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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
I've actually done a road trip through Yellowstone where I saw some bison (not that close) and also stopped by Mt Rushmore. It is awesome country up there, rolling hills, plains, mountains, forests, it's got everything. In their own way the black hills/badlands are just as beautiful as some of the territory in arizona/utah. AZ has the grand canyon though, can't beat that.
But like Buzz said you can travel for weeks just around your state, seeing the parks and sights there. Did you feed the manatees? I hear nowadays sometimes the manatees have to be fed by humans cause their grazing territory isn't what it used to be.

Cant believe you've never even been to the midwest, DB. Maybe you should come visit Hawk and I, we'll show you the sights. How'd those steak tips turn out? Not sure if ive ever seen that cut around here, it's not as common. I know Pops gets tri tips in socal regularly.

As long as the bud is fully dry it should cure nicely in jars for years, if it's too wet when it gets jarred you risk mold. Is it very brown as well? Im sure bud cured for years is so brown it doesnt look appealing but appearances can be deceiving.
Spear fishing sounds next level, no wonder u prefer meat tho if u ate a lot of it as a child.

That sounds like a great meal youre going to make, you smoke the ham yourself? I havent seen pics of ur smoker setup. I guess with all the trees on ur lot u probably dont need to buy charcoal/wood. And ive never made a carrot cake, do u make ur own or just buy it? I suppose as far as cakes tho it's somewhat healthy if u have a lot of carrot in it, that frosting tho is just pure sugar.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I've actually done a road trip through Yellowstone where I saw some bison (not that close) and also stopped by Mr Rushmore. It is awesome country up there, rolling hills, plains, mountains, forests, it's got everything. In their own way the black hills/badlands are just as beautiful as some of the territory in arizona/utah. AZ has the grand canyon though, can't beat that.
But like Buzz said you can travel for weeks just around your state, seeing the parks and sights there. Did you feed the manatees? I hear nowadays sometimes the manatees have to be fed by humans cause their grazing territory isn't what it used to be.

Cant believe you've never even been to the midwest, DB. Maybe you should come visit Hawk and I, we'll show you the sights. How'd those steak tips turn out? Not sure if ive ever seen that cut around here, it's not as common. I know Pops gets tri tips in socal regularly.

As long as the bud is fully dry it should cure nicely in jars for years, if it's too wet when it gets jarred you risk mold. Is it very brown as well? Im sure bud cured for years is so brown it doesnt look appealing but appearances can be deceiving.
Spear fishing sounds next level, no wonder u prefer meat tho if u ate a lot of it as a child.

That sounds like a great meal youre going to make, you smoke the ham yourself? I havent seen pics of ur smoker setup. I guess with all the trees on ur lot u probably dont need to buy charcoal/wood. And ive never made a carrot cake, do u make ur own or just buy it? I suppose as far as cakes tho it's somewhat healthy if u have a lot of carrot in it, that frosting tho is just pure sugar.
Oh the steak was delicious bababooey. I like the teriyaki marinade better than using Italian dressing. Smoking kief and watching today show. Then coffee with Mom and 3 mile walk. Went from 50 to 20s. Cold cold cold. Tomorrow 50. Hmmm. How's it going out there bababooey? Getting over my ex....thankfully she got fat, so it's not hard. She is poop, got me 2 weeks in jail years back and played around with baby here your the dad one minute there is no kid

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I could take the age restriction off but it's me smoking weed...I think it would just get deleted. Sorry this video doesn't link better. Doobz


In my empire of dirt
that sounds like a grinding family spread! could i be a @buzzmobile for a day
/just say im your "dull distant cousin" from out west; hahah living in fla isnt everything pretty much north or west of you?
smoked ham is always good and i do like me some sweet potatoe casserole
/do you put marshmallows on top
i like to travel too and enjoy road trips
im hoping to get out again this spring, the desert blooms are going to be off the charts
i have the time and pretty much an open schedule so why not get out and see america
/not the big cities, the real america
ive heard of manatee springs and it sounds like fun
do they still have that wicchiwachi place in fla where they have the mermaids doing acrobatics underwater?
how about that castle place that one dude build by hand all by himself?

yarh a degenerate sto'nah doobah!
is that a sweet one hitter, i have those
they actually look like ciggies and i like to pack a couple when i go on hikes
a good hit or two in each on then you just grab the next one
it looks cold man, keep that lighter next to your body so it lights, under a certain temp most lighters wont light
teriyaki marinade sounds great, plus you use it to baste your meat while it cooks so you get a nice thick glaze
i am sorry to hear about your on going troubles with the ex but weve all been there
i was supposed to hang with the ex today but we got into a stupid fight about stuff and i decided it would not be a good idea to visit with her
sucks because i was going to bring her a dozen fresh eggs and we were going to get lunch
im thinking im going to get chik fil et later

the old smoke is more like a golden brown and kind of dry
but it smokes good
i still need to fig the jar up and get a pic and maybe even crack it open so i could give a real smoke report
tri tips are good steaks and make great keebabs or just cooked on the grill
i dont really eat fish and would give most of what i would catch to my mom
a friend of mine goes on those tuna boats and would show up with a few nice steaks from time to time but he has since moved so i dont think he does much fishing now

