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^^^^^ yup ..... do everything to cover your ass, but expect them to uncover it

if you gotta grow in the same house your kids sleep in then you could try this......

i put that door in to keep everybody out. i built it myself so i know for sure that the thing is stout as hell. three point locking, hardened steel, roller pins and every other bell and whistle that crossed my twisted mind. it would take time, tools and know how to get through it.
i am in a med state and have all the paper work i need to cover my ass really well but i still do not trust LEO. if they showed up i would refuse to open this door. it would make it onto a police report that they had to call in someone to get them through it, and if i was lucky they might even mention how long it took......

if they started spewing the child endangerment line i would just ask the judge if he thought my kids could get past that door any faster than the cops did.......

might sound a little strange but putting a kid in foster care cause dad grows herb sounds pretty fucking strange too.

when it is about your kids there is no such thing as over covering your ass .......... leo has no issues with using them against you, so think ahead and at least make it hard for them to do


Active member
Medical, medical state, growing 6 or less, secured area, secured paraphanelia, not selling, not giving to anyone, absolutely for personal only, no guns, no large sums of cash laying around? If you answered yes to all those, I think you are just fine.

I have no experience though.


dagnabit your right man it's alway's some side stuff like some fight at your place or by it and 50 show's up and sniff sniff ....good night.


Active member
my friend just had a kid and was inquiring about setting up a grow at his house since he has 2 extra bedrooms....i advised against it for several reasons...

the wife or mother of the child. women are unpredictable and shit will hit the fan if your grow gets raided. even if it doesnt get raided...the stress of having a grow in your house, especially an illegal one that is obviously for profit instead of a small closet consumption grow, is gonna build on her....shes gonna use that as leverage in arguments. the worse possible scenario is she decides your a deadbeat father and snitches on you to get full custody of her child.......but who knows she might be a rock who also understands the importance of the money

the kids themselves..they are nosy and always into shit. and in my friends case, he always has cousins and other kids coming over and running around tp play with his kid.....gotta make sure your kid has no friends over and thats usually pretty hard to tell a kid...

if you absolutely need the money...do a run or two, save up and set up shop somewhere else...or find a legit job for your kids sake...from what it sounds like your whole goal here is monetary reasons, there are other ways to make money than growing..and honestly a garage grow (with a partner at that) is not gonna make you rich...you might pull 50 grand a year out of it but is that worth you possibly losing custody and your family?

dump the partner for sure...you only need a partner if you are running 20 lights...otherwise 1 person can handle a 5 light garage grow.


Freedom Fighter
anyone dealt with the kids issue specifically with legal medical grows in California?

Yes, my daughter's friend told her mom she smelled weed at my house, mom called the school...Principal called CPS--
They came out, talked to my wife, seen my garden...and took a copy of mine and my son's Recs...they said, "To put in your file, so we don't waste our time here again."-- Been over 3 years now...I guess I'm ok--:tiphat:


I have worries also about growing and having our grandson here sometimes, he's five now, so he asks questions about like the light coming out of the closet!
I wish I could tell my stepson about grow in case grandson asks too many questions but , I don't trust him to keep it to himself, it's not like he doesn't do illegal stuff , him & his wife do coke! So I guess I'm not really answering your question, but like me I think you need to worry about the kids finding your grow, some way or other cause shit happens!
Sorry for my long ass bullshit reply !:wave:


Yes, my daughter's friend told her mom she smelled weed at my house, mom called the school...Principal called CPS--
They came out, talked to my wife, seen my garden...and took a copy of mine and my son's Recs...they said, "To put in your file, so we don't waste our time here again."-- Been over 3 years now...I guess I'm ok--:tiphat:

good to hear!! I have a legal garden in the garage and wanted to make sure the fam is safe. Im going 2 get my lawyer 2 do a walk through just 2 make sure though.


my friend just had a kid and was inquiring about setting up a grow at his house since he has 2 extra bedrooms....i advised against it for several reasons...

the wife or mother of the child. women are unpredictable and shit will hit the fan if your grow gets raided. even if it doesnt get raided...the stress of having a grow in your house, especially an illegal one that is obviously for profit instead of a small closet consumption grow, is gonna build on her....shes gonna use that as leverage in arguments. the worse possible scenario is she decides your a deadbeat father and snitches on you to get full custody of her child.......but who knows she might be a rock who also understands the importance of the money

the kids themselves..they are nosy and always into shit. and in my friends case, he always has cousins and other kids coming over and running around tp play with his kid.....gotta make sure your kid has no friends over and thats usually pretty hard to tell a kid...

if you absolutely need the money...do a run or two, save up and set up shop somewhere else...or find a legit job for your kids sake...from what it sounds like your whole goal here is monetary reasons, there are other ways to make money than growing..and honestly a garage grow (with a partner at that) is not gonna make you rich...you might pull 50 grand a year out of it but is that worth you possibly losing custody and your family?

dump the partner for sure...you only need a partner if you are running 20 lights...otherwise 1 person can handle a 5 light garage grow.

What's up Prop! First let me tell you I've always enjoyed the advice and knowledge you spread around here. Much respect.

My lady is with me 95% on this and that 5% is the paranoid that's in all of us. I didn't make the decision until she said it was cool. If something were to happen between us, which is very far fetched, she would in no way trick or cause any problems for me. I know this, she knows this. She's my road dog!

As far as my reasons, hell yea its for $! Lol. In no way do I think this is gonna get me rich though. It is however loosening that "knot" that this economy has over many of us. I just want to live comfortably. In no way do I splurge on shit unless is clothes or shoes for the family. I don't drive a benz or no shit like that. But its just a way to pay shit off faster, invest a little bit and hopefully leave a little something for my kids.

All my stuff is in the basement behind locked doors where the kids can't even see it and its not commercial at all just a handful of gals to make me just enough. Oh and I'm solo dolo. Partner was temporary.

Much Love everyone. Stay safe!


Don't get me wrong guys...I truly appreciate you guys in the med states that help out sick patients. It is a deed that should not go unrecognized especially with all the garbage the med corps stick down ppls throats. I truly believe your work helps ppl. And I dream that one day we can all share that feeling. Not one day do I go without thanking God for keeping me safe. Med state or not though. We all make a little profit.

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