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Nirvana Master Kush, Reveg & Clones. One big ol' Cluster Fuck!



Ok, so I know I asked for advice, but instead of waiting I just decided that I needed to get rid of 8 of the clones. That gives me just enough room to park those 2 big ass bitches right under their own dedicated lamp, while leaving 9 of my best clones under the other. Everything fits just barely. Hopefully I will be able to donate the other 8 clones to someone that will put them to good use.
Here are a few pics of everyone where they need to be.

I hope that I made the right call here. Can't imagine doing anything else really.

Man! I give up! These pictures take forever, I know the ones that I have been posting are large, but I have also tried to add re-sized ones that supposedly are within the acceptable parameters to my photo album, and they still take forever! Shit man what gives?:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:






So now everything is mk or do you have anything else in?

YEs sir. It's all MK right now. All of it is the sweet lemon flavor except for 1 clone and one of the moms. I do have 10 of the more "kushy" pheno clones charging up, but I don't think I am going to get to use them. Those are probably going to be donated as well as the other 8 extra lemon phenos.

I do have 10 Hashberry, Satori, and Pure Power Plants all on deck, but I probably won't even start them until late this summer. And even then, probably will only run each strain 1 at a time w/ the 5 Mazar-I-Sharif that I have. I can't decide which to run first, or if I want to mix and match them. I have plenty of time to mull it over though. You run some of those, what do you think?:2cents::joint:


Future Mums

Future Mums

I got the MK#7 framed nicely. Kinda at a loss as to what to do with the other one though. Can't figure out where to top her?
They are both doing well though.

MK #7 (Kush Light) Tastes great, but it's less filling.
MK #1 (Lemon Kush) Slightly more potent, more dense flowers. Very sweet lemon flavor.


I have to congratulate you on those buds, they look absolutely beautiful. How did they smoke?

so so.
I would say it was a high end mid, as far as potency is concerned. there is room for improvement. that being said, the fact I grew it had me totally stoked! I hope this next batch is even better.


man mine are looking fresh..... high resin production and fat nugs..im guessing 3.5-4.5 oz pp...

im using beatie bloomz, first 4 weeks then cha ching last 4 with big bud, pirahhna, molasses, sugar daddy bcuzz bloom and tiger bloom added in select manors.or days as to not get ppm to high...i find the cha ching has a little N in it and causes the plants to truly fatten up the last few weeks......i mean the buds are almost 40% white...for plane jane mk im pleased


Well, I went ahead and watered all the clones today. The 9 that I am keeping got RO w/5ml per gallon of CalMag+, and 5ml/gallon of LK. That's it. Ph'd to 6.6, fed to a very light runoff. Oh, and 1 drop per gallon of superthrive. PPM were around 3-400, which is just under what my tap comes out at LOL! I probably won't be hitting these little girls w/ much more than that unless they start to look hungry. I would think that the fresh FFOF would be more than enough for them for now. Hopefully in about 2 weeks I can get on w/ flipping them. I will likely give them all a good dose of PBP grow at least once sometime in the first 2 weeks of flowering, and then just run my normal bloom formula.

The other 8 clones that I am getting rid of simply got RO w/ 1 drop of Superthrive per gallon, ph'd at 6.6ish. Fed to a light runoff. I hope that I can get them the hell outta my space soon, they are a pain in the ass, and are just eating up the working room that I need in there.

I also went ahead and fed both my little future mums, same as the keeper batch of clones got.
I am guessing that the amazon queens will need to be fed here in the next couple of days, hope those other clones are gone so I can use my table!
I have been watching the lil' ones since I moved them up onto a table to get them closer to the lights. So far so good, no signs of heat stress, all showing new growth. What more could you want eh?

moses, glad to hear all is well w/ your MK. I don't want you to think that I don't like the nirvana gear, I do. It's the best that I have ever grown don't get me wrong. It's just no where near the ball park of the MK that I have had the pleasure of having out here in Socal clubs. In fact it's not even the same game! I realize some of that is due to my skill or lack of, but it really is totally different. Also nirvana's is a hindu x skunk, while I think normally MK is a hindu x afghan x hindu. That said, what I have is better than anything that I have had prior to being exposed to the scene out here for sure. But in comparrison to the top notch here, it does not come close. Maybe this round will be better. Maybe I will learn to grow it better too he he!

