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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah Pop, I think the last piece of glass I got was a small bong from amzn for around the price, it did the job well enough, got decent hits out of it until the woman found it and ‘disappeared’ it. Sigh.
Hawk is right, ur just getting cheap chinese/Indian glass at these prices, but seems like 80% of stuff sold in America is made like that so whatchagonnado? Shrugs.
I remember Sheldon black back in the day, and usa roor vs german roor, etc etc. Some people collect bongs like they collect guns or cars, but I just had my daily driver (roor) plus a backup (ehle). To me it was all about function, needed a nice big bong for big hits, didn’t care to have a whole display case full of them.
Ive seen the bongs with extra water chambers or bubblers built into it, I would like the extra smoke filtration but those seem harder to clean as well. Like a lot of alcohol and kosher salt and shake the *hit out of it, let it rest, shake some more, etc. That’s why I avoided buying them even though theyre quite common and not that expensive, comparatively.
Some people are saying the bears should trade justin fields and draft Bryce young. Not sure what they could get for fields, he’s an awesome scrambler but still rough on the passing, would a team give up a 1st rd pick for him?

Ive never made a hollandaise sauce but I love a good eggs benedict, denny’s actually makes a decent one. So it’s just egg yolk butter and lemon juice? Pretty easy to make. Ive tried poaching eggs before but the one or two times I tried it didn’t work out too well, maybe I need more practice. I can make a good over easy fried egg tho.

If it’s worth $60 in a store DB seems like you should be able to sell it for at least $20-30. Or a decent gift to someone who needs a bong, but I guess no one uses bongs anymore from what you guys are telling me haha. It does take more work to setup and maintain (changing water, cleaning, storage etc) and it’s not as stealthy as a pipe/joint.

Yeah, not im not too interested in watching the Italian stallion, but if the movie is bad enough it might be entertaining in that way.

Ehle seems like it’s still around, their german website is still up, same as roor. That rick and morty bong looks pretty sweet, not gonna lie. Your brother should not have messed with you.

That’s pretty low when a gas station wont let a customer use their bathroom, but maybe they’ve issues in the past with some bad actors doing nefarious things in there.

So whaddaya say, Hawk, have you ever made your own breakfast foods, or youre strictly a steak and potatoes guy?


Well-known member
That's a good question baba.since I was a kid I never really ate breakfast.im allergic to eggs and milk.i think bacon toast and I think it's called country style potatoes with onions is a winner but that's not healthy.my moms ex would take us for breakfast and evryday hed get a Belgium waffle witth icectream.swear to god he literally ate icecream every day.my breakfast these days is beer.gonna rain tomorrow so I stocked up on beer and got a bottle of Bacardi and ordered pizza hut. Imy friend didn't eat cause we were on a crazy bender.made an omelet for the first time.she said it was good.

Oh! I don't remember if I said so but I made guacamole with fresh cilantro and lime.im hooked now.im putting kratom with beer and lime from now on.i used oranges but lime is better.maybe I'll just use a huge thing full of fruit.theres a cool guy on YouTube called tipsy bartender.hes pretty cool

I swear to whateve
r God I've never seen so many fucking glass and head shops.im waiting for my pizza hut and there's a decent shop I went into to buy some time.found this shirt and bought it.ill be back.they had actually decent glass.just look.im done breaking glass.

it was probably 10 years ago that a guy was selling Ehla but they became so hard to get because it was just a small operation,maybe thats changed.i dont need any glass.saw some decent looking bongs earlier but didnt wanna piss the guy by taking pics.i didnt undertand what he was saying but he sounded mad.defintaly gonna go back.like a candy store for grownups.

and hey look i can understand ive said some crazy things but its all true.lots of people dont believe what i say.lets see,craziest thing i remember off the top of my head?my dad and i were beeing nice guys helping a friend move.shes fucking mental and its july 3rd at 230 in the morning moving a whole huge storage worth from a big house.this bitch is drunk and my dad and and i are are drunk and this bitch wants things a certain way.mind you this is the 4th time we helped her move and we are doing it for a a couple 30 packs.so i said fuck it and slept in the moving truck and almost died.its july 4th the hotes day of the year.its gotta be at least 120 degrees in the moving truck when Rosalia cops wale me up.you know where Rosalia is right baba?this bitch got drunk and crazy saying we kidnapped her!im like or really?i kidnapped her to help her move her shit?had the whole station and her daughter who is a model come rushing to the rescue saying she will pay for someone to help her mom move.im like bitch ive been helping for crazy ass mom move for days for fucking beer!oh i snapped.theres more to this story but after the cops left i was gonna hurt someone.damn her daughter was fine though.she a prefossenional model.her mom no.i think she was adopted
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In my empire of dirt
what af'n tripper hawk
(some crazy lady + beer) trying to be a nice guy/ 4rth of july?!?
you just cant help some people out now days!
now that i have the pick em up truck a few people have asked me for "help" with shit; the answer is almost always no
if i offer its cool but im not some moving man or some "nice" guy; pops time does not come cheap
thats cool they have a head shop next to the pizza hut, talk about synergy!
you almost have to wander in while waiting for your shit and if you see something you like, why not buy it
yeah baba, the $25 bong was almost a burner pipe, one where if i had to chuck it or it broken i would not be too broken up about it
other than being a smaller pipe its actually not that bad
i think most glass is made in china or overseas now, unless its some branded piece
/and even then you dont know for sure
you can always spend more to get something nice but is it really worth it?
cleaning my stuff out was a problem for me at one point; i usually did it when i was high and drunk and there was alwasy that little bit you thought you could shake lose, so you just keep on going
i will have to ask the mrs about the sauce but thats about right, plus she whips it up in the ninja blender thing she makes her shakes in so its super creamy
you need to use a slotted spoon to make a good poached egg plus a couple drops of vinegar while the water is boiling helps
thats a hot take trading fields and drafting b.young
so is he expected to start in game one? im not too sure who you guys have in the 2nd string but i think its kind of iffy putting all your eggs in one basket
this will also open the door to some people grumbling if he disent pan out, esp if fields clicks with another team
fwiw, i dont think he will have that much value in the trade market, especially considering the tallen about to be unleashed in the free agent market plus the draft
just picked up my mom from the aeropuerto, she is doing good but there was some nefarious shit that went down with her luggage that im having to work out
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Well-known member
Awe sorry pops.havent had my day set right.i have many misspelings.when you drink as much as me it happens.

Speaking of witch pops I'm still pisse at most dad pop.he picked me up from my buddies place drunk and high and left it on the passenger seat.when i sat down i I couldn't coulndnt.bleeding for at least 3 days straight. Asshole never said sorry.i might just cut his dick off.yeah I'm not kidding.no jury would convict me


In my empire of dirt
hahah dont worry about spelling or grammar brother, we all know what you are saying
/nothing but drink talk hawk, sweet beautiful drunk talk; pops is fluent in the language
what did he leave on the seat that cut you up man?
three days is a long time but if you keep the wound clean and change your bandages hopefully you wont suffer too much
remember that lorena bobbit chick from back in the day, dont do them wrong or bithechs will cut you man!


Well-known member
oh sorry.it was a ninja blender.those blades are sharp as hell.thought i was gonna bleed to death.i didnt even know it was on the car seat.im still pissed to this day.almost cut my balls off.some people are just stupid.ior in my dads case stupid and drunk.it was dark so i didnt know it was there.should of cut him with it.i have no mercy or grounds of wich i stand.i scare myself more than anyone in the world.and im only at 50%.no brag just fact.bet you old cats dont know what thats from without google

oh dont even get me started on loretta bobbit. guy became a porn star after that happened.he got rich and she got like no prison time,guess it was a blessing in disguise but id kill that bitch straight up
kinda reminds me of this story a good while back ago when this guys wife somehow found out he was cheating on her with his mistress.well they found out and lured him to a motel.tied him up and superglued his dick to his stomach..fuck that had to been okward but i bet shit happens more than we think
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Ah, ok, being allergic to eggs and milk youre definitely missing most breakfast foods. Even a quick breakfast is usually cereal and milk, although soymilk and nutmilk is a thing now.
Bacon toast and country style hash browns are a winner but ur right, not exactly diet food.
I think back in the middle ages beer was considered liquid bread and would be consumed regularly, as part of meals beginning with breakfast, even by children. It’s also cause the water was often unsafe to drink too maybe. So everytime you crack open a beer in the morning it’s like ur eating a slice of bread or two.

I ordered my roor and ehle from Germany and the UK, respectively, so didn’t have a problem with shortages buy yeah I don’t think many US distributors carry them. And those german glass companies don’t sell out and start having Asian glass blowers make them at near slave wages, it’ll be a Bavarian stoner who’s making your bong not a 13 year old child with burn marks all over their arms.

That’s a sweet looking t-shirt Hawk, nice find, was it expensive? I think vintage tee’s have a big market but to get authentic vintage t-shirts could cost hundreds of dollars for one, crazