not start then to stop.

Well, I've 'seen' plenty of people that struggle for years including myself. There are different levels of addiction as well. My wife and my sister both smoked for a couple of years and put it down one day. That doesn't mean that it was easy for me. I assure you, it wasn't. If it were as easy as you claim no-one would smoke. You've obviously never had to deal with the addiction. You're also misinformed about the 72 hour thing, try two weeks before all physical symptoms disappear, and psychological symptoms can persist for years.

Thanks for calling me a fool for disagreeing with you. It sure is nice to have a respectful dialogue between people that disagree. It's too bad you don't think that's important, and that you have such utter disrespect for others, especially when you're so wrong in your assertions.


Active member
Yea I strugled threw it myself. I respect your anger SweetNightmare. I also understand it sukks being called a fool Pythagllio, but it must sukk bein told that what yer sayin is "naive malarky". I understand its all a mater of opinion I guess but when ya get down to it tobacko causes cancer. Any way you look at it, tobacko causes cancer. Its the rare oddity where someone dont get it -where the person smoked or otherwise used tobacko. Straight up, this shitt causes cancer. But not one documented case of cancer in a Canabis only smoker. I think Canabis mite be somekinda preventative. Heres the thing tho bout smokin Herb AND tobacko. I hope mabey someone elce seen the studies bout the dangers of smokin tobacko after or with Herb. I dont remember where I seen'em but I seen some studies that seems to indicate that its REAL bad to smoke Herb and tobaco together because the natural bronko dialatin powers of the Herb increase the penetration of the tobacko into the lungs. I usta do it alot. I usta fallow up every bowl of supper potent Herb with a cigaret. Now I understand why I felt like I was gettin real real higher. I would inhale the tobacko deeply and get an almost heroin type high. Fukk. Now I know why. At work I usta smoke a cigaret every time I moved a ladder. I was smokin 3 paks of marlboros a day. Addictive mother fukkers they are. But I shure do remember gettin an almost heroin type high from lightin up a marlboro rite after smokin a bowl. Now I know it was because the Herb opened up my bronko tubes and let the narkotik nickoteen in real deep. I think its a narkotioc anyhow. -Im Really sory to hear bout your friend VinDiesel. Man thats hard to hear. I hope they caught it within enoughf time to give him a chance. --Hey Howdy Storm Crow! Im gonna check your sig link and see if there anything bout mixin Herb and tobacko! Didja ever see any studies bout mixinem? Blessins on Yas all and I hope we can get ourselfs all away from tobacko! Its some nasty ass shitt!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Bummer for your friend. I smoke myself and have the same routine . I often think about quiting but ill be damned if this nicotine isnt one strong drug


Active member
I've also seen people who smoke 2-3 packs a day stop cold turkey. 72 hours and your need for nicotine is gone GO DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH
"It can take up to 72 hours for the blood-serum to become nicotine-free and 90% of nicotine's metabolites to exit the body via your urine. It's then that the anxieties associated with readjustment normally peak in intensity and begin to gradually decline.

But just one powerful "hit" of nicotine and you’ll again face another 72 hours of detox anxieties. It's why the one puff survival rate is almost zero. None of us are stronger than nicotine but then we don’t need to be as it is simply a chemical with an I.Q. of zero. It does not plot, plan or conspire and is not some demon within us. Our most effective weapon against it is, and always has been, our vastly superior intelligence but only if put to work. "
No shit your gunna be a nervous wreck because your so used to putting something in your mouth every 5 minutes to calm you down thats MENTAL ADDICTION! No shit it's gunna fuck you up for the rest of your life you've just been inhaling smoke instead of oxygen what the fuck do you think is going to happen? :asskick: You just picked the worst thing to do it with to... seriously how long has the general warning been on the side? How can you not be considered a fool if it said that and you still picked up the pack? Let me guess... you thought it was cool too? Ever heard of population control? Cigarettes... the worlds biggest scam. :violin: Willingly killing yourself while making someone rich :bashhead: BTW FOOL who the fuck said it was easy(besides where i said not to start?) Get the fuck out mr 400 posts before your brain explodes from stupidity and illiteracy. (not hairless you're cool the douche bag) good luck fuzz420 if you do try the easiest way I've seen it done is to just replace the cigs with weed until you don't need the cigs anymore (still fulfilling the mental addiction while calming your nervs) straight cold turkey is a bitch just make sure you got something to chew on if you try that :joint:
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HairlessCaveApe said:
Yea I strugled threw it myself. I respect your anger SweetNightmare. I also understand it sukks being called a fool Pythagllio, but it must sukk bein told that what yer sayin is "naive malarky". I understand its all a mater of opinion I guess but when ya get down to it tobacko causes cancer. Any way you look at it, tobacko causes cancer. Its the rare oddity where someone dont get it -where the person smoked or otherwise used tobacko. Straight up, this shitt causes cancer. But not one documented case of cancer in a Canabis only smoker. I think Canabis mite be somekinda preventative. Heres the thing tho bout smokin Herb AND tobacko. I hope mabey someone elce seen the studies bout the dangers of smokin tobacko after or with Herb. I dont remember where I seen'em but I seen some studies that seems to indicate that its REAL bad to smoke Herb and tobaco together because the natural bronko dialatin powers of the Herb increase the penetration of the tobacko into the lungs. I usta do it alot. I usta fallow up every bowl of supper potent Herb with a cigaret. Now I understand why I felt like I was gettin real real higher. I would inhale the tobacko deeply and get an almost heroin type high. Fukk. Now I know why. At work I usta smoke a cigaret every time I moved a ladder. I was smokin 3 paks of marlboros a day. Addictive mother fukkers they are. But I shure do remember gettin an almost heroin type high from lightin up a marlboro rite after smokin a bowl. Now I know it was because the Herb opened up my bronko tubes and let the narkotik nickoteen in real deep. I think its a narkotioc anyhow. -Im Really sory to hear bout your friend VinDiesel. Man thats hard to hear. I hope they caught it within enoughf time to give him a chance. --Hey Howdy Storm Crow! Im gonna check your sig link and see if there anything bout mixin Herb and tobacko! Didja ever see any studies bout mixinem? Blessins on Yas all and I hope we can get ourselfs all away from tobacko! Its some nasty ass shitt!