Sounds like you got your formula down. I use PBP, blackstrap, calmag, LK, and hydroplex. I am still really learning the ropes, so I am trying to keep it as simple as possible for me. Plus w/ my short experience, I have had very good luck w/ those products. No burning, no ph issues, no deficiencies, but down the road when I get a little more comfy in my skills, I will probably start to branch out and try some different stuff. Again, your stuff is looking swell, looks like you will finish slightly ahead of me, would love to trade some samples w/ you and get your take on my stuff and see what your results are. Unfortunately, my brass balls just aren't that damn big! LOL Pics will have to do!:yeahthats


yea need zombie virus or champagne cross

I have heard of champagne, it's a tip top sativa correct? What is zombie virus? Never heard of that. I have only seen champagne, never grown and don't know much of it. Is it along the lines of a c99, short, fast flowerin sativa?


Just a quick update for the day.
Checked in on the girls, they all look great. Kinda waiting around for the big girls to use up some more moisture in the soil. They should be ready for a feeding here soon, with the new fresh soil in there, I am going to back down my PBP grow dose to 10 ml/gallon. I can't believe how fast the clones are charging up, stems are getting more firm and thick, they all have new growth tips on top of new growth tips. I will for sure be switching these to 12/12 within the next 2 weeks.
Going to head out tomorrow and get some wire racks to put in my master bedroom walk in closet. I figure I can lay my uv lighting on top, then the moms and other rooting clones underneath. Get's them out of the grow room, which will be exclusively a flower room soon. This also gives me a place to continue running clones while flowering other girls later this year. I will likely run another set of MK first this fall, and while those clones run, I will pop my Hashberry and MIS, maybe the Satori too, don't know yet. My goal is a perpetual grow, and finally I can see it shaping up. Hell, I may pop some seeds this summer and veg them if I can keep my temps within range in my room, then run my females from those w/ some MK clones. I am also looking forward to collecting some male pollen from my new seeds and doing some plant sex he he. HOpe to backcross all my beans with selected best of what I have, and then down the road, mix it up. I know I know, I am getting waay ahead of myself, just have nothing else to do but plot and plan at the moment! My ultimate goal is to keep myself stocked on enough flowers for smokeables, hash, and hash edibles to last a year or more. Then after I get there, I am going to spread some love around to folks that are close to me, so they no longer need to "buy" cannabis. Then, just keep stockpiling, if I end up w/ more flowers than is reasonable, they will just become hash, and gifts.
Have a good night..er um mornin'!


Update Time

Update Time

Well, had some work today.
I went ahead and watered all the girls, didn't really "need" to water the clones, but I wanted to empty my reservoir and get it soaked in some bleach h20, I noticed some growth on my level indicator which is always exposed to light, and prone to bacteria growth. So before it got out of hand or caused any issues, I went ahead and took care of that. Hence all the clones got a drink tonight.

The big girls got 10ml/gallon PBP grow, 10ml/gallon calmag+, 10ml/gallon LK, and 1 drop of superthrive per gallon. PPM right at 1100ish. It's slightly lighter than previous feedings, my thinking being that w/ the fresh soil, there should be macro nutes available there. Much to my surprise, I had some roots already peeking out throught the drain holes in the bottom of the 5 gallon buckets. Yes I did just re-pot them about 1 week ago. Oh well, hope that those buckets work for the ladies, don't have any more dirt or bigger containers.
They each took 1 gallon of water, had minimal runoff.
The clones all got exactly half the dose that I gave the big girls. I really have never run clones and don't know what to expect. Guess I'll find out here pretty soon if it was too much or not. They looked kinda hungry, but who knows?
The clones all got about 36 ounces of water in their pots, again minimal runoff. The clones that are not in the tent also got about 16 oz each, not as much for a couple of reasons. Number 1, that was the last of the water in the res, 2 I don't want to use anymore micro or LK than I have to on them since I plan on getting rid of them asap.
Against my better judgement I am posting some pictures, even though I know that it will take a week or so for them to upload.:mad:
It's amazing the difference between the clones under direct light, as opposed to the give aways outside the tent. About 100% more growth from my keepers. Really cool to see.
I did also re-train down the big girls, got them pulled a little lower, and of course rotated all the girls around quite a bit, just to keep them on their toes you know.
Sunday I got my temp. nursery/mum area set up in my master bedroom closet. So any day now, once the other set of clones in the room are gone, I will be able to flip these girls. I can not fucking wait to get this show on the road. Really curious to see how these clones and big mamas flower out. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum.
As far as the clones go, they all have 5 or more nodes at this point. Around 6-8 inches tall. I really don't know when it's ok to flip them, (being this is my very first clone run ever) so I am kinda just winging it. OF course I realize that I can flip them whenever I want, and that the longer I wait the more I will get. But I am curious to see how much these girls will give me w/ minimal veg time, in the future I would like to try a SOG packing in as many as I can.
Well anyway. The pictures.






