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No mention in American media about the result of unchecked immigration in France?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Against their globalist agenda of destroying America to discuss this, but who has been pouring across America's borders? France is sure happy with their new citizens.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Open borders and a welfare state don't work. America should know better, but is in the same boat.



Well-known member
I am not in France, and although I have some distant relative (already with French nationality) in Marseille, my information is not first hand but... Are you sure that the main protagonists are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN FRANCE? Are they not, perhaps, 2nd AND 3rd GENERATION FRENCH, children and grandchildren of immigrants of the area of French influence in Africa called to France to work when the economy needed it, huddled in peripheral neighborhoods abandoned by the State, and left to the free influence of Saudi Wahhabiism and other radical currents of Islam, financed and helped to expand in the West up to the most mediatic terrorist attacks?...A sum of things that, by the way, I believe, ONLY THE LEFT HAS BEEN WARNING FOR DECADES what its disastrous result could be...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
"Are you sure that the main protagonists are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN FRANCE? "

Where did I say illegal? I said unchecked. And on America's southern border there are more than just a couple poor Guatamalians seeking political asylum.

I dunno where they came from in France, or how they got there, but there seems to be a complete blockage of reporting this rioting, burning, mayhem, in American media.


ICMag Donor
What he failed to mention, because he had no idea, is that all the countries across North Africa were once French colonies. All these people could get French passports and citizenship. If you were from North Africa and went to France and found out that the social benefits made you better off than you could have ever imagined,,,,,, well guess what... they had a huge immigration problem. Furthering the problem was the fact that these new immigrants refused to assimilate and, even if they wanted to, they were not accepted.


Well-known member
"Furthering the problem was the fact that these new immigrants refused to assimilate and, even if they wanted to, they were not accepted."

so you state it is a fact that immigrants refuse to assimilate , and then in the same sentence claim that they are not accepted based on presumptions .

the state could of stopped the riots the first day , but chose to let it get worse. the same tactic was used by the biden regime during the george floyd situation. the state caused it , the state made the situation spiral , and every government in the west will cause similar scenarios moving forward.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
the state could of stopped the riots the first day , but chose to let it get worse. the same tactic was used by the biden regime during the george floyd situation.

Uh... hmm...

So the Biden regime was still quite a few months away from beginning their term... and still had yet to even be elected.

Do you ask whether or not it's truthful before you post?

Do you just babble and assume that nobody is going to be thinking critically?


ICMag Donor
"Furthering the problem was the fact that these new immigrants refused to assimilate and, even if they wanted to, they were not accepted."

so you state it is a fact that immigrants refuse to assimilate , and then in the same sentence claim that they are not accepted based on presumptions .

the state could of stopped the riots the first day , but chose to let it get worse. the same tactic was used by the biden regime during the george floyd situation. the state caused it , the state made the situation spiral , and every government in the west will cause similar scenarios moving forward.
Uuuuuhhhh NO. It's based on the fact that I worked there for many years and saw it myself. The unrest from the situation I described resulted in night club attacks and a train station bombing in Brussels, along with many individual attacks.

The presumptions you are making are based on nothing but your imagination.


Well-known member
Out of chaos, order.


Well-known member
If I may, I am going to present certain opinions that I believe frame and explain the "French problem". First I would frame French Africa geographically and historically (in dark blue, on the map):
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Well-known member
Later, an opinion on how this "problem" began, from the veteran French journalist François Camé:
According to him (and many more), with a genealogy subjected to continuous humiliation, which starts in the colony and is perpetuated in the hiring of workers in origin, cheap labor that was "weighed, measured and looked at the teeth" before being shipped to the metropolis. There was not much of prosperous France for them; Housed in barracks they were reduced to arms, a proletarian army at the service of lowering the labor costs of large companies. Those are the people who ended up living in the ugly HLM, in the banlieues. While cultural assimilation was imposed on them, they were excluded in all other ways: geographically, economically, housing...
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Well-known member
I continue with another opinion by Salvatore Palidda, sociologist and political scientist, professor of Sociology at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell'Università degli Studi di Genova until 2018:

" During the grandiose mobilizations against the infamous pension reform imposed by Macron's neo-fascism, there were those who reproached the youth of the banlieues for not participating in them. It is true, but not entirely true, that the world of young people in las banlieues is not used to coming together in union mobilizations, nor in political mobilizations such as those of the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) or in the fights against labor laws designed to increase precariousness, nor in others carried out by the antagonistic left. It should be noted that only now have the left of NUPES almost unanimously supported the current revolts, but the unions have not taken a position on them. In reality, the banlieues have always constituted a world apart, marginalized by all. Let's remember that the same It can be said of certain peripheral areas of the great Italian cities such as Milan, Rome, etc.; (see Pietro Saitta, Violenta speranza. Trap and reproduction of the “moral panic” in Italy, 2023).
Riots in the banlieues have been taking place regularly since 1979 in the Grappinière neighborhood, in Vaulx-en-Velin, near Villeurbanne (near Lyon), as well as in many other places, which is in fact reminiscent of the historic police violence recorded in France. t is not at all by chance that after the end of the period of the "thirty glorious years" (the years of reconstruction and post-war economic boom), France has paid the price for this "progress", which has been borne by the vast majority of workers and the population at an immense human and material cost. There were dozens of degraded urban areas scattered throughout France (among them the famous one reported by Abdelmalek Sayad, in Un Nanterre algérien, terre de bidonville [1995], 2008), as well as innumerable social housing neighborhoods that dotted French cities during that period, which were almost always uninhabitable commuter towns, places of misery, branded by criminologists as nurseries of deviation and juvenile delinquency.

France had intended to aspire to prosperity at all costs, along which line it had also longed to create adequate devices and structures to forge a posterity that would guarantee the replacement of the workforce of the preceding generation, maintained at locked wage and qualification levels (the famous OS-à-vie, that is, unskilled workers for life, mainly North African or Black African immigrants, but also indigenous French, de souche [full stock]).
The École Laïque Republicaine, considered the main crucible for forging hard-working and disciplined citizens, has, however, often turned out to be a place of authoritarian acculturation and racist discrimination, despite the thousands of truly leftist teachers involved in the social integration of all school students.
Suffice it to say that most of the children of internal Italian immigrants after World War II had the highest drop-out rate already in primary school, because their parents spoke only the local Italian dialects and could not help them with their school work; hence the invitation they addressed to their children: "School is not for you, learn a trade and that way you will earn more than those who graduate." The sons and daughters of the Maghrebi population were partly less discriminated against for being French-speaking, but the dominant chauvinism (on the right, but also on the left) ended up rejecting them, and even more so if they were of Algerian origin.

Mitterrand's election with the Union of the Left in 1981 raised enormous hopes, which proved short-lived. A great program of rehabilitation of popular neighborhoods was launched, the blockade of socio-professional mobility was repealed, the death penalty was abolished and other reforms were introduced, but from 1983 Mitterrand converted to neoliberalism today in vogue throughout the world.

The social services of the banlieues have been partially dismantled and have otherwise become devices of control and discrimination (see Vincent Dubois, The Bureaucrat and the Poor, 2018). Social workers, like teachers who are effectively from the left, find themselves in a dramatic situation, because they are subjected to control measures, which force them to act as police auxiliaries based on the measure of their productivity, which is obviously It is measured by the number of people unable to receive unemployment or poverty benefits and by the application of other similar indices. Thus, the reasons for the riots have only accumulated since 1983, adding to those that have existed since the days of De Gaulle, Pompidou and, above all, Giscard. France continues to claim to be one of the first economic and military powers in the world, while the new poverty, racism and health-environmental disaster are breaking out within it, due to the gigantic development of various toxic contaminations. To impose "at all costs" (as Macron, who poses as the new Sun King, has often proclaimed) this neoliberal development, the governments of the right, of the former left and now of Macron resort to the most brutal police force in Europe . First it was Sarkozy, who incited the police and public opinion against the youth of the banlieues whom he called “scum” who had to be eliminated with the karcher. It was in this climate of incitement to racism that the state of emergency due to terrorism broke out. Since then, France has been dominated by a fierce crusade against Muslims or Islamists in general, commonly understood first of all as Maghrebis and therefore inhabitants of the banlieues.

Valls, a former socialist and former head of Hollande's first seven-year government, doubled down in the hope of outdoing Sarkozy and, together with former intellectuals from the left, created the Printemps Républicain association to fuel racist chauvinism (as Sayad also wrote, French universalism is chauvinistic and racist). For his part, Cazeneve, the new protégé of the despicable Hollande, had the law of refusal to obey the police stop (réfus d'ottémperer) approved in 2017, a device that can be manipulated in itself in the name of the right to legitimate defense ( from the police). As Simon Varaine says: "In the police, the directives given by the higher commands have indicated that it is no longer necessary for there to be an immediate threat against the officers to proceed to shoot." "
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