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Color me gone
WooHOO! another sunday, Gotta agree with the Cam trade Baba, he is such a run threat when they're close to the goal line even if he has bad games in fantasy land he is a great play, better than vick IMO.....That being said I have Vick in my 2-1 league, as long as he stays healthy he'll put up points and he still has that wild card factor of scoring anywhere on the field....Storm Shadow I am with you on Gates I need him to get a TD today or I am benching his ass, KC has been average at best against opposing TE's so it should be a match up in our favor, but we'll see....hemphrey I am surpised to see you play Lance Moore over Victor Cruz, I think Cruz is an automatic starter IMO he has consistent production every game and can score multiple TD's on any given sunday.....


Active member
Imo, Vick has got to get better at his reads so he doesn't take as much of a POUNDING.DeSean Jackson needs to shut up and put up..He may have gotten a head too big to deflate..Giants should beat them but they have been known to shoot themselves in the foot at times. Cruz will have another big game and I look for Osi to step up too.
Cam Newton is a freak but also a MAJOR pouter..spelling..lol.he needs to get over that shit cuz nobody wants to go to war with someone who looks like hes beaten when there are still a quarter and a half of football left.


Color me gone
As far as action today I like NE-4, and I guess SD+1 not really in love with any games today other than NE.....anyone betting on SF to have a big win today just be careful Harbaugh is 1-8 against the spread playing on the road and I don't believe Rex Ryan has ever been a underdog at home except against the Pats in his head coaching career.


lol hemphrey has victor cruz on the fantasy bench

edit: nvm, i see where you changed it

The Falcons are looking damn good this year. We see if they can keep it up though.


Color me gone
storm shadow not a bad first half for gates if he gets 100 yards rec or a TD by the end of the game i'll have some more faith in him...


The Mad Monk
With that Woodhead TD this NE/Bills game is getting interesting. Looked like NE was gonna get blown out for a minute there.

Dammit, Frank Gore! Just get in the end zone already. Two weak ass runs at the goal line in a row.



Titans suck this year. Texans real test will come in week 6 & 7 against the packers and ravens. They really haven't had to play any good team yet.

Fun game between falcons/panthers. Cam got a lot of fantasy points this week.


Color me gone
Hell yeah! Go SUPERCAM!!!! bad part was I was going against the SF defense and they scored 35 pts! to cam's 32....gotta love fantasy! Also bad call by me on the SF game, they owned the shit out of them...


Color me gone
Whadeezlrg, The NYJ looked terrible yesterday, that play where Santonio Holmes handed off the ball to Carlos Rodgers was my favorite play of the game, lol.....Tebow time is coming very soon....


Horse-toothed Jackass
Good call starting Cruz over Lance Moore. After Week 1, I thought Cruz might have been a one year wonder, but he's stepped it up and looking like he's no fluke...
Anyone going to pick up Tebow now that it looks like he might be a starter? In my two QB league last year, I picked him up for the stretch run and he got me to the championship game...
My Bears at Dallas tonite. Experts say it will be a defensive game. 'Da Bears' fan in me would predict 63-5, Bears, but realistically I would say 21-17, Bears...
Who's with me?


I predict Dallas winning tonight. Bears o-line has issues and Dallas has home field advantage. Also you never know how Cutler is going to perform, but you could also say the same for Romo. Hopefully Matt Forte will be productive tonight, but he's coming off an ankle injury so who knows.


Horse-toothed Jackass
And Cutler is notorious for melting down in primetime games. What's the over/under on how many interceptions he throws? 3?


The Mad Monk
Last year notwithstanding, Bababooey, anyone considering picking up Tebow should just hang it up. Make some trades for next year. Fughettabout this year. And dude, Cruz is a must start every week. He's one of keepers and the trades I've been offered for him are insane. Don't ever bench him for Lance fucking Moore! :biglaugh:

Tonight is the match up of the bi-polar bimbo's. Romo and Cutler are two of the most hit or miss QBs I've ever seen. Its fitting they've both had similar career arcs, two whiny bitches that are talented but for some reason can't realize it fully. Each of them are their own worst enemy. Doesn't help that both think their Brett Favre, too.

I'm picking Dallas tonight, 24-17. I shouldn't, I know. Dallas will disappoint you at every possible opportunity. Especially with Tony Romo behind center. But Jay Cutler throws INTs like he's being paid to. I can see them trying to tie it up late in the 4th and him tossing up a pick to kill it.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I predict Dallas winning tonight. Bears o-line has issues and Dallas has home field advantage. Also you never know how Cutler is going to perform, but you could also say the same for Romo. Hopefully Matt Forte will be productive tonight, but he's coming off an ankle injury so who knows.

I got to watch Cutler when he played in Denver- Better for us - and the entire rest of the NFL that he is in Chy town. Unless ur a Bears fan ;-)

I don't think I have ever heard the word "I screwed up" from Cutler. Seriously!

And he could easily open about half of his press conferences with those 3 words.

When he hits - he's fun to watch. But it's the month or two in between that hurts to endure. - And the childish blame games.

And the attitude.

And he looks funny when he's pissed.

And there will be hope for "Da Bears" - after Cutler.

I gotta sympathise with Tebow - he's still got the MdDanials Stench following him.

I hope he gets a good home.

Maybe he could replace Cutler!
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