The Mums

The Mums

A work in progress, this is just temporary, and eventually will be replaced w/ a pvc framed panda plastic tent. Not going for stealth, just want to leave the door open and I have a cat and iguana roaming around. Need to keep the plants outta sight from them. I also pull fresh air from my bedroom through this closet, and into the flower room w/ an active intake. It's just a little piddly ass in line fan, but it does the trick, gets the air moving, but not too much, and I always maintain negative pressure in the grow room.
I figure this uv light is plenty for the mums. Don't need the explosive growth, I would prefer the slowest growth possible, especially since I am not really planning on running again until after the summer is over. Anyways, here they are. I just pinched some of the new growth out of MK #7, it is framed nicely so far. The other I just topped in hopes to get that same kind of framing action going on w/ her as well. Just put that last close up of one of the bigg'uns in their for laughs.





Wow! Those loaded really quick sweet! Satan must be somewhere wearing a sweater LOL!:joint:


Just Thinking Out Loud Here

Just Thinking Out Loud Here

Hey moses, or anyone for that matter.
Do you think it would be reasonable to hope for an ounce from each clone, and maybe 3-4 from each of the bushes? Or is that wishful thinking/best case scenario? Just wondering your thoughts. I see lots of logs, and see people saying "da da da I pulled this much", but looking at the pictures I always think, "wow, that doesn't look like that much, how can that be?".
Of course I am talking dry, don't care what it weighs when I chop it. Water doesn't do anything for me LOL.
So what do yous all think?
Are my expectations un-realistic w/ my setup? I am running 800 watts in there. It's 16 square feet. Everything is in check, good nutes, soil, temps, air flow etc.... just wondering. I don't have alot of experience but damn, an elbow would for sure get me through the summer, maybe, if I am lucky, I guess, so long as I don't just try eating it all or making too much hash.:laughing:


Just Trying Out the Pics from Album

Just Trying Out the Pics from Album

Hey all of the sudden pictures are uploading great, uploaded all my pics into my album. Just had to try the drag and drop thing.

Wow that fucking rules. Thanks ICmag!


Master Kush and Cheese Update


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Tomorrow is the Big DAy! Yay!

Tomorrow is the Big DAy! Yay!

Well, I have decided to go ahead and flip these bitches out like acrobatics! I will be getting up tomorrow and setting the timer and lights for 12/12. I plan to run lights on starting at 9pm to 9am, to take advantage of the coolest part of the day, and avoid the hottest part of the day. This seems to work well for keeping my temps in check. Boy I sincerely hope that these girls don't run as long as they did the first time! Hopefully they won't, but we'll see eh. Everyone wish me luck! Some of my clones already have some roots beginning to poke through the bottoms of the pots! WTF? 2 gallon pots? 6-9 inch high clones? Eh? Go figure, hope they have enough room, we'll see. Having the same issue with the big girls in their 5's too. They are all gonna have to tough it out, hopefully it's just the tap roots, and they all still have plenty of room.
I plan on leaving the MH's in for the first 2 weeks, then switching them out. I will also continue to train for the first 2 weeks on the big girls as well.
Well, off to the races!:abduct:


Just a few pictures from today.

Just a few pictures from today.

Not a whole lot going on, just ancy and had camera in hand. Snapped a few pictures of everyone. The clones are just growing so damn fast it's hard to believe. No burn whatsoever from their last watering w/ ferts to my surprise. I wasn't too sure how their little bodies would handle it, but guess they liked it. Yipee. Here they are, a few random clone shots, as well as a few random pictures of the big girls in the back. I literally almost have a solid 2 x 4 foot canopy of MK in there. My wife told me it looks like I could have dinner on that table lol. There are a few spots that could be filled more, but I can't say I am dissapointed with them by any means. These are by far and away the largest ladies that I have ever had. Hope they produce as well as they suck down the water and veg nutes, time will tell.

And here are some shots of the nursery w/ the recently topped and recovering future mums. I don't suspect I will actually get to run any of these clones.