So does it make it that much more harderer to quit smoking when you use Cannabis?
Or does it even out?


sanchez said:
So does it make it that much more harderer to quit smoking when you use Cannabis?
Or does it even out?

its a button thing... many people have a hard time quitting smoking because they continue to do all the sames things they did when they smoke cigarettes. You have to start taking out all the things that trigger your cigarette addiction. When i quit, i stopped eating sugar, drinking coffee, doing other drugs, etc. THings i knew would make me want a cigarette. Then when it got bad, i smoke joints a lot. Once the physical side of it was gone, it was easily to mentally overcome my addiction because i knew that i didn't want to damage my body that way. If you can make it a question of will power and you have enough self value, its easy. But thats AFTER the physical part =P. Just stop doing the things that trigger it.

to answer your question, if he's been smoking grits right after herb for years then yes it will be tough. so try a different delivery method for delivery perhaps, maybe even just eat it for a while.

and yes, check out medicalmarijuanapatient.com for your friend, he can beat this with what hes had all along!!!

watch the rick simpson video!


sanchez said:
So does it make it that much more harderer to quit smoking when you use Cannabis?
Or does it even out?

1st off, Vin I hate to hear about things like this. Positive vibes are going out to yur friend!

I smoked Newports for 20 yrs & just decided to quit one day. I quit a few times along the way but I know this one is permanent. I quit sometime last year...neve even looked at the calender but it was early in the year. I just figured if I was gwan to continue to inhale smoke...it would only be ganja smoke. For me, quitting was just a decision. I wanted to quit for a long time but I new I wasn't "ready" to quit. Finally I was & just quit, half way thru a cig & never looked back.

So, I think mj does make it easier cuz you can substitute if u wanna but that' sup to you.


Patient Grower
Wow, it's amazing that SweetNightmare doesn't have the intellectual capacity to make an argument without making it personal. Oh well, maybe it has more to do with the fact that SweetNightmare doesn't have the intellectual capacity to deal with actual facts, and needs to insist on his fantasies being reality. So sure of himself, so fanatical, so utterly wrong, and such an asshole on top of it.

note: there is a significant difference between calling an idea as "naive malarkey", and referring to someone as a 'fool'. Anyway, I'm done. SweetNightmare may have the last word if he needs it. Anyone that believes his naive malarkey is welcome to it.
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lets not forget the difference between commerical tobacco and organic.

the main reasons I smoke:
1) cuz I'm tired
2) I'm bored
3) to take a breather...

but i find so far...that no matter how i shake it, tobacco is a stimulant...and i honestly just don't need stimulants in my life. you don't sleep as deep, i find its harder to just laugh and be easy-going...

i think smoking anything is just great...thats why we like to smoke. but you could smoke green tea if you wanted. isn't it strange how tobacco and weed are the main plants we associate with smoking, yet you could smoke -any- plant?? pretty much?

i'm once again trying to get off tobacco after starting and quitting probably 5 times this summer. i noticed after a few weeks off it, including any stimulant like caffeine, I was a much more mellow person naturally...

whatever tho, i'm drinking some brandy right now. gonna roll up a joint of some weird herb i got at whole foods..see whats up. peace