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no need for cigs godammit!


Active member
I actually smoked a fat joint of tea once... it didn't taste to good... catnip doesn't taste as good either... weed is the winner for sure... and to this jackass again... where is the fact that you are saying that it takes longer then 72 hours? because I'm pretty sure your just a whiny little bitch that can't deal with the fact that I can put out the info and you just sit on your ass like an incompetent fool. READ BITCH 72 HOURS 72 HOURS 72 HOURS! I'm sorry your so stupid to smoke cigarettes maybe if you were smarter it wouldn't have been so hard to quit? And maybe me never starting smoking proves that I'm about 100x smarter than you? Let me see... You smoked something that makes you taste and smell like ass and you kept doing it? And you put no proof to say that it stays longer then 72 hours besides your whining? Your life is a bunch of malarkey. I'm sorry you don't know how to read but can't you see? 72 hours? learn to read you cock goblin.


Active member
doc told him to cook with pot while on chemo :) he ate some biscuit he made the other night and was retarded. he quit cigs.


Storm Crow said:
It was the cigs- I got loads of tobacco vs cannabis studies, but what you need to do is download Rick Simpson's "Run From the Cure" video. There is a transcript here, but the movie is way better! And click the link in my sig, read what seems important and pass it on to the doctors, please!



DID YOU SEE THIS POST VIN?????? Cause i dont think you did and its honestly the only one which matters on this whole page. I wish your friend the best of luck. Follow Rick's method to a T.


Active member
vindiesel said:
ready 4 a buzzkill...? my boy, 39 filipino. just diagnosed with lung cancer! :badday: WTF.
yes he burns buds 24 7 AND follows up each time with f'n cigs. smokes cigs and pot all day. doc told him its def from smokin. didnt ask him 2 many question but i assume its more from the cigs. who knows...but if we all burn buds all day, why the need for cigs? not bashin anyone who does...just upset. i've never been a cig smoker so i cannot understand it. IMO 1 or the other, why both? upsetting news. :joint:
cigs are for retards. unfortunately alot of my friends are retarded. its funny they all 'feel bad' about smoking cigs, but dont quit. its your friends fault, he died the way he lived, dirty. :spank:

oh man! id like to say i feel bad, but i dont.


im jus gonna make tea with my tobacco whenever instead of smoking. smoking only if i'm out at a party. but whatever tobacco isnt like necessary really. just nice sometimes. and yes, tobacco tea does work. its hella good. just only use a lil pinch cuz water extraction is very efficient. a lil pinch brewed 5 minutes is about as strong as a cig...pEaCe and monkey grease


whoa thats rad, never thought of that.... tobacco tea.

yea lots of my friends are retarded too, and i was for way too long. haha


Active member
sanchez said:
So does it make it that much more harderer to quit smoking when you use Cannabis?
Or does it even out?
Hey Howdy Sanchez! Na I dont think the Herb made it harder at all. Smater o fact It made it easier. I had to just NOT smoke no more ofem! It wasnt easy one bit! Hardest thing I ever did! I just kept denying myself the cigaret. Every time I wanted one I denyed it to myself. Then the next time I wanted one I denyed that one too. -It kept goin like that. I was concious of everytime that I woulda had a cigaret. I was concious of each time and I just wouldnt smoke one. Hardest fukkin thing I ever did. The hardest thing I ever did, and one'a the most important. Try to quit my brudda. At the rate I was goin I think Id be dead by now if I didnt stop when I did. I think after you quit smokin cigarets, its prolly good for ya to smoke Herb. I figure that once alla the tobacos outta your system, the Herb'l do its asthma reducin bronko dialatin thing and start healin yer shitt. Youl find that you couff less and less the longer ya go without smokin cigarets. And youl coughf up lotsa black shitt when ya smoke your Herb at first. But day by day youl see less and less dirt lookin shitt gettin coughfed up. I dont remember how long it took but after a li'l bit I wasnt coughing up any shitt any more. I hardly even coughf any more. The Herb dont give me any kinda dirty lungs that I can see. I dont coughf up nasty black shitt at all. It was all the cigarets that caused that. I seen the results on me. The Herb dont cause any dirt in my lungs. I think that even if it did have somekinda negative effect it would prolly be so slight that it would be negated by the benificial effects of the Herb. Blessins on Yas all, smokers and not. But please try to get offa that tobaco. Its a killer like crack. Smater o fact, I think its cracks hero.