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Going to see Ghostbusters with Mom in a bit


Well-known member
DAMN doob! Its worth it! If i had the money id scoop that bad boy up! let us know how the movie went. kinda looks good but kinda skeptical

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Oh shit!
"Copyrighted content has been detected in your video "went to Ghostbusters with mom". As a result, your video has been blocked in 1 territory."
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
Updated March 21, 2024​
Content owners: SME
Content type: Audio
Impact on video: Blocked in 1 territory.​


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ive only watched bits of Ghostbusters afterlife, i didnt know the original male cast was in it ill probably have to go and watch the whole thing now. Love the original GB.

Yeah you didnt hit that pipe too smoothly, maybe you should switch to edibles full time if youre coughing like that after every hit. Other than that you seem happy and healthy so all in all not bad. Start incorporating some pushups, sit-ups, body weight squats etc into your exercise routine, you'll fill out and replace some of the fat with muscle, will help attract the ladies.

How many chickens do u have, Pops? What's the daily routine of taking care of them, let them out of the coop every morning, throw some cracked corn on the ground, make sure their water is fresh, clean up some chicken $hit? Do they give u full size eggs or smaller ones?
Have u ever thought about keeping chickens, Buzz? U have plenty of land for it. They could help clear the property of bugs, mice, small snakes too. But i guess theyre vulnerable to bigger predators, feral cats, coons, possums, gators, etc. You ever see gators on ur property, Buzz?
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In my empire of dirt
the chickens throw off about 3 eggs a day (thats almost 2 dozen eggs a week!), i have four chickens but one is a free loader and hardly lays any eggs at all
three os them are barred rock chicken, so the are nice fat hens but i dont eat them, we also have one silkie, a real nice hen
im going to say it
say it!
fthe new ghost busters, after that all female attempt at a reboot im over it
the original movie was classic and im a big fan of the original cast but thats old school
why not write a new movie?
/writers cant create any new content after they made a big stink about being replaced by ai?
why not just make an ai movie? based off the premise?
hollywood is churning out shit right now!
sorry doob, but i dog the idea of going to the movies and im totally in on you and your mom spending quality time together
i used to love going to the flicks and watching movies in a theatre
the big screen and the cheap pop corn; but i guess that was all back in the day
now the concessions will cost you a ton and the cost of admission is stupid
/ever hear of streaming?
my rage need to be redirected, how about moar F-SPANOS!
mike williams is now a jeet and hopefully arog will be able to play more than 5 snaps
/this translates into four down and a season ending injury
what do the chargers have left on their roster?
/a bunch of d player who will most likely be cut and then a big ol pile of boogers!

so i guess i misplaced the jar of weed i found earlier but i also found a new one
its black triangle kush unopened
a friend sent me a seed a long time ago and i grew it out and this shit was fire!
heavy hitting but had a sharp tang to it
i just found an old box of seed stash and i bet i still have some of the original seeds!
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Well-known member
Did you feed the manatees?
Not allowed. I have not touched a manatee. I grabbed a dolphin a couple of times, but that's another buzzstory. LOL
It is illegal to feed, harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, annoy, or molest manatees. The state of Florida has also established regulatory speed zones to protect the manatee and its habitat. The zones are located where manatees live or travel regularly or seasonally.
The sea grass beds were sparse from winter cold snaps so Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) had a feeding program for a while.

Manatees spend their winters at Wakulla Springs in this area. We spent one Anniversary at the park lodge and the sea cows were hanging out. It was a very chilly morning(low 30s), but the spring water was warm enough for this young lady.



Oh shit!
"Copyrighted content has been detected in your video "
I got a notice for something like that from Youtube. I was sitting at a campfire while camping. There was music playing in the background because a campfire needs music and I was playing with the camera. The crackling fire and the music is not heard because of copyright issues. LOL

Have u ever thought about keeping chickens, Buzz? U have plenty of land for it. They could help clear the property of bugs, mice, small snakes too. But i guess theyre vulnerable to bigger predators, feral cats, coons, possums, gators, etc. You ever see gators on ur property, Buzz?
I have thought about keeping chickens never. LOL We raised some pigs a long while back. It was supposed to be a cooperative venture with my neighbor who hanged himself. He helped me build a pen and after that I took care of them. I was at FAMU then and on my way home after classes I would swing through the Food Lion to check the dumpster behind the store. Dumpster diving provided all kinds of treats for Moe, Larry, Curly, and Bo Judy. I had a Dodge/Mitsubishi pickup and a long handled garden fork to gather the grub. When I got home I would load a wheelbarrow with the groceries and wheel it down to the pen. "Piggies! Piggies! Piggies!" was the call to them. They would line up at the pen rail and grunt with excitement.

Then we ate them, and shared the meat with my 'partner'.

You forgot to put coyotes, stray dogs, raptors and big snakes on the predator list, @Bababooey . We all love chickens.

No alligators spotted to date.

I'll stick to plants in my golden years.
why not write a new movie?
/writers cant create any new content after they made a big stink about being replaced by ai?
why not just make an ai movie? based off the premise?
hollywood is churning out shit right now!

Lame remakes of original movies make me happy not to go to the movies, @pop_rocks . If I need a good nap I would consider going to a theater for the Senior Matinee Discount.
I think Forrest Gump is the last movie I saw in a theater and that was 30 years ago.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I know a guy who just bought some chickens for his backyard coop, i think theyre silkies, real nice looking birds, beautiful coat of feathers and not that big.
Youre a kind chicken owner if u havent eaten the free loading one by now. Then again eating it means slaughtering it, which can be a pain plucking the feathers and all that.

The all women GB movie was a waste of talent, true, but the new ones are more focused on kids/teens, i think theyre supposed to be the kids of the original cast? And the original cast shows up too, which is a plus. Also Paul Rudd is in there, he's decent.
Given the quality of some of the movies out there, having AI write 90% of a movie might be an improvement overall.

I wonder how much of Mike williams salary with the jets is guaranteed. It's supposed to be 1 yr, up to 15M, so maybe like 10M is guaranteed and he can earn up to 5M more with incentives? The going rate for star WRs is 30M/yr, so ur right Pops, he gets hurt all the time so if he plays half the year like a star it'll be worth it for the jets. He should help the team more than Allan Lazard, the ex-packer WR that the jets signed to a 4 yr,44M deal last year (22M guaranteed) and had 23 catches for 300yds for 1 TD. The jets cut him (still have to pay him 11M for 2024) and i think he signed a vet minimum with the jaguars for like 500K a year. Lol jets, amiright, Buzz?

Har-bro seems to be making lots of changes to the bolts (F-spanos), which isn't a bad thing for an underperforming team but ur right, if they have a poor record this year he can point to all the roster turnover and say the rebuild is going to take 2-3 yrs at least.

I wouldnt mind a swim with manatees, especially in water like that.
I remember the pig story and how you fattened them up with the old groceries. Did u have to make sure they didnt eat too much plastic/packaging? Like a box of twinkies you couldnt just throw over the fence cause they'd eat the wrapper too.
Youre going to use the leftover ham from the family potluck? Nice. Maybe throw some sweet potato or mac n cheese on there too, u can put pretty much anything on a pizza unless you want to stick to traditional toppings.

Yeah, sounds like the yard and the gardening is more than enough work for a supposedly retired guy, no need adding livestock to make it even more like a farm. Farming is a younger man's game, although it's not the worst thing to still be physically active as you get older.


In my empire of dirt
the chickens kind of =sux beacuse like you said baba, someone has to take care of them
when i was away, my mom would take care of them but everytime i would call she would ask when i was coming home to take care of the chickens
i think this is going to be the last round
that would be cool to raise pigs, i hear they are real smart
i have a friend who has a pet pig but i doubt he will ever eat it
i would totally swim with those guys! dugongs are very docile and while i might not touch them i would totally love to share a swim in that clearwater
hollywood is kind of dead, replaced by the streaming channels and original content on things like hbo and netflix
i watched some of that bass reves and it was pretty good
but you have the hollywood exec suxing eachother off for some lame barbie movie or the remake of mean girls
yeah...i say with all the spirit
add in the crazy stupid cost of going to the movies and i can see why people want something different

im sure m.williams signed on a team friendly dead and the incentives most likely revolve around playing time
you are right, he seems to be hurt a lot but a 1y deal could work out for them if arog is healthy this next season
it looked like the chargers were ready to take the leap to the next level a couple seasons ago but have since shit the bed
but screw them, they dont deserve nice things
but whatever fan base they have wont stick around for a rebuild in la, real charger fans are like unicorns now and i dont imagine there are many left
and as always #f-spanos


Well-known member
I wouldnt mind a swim with manatees, especially in water like that.
I remember the pig story and how you fattened them up with the old groceries. Did u have to make sure they didnt eat too much plastic/packaging?
The spring is very pretty. I have been close to a couple while fishing, but they are big critters that I would not want to spook.
If there was packaging I unwrapped it.

The Jets are always the Jets. Aaron Rodgers for Vice President! That will save them.

Raising animals is a full time commitment, and like @pop_rocks mentioned someone has to be there to feed them.