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Just wondering if anyone has. Experienced or shares the same paranoia im dealing with right now..getting busted with my kids in the house. I understand having an op where u live is a big no no, especially in a non med state. I've read the laws in my state and I'm doing everything I can that if I get popped minimal time will be served.
I had a small hiccup last year and had to shut down but I believe I'm in the clear now. No one came to my home someone just found out and I decided to pack up just to be safe.
I've gotten my security up to spec now with 2 doors with locks that only I have keys to. Kids never been in there so they don't have any idea. Anyway has anyone had any experience or stories about growing in their home with kids involved and how they dealt with it...hope all is well with everyone.


shut the fuck up Donny
It's a very tough situation and the laws vary from state to state for the non-med areas. If it is a really bad state they can and will often try to take the kids from you. Many people solve this by having the grow in a outhouse/shed/detached garage so they can claim it isn't in the same building. I have seen success with this. But of course not everyone has the luxury of owning a property where this is even possible.

For your specific situation I think you are doing everything you can. Most important is having the door locked to the gills, you have the only key, kids never been in the room. It would be even better if say the grow was in the basement and you had the basement door locked AND the door to the grow locked, that way the kids couldn't even be on the same floor as the grow.


It's a very tough situation and the laws vary from state to state for the non-med areas. If it is a really bad state they can and will often try to take the kids from you. Many people solve this by having the grow in a outhouse/shed/detached garage so they can claim it isn't in the same building. I have seen success with this. But of course not everyone has the luxury of owning a property where this is even possible.

that's how we do it, separate building in the backyard with a privacy fence around it.


Just wondering if anyone has. Experienced or shares the same paranoia im dealing with right now..getting busted with my kids in the house. I understand having an op where u live is a big no no, especially in a non med state. I've read the laws in my state and I'm doing everything I can that if I get popped minimal time will be served.
I had a small hiccup last year and had to shut down but I believe I'm in the clear now. No one came to my home someone just found out and I decided to pack up just to be safe.
I've gotten my security up to spec now with 2 doors with locks that only I have keys to. Kids never been in there so they don't have any idea. Anyway has anyone had any experience or stories about growing in their home with kids involved and how they dealt with it...hope all is well with everyone.

Growing with kids in the house is just plain stupid. I'd be more worried about what's going to happen to them if you get robbed. Hell, the best outcome would be that child protective services takes them from you. Good luck with that but expect no sympathy from here when the shit hits the fan.


Even in Colorado there have been cases where legit card carrying caregivers were charged with child abuse and their kids were taken. What it comes down to is any way they can fuck with you they will.


^^^^^ yup ..... do everything to cover your ass, but expect them to uncover it


Just get some beer whiskey cigarettes vicodin and lottery tickets ... Show those kids an honest living !! Fully compliant with unjust laws !!

To hell with the haters homies !!


The upside potential...

The upside potential...

I've heard where kids education/dental care and so forth were financed by daddy's little secret... Not too shabby homie !!

Fuck a real job!


Active member
Amazing they want to take someones kids because he grows weed, an alcoholic would probably face less judgement. Sad world we living in.


Thanks for all the input guys..Yea I know its dumb, there's nothing I can say to justify. And I'm not gonna sit here and look for sympathy either midnite. I would just like to know if anyone has gone through it.

Headiez, yes its in the basement. I can hide it well from anyone. Nothing is running right now until I think this through up, down and side to side. I have a partner I work with in the mean time.

Cravenmore, that is precisely the reason I do this. I'm putting my wife thru school without a financial struggle, I can save and send my kids to a good college in half the time, invest and build assests and not have to worry about a damn thing when I'm old. Make $ work for u not the other way around.

Coco..man your so right my dude. Its amazing how a random fuck who drinks and beats his kids will probably not even cross child services radar. You see the type of shit I'm trying to do for them but I'm the bad guy..it just frustrates the fuck outta me bro.

The advantages to this are so rewarding. But the downside is so much greater to me.


Active member
good luck. moving weight might get ya popped. if you were just growing it to smoke yourself your risk would be way less. 1 rat will ruin your life. and i wont go into the increased risk of break ins and robbery. good luck and stay safe


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I have a partner I work with in the mean time.

This is the part that would have me not do this in your situation.

The Partner.

Prison time and cash can cause a partner to change to an enemy.



You don't have to justify yourself to nobody, brother.

The only dumb thing one can do is watch their kids go hungry and do nothing about it.

Be safe and do what you gotta do for now :ying:

Thanks for all the input guys..Yea I know its dumb, there's nothing I can say to justify. And I'm not gonna sit here and look for sympathy either midnite. I would just like to know if anyone has gone through it.

Headiez, yes its in the basement. I can hide it well from anyone. Nothing is running right now until I think this through up, down and side to side. I have a partner I work with in the mean time.

Cravenmore, that is precisely the reason I do this. I'm putting my wife thru school without a financial struggle, I can save and send my kids to a good college in half the time, invest and build assests and not have to worry about a damn thing when I'm old. Make $ work for u not the other way around.

Coco..man your so right my dude. Its amazing how a random fuck who drinks and beats his kids will probably not even cross child services radar. You see the type of shit I'm trying to do for them but I'm the bad guy..it just frustrates the fuck outta me bro.

The advantages to this are so rewarding. But the downside is so much greater to me.


This is the part that would have me not do this in your situation.

The Partner.

Prison time and cash can cause a partner to change to an enemy.


There is no point in a partner, if at harvest time your walking away with half the haul why not do a grow half the size? Otherwise your just housing the plants for someone else and getting fucked in the ass with high plant numbers if the pigs come knocking.

As far as the other shit is concerned it's a hard world and ya gotta do what ya gotta do to make it.


you should just move to alaska where its not illegal or amoral there's LOTSA families growin as a matter of fact most of the weed thats sold commercially here comes from a family business.


Kiss My Ring
Grandkids...two rambunctious boys, into everything and curious as hell.
I feel for you.
Have my grow in a detached garage and limit access...still worries me though.

Difference is personal consumption, no smell, no tell, no sell; makes a huge difference in my ability to cope with my ego thinking I'm important enough to cause a stir downtown.

...but, if it were a financial issue I would excercise extreme caution in your situation.

Good Luck, hope you find some middle ground.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If you're trying to do it on a commercial level, here's my suggestion:

Do one harvest in your house if that's what it takes to get your funds up. Then use the money to setup an op somewhere that your kids don't have access to.


Game Bred
it's almost always some random unpredictable chaos that is non MJ related that gets folks popped.
kids are spewing fountains of random unpredictable chaotic shit.

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