Active member
Romalin said:
whoa thats rad, never thought of that.... tobacco tea.

yea lots of my friends are retarded too, and i was for way too long. haha
i kinds feel bad for being so rude, im just hate cigs with every fiber in my body.

i got lucky by not having an addictive personality.
no vic.
no coke.
no meth.
no liquer.(only sometimes, i prefer not to drink)
no cigs.
weed and X are my only drugs of choice.(x only a couple times)


digital hippy, when you experience tobacco tea its hard to hate tobacco. whenever i want to "quit" i just tell myself, tobacco tea only...

reasons for wanting a cig i find have much more to do than purely wanting tobacco... peace
vindiesel said:
ready 4 a buzzkill...? my boy, 39 filipino. just diagnosed with lung cancer! :badday: WTF.
yes he burns buds 24 7 AND follows up each time with f'n cigs. smokes cigs and pot all day. doc told him its def from smokin. didnt ask him 2 many question but i assume its more from the cigs. who knows...but if we all burn buds all day, why the need for cigs? not bashin anyone who does...just upset. i've never been a cig smoker so i cannot understand it. IMO 1 or the other, why both? upsetting news. :joint:

First, give my best to your friend and I wish him the best

back to topic, CIGS are DEATH! I am thankful i NEVER got into it.
He needs to stop smoking EVERYTHING including weed. There is SO many different ways to ingest Marijuana, cooking, oils, vap..etc He needs to take it serious and heal himself..

Cancer is SO fucked up and a HORRIBLE thing to find out you have. Try to be there the best you can, because depression can kill any chance of fighting and winning..

Best wishes..

Last edited:


vindiesel said:
doc told him to cook with pot while on chemo :) he ate some biscuit he made the other night and was retarded. he quit cigs.

Do you think he would dig Hemp oil?

Everybody should have full health insurance + Aflac. You can use your Aflac money to buy pot. Your disability for food and rent. Long-term disability if you really think you're that bad off.


HairlessCaveApe said:
Hey Howdy Sanchez! Na I dont think the Herb made it harder at all. Smater o fact It made it easier. I had to just NOT smoke no more ofem! It wasnt easy one bit! Hardest thing I ever did! I just kept denying myself the cigaret. Every time I wanted one I denyed it to myself. Then the next time I wanted one I denyed that one too. -It kept goin like that. I was concious of everytime that I woulda had a cigaret. I was concious of each time and I just wouldnt smoke one. Hardest fukkin thing I ever did. The hardest thing I ever did, and one'a the most important. Try to quit my brudda. At the rate I was goin I think Id be dead by now if I didnt stop when I did. I think after you quit smokin cigarets, its prolly good for ya to smoke Herb. I figure that once alla the tobacos outta your system, the Herb'l do its asthma reducin bronko dialatin thing and start healin yer shitt. Youl find that you couff less and less the longer ya go without smokin cigarets. And youl coughf up lotsa black shitt when ya smoke your Herb at first. But day by day youl see less and less dirt lookin shitt gettin coughfed up. I dont remember how long it took but after a li'l bit I wasnt coughing up any shitt any more. I hardly even coughf any more. The Herb dont give me any kinda dirty lungs that I can see. I dont coughf up nasty black shitt at all. It was all the cigarets that caused that. I seen the results on me. The Herb dont cause any dirt in my lungs. I think that even if it did have somekinda negative effect it would prolly be so slight that it would be negated by the benificial effects of the Herb. Blessins on Yas all, smokers and not. But please try to get offa that tobaco. Its a killer like crack. Smater o fact, I think its cracks hero.

word? How long were you a smoker? I haven't coughed any shit up since I was 16. I'm 32, as of this August. I've been smoking at least that long, and I've quite a number of times but I don't remember haughing up any large black flemballs since I was 16.
Fucking cigarettes. I used the patch and quit for nine months, and then I found myself just sitting around with nothing to do with my 15 minute break.
Should'a sparked up!

If that's true, though, you've answered my question, which is, which smokeable should I quit using first (or both)?
Because I've read I think the same study someone mentioned recently about tobacco + Cannabis smoke, and I think I also actually heard about it a couple years ago, but that was a couple years ago, so I can't say for sure.

Yeah. Oh, well. Whatever.


I hope that also explains why I cough more since I starting consuming?

I do remember reading about that Asthma shit though when I was a teeny-teen, but I didn't quite get any of that, thought it might be some kind of sick joke,

Hey are there any other Christians out here on this site? Not that it's a religous thing, but it's nice to talk to people estaben muy sympatico.

Although any other kind of stoner (minus the gang-bangers .. sorry, guys!) rank a close second, and "especially all the more and more, as ye see the day approaching!" (From Hebrews)

Would anyone care to discuss any of the finer points from that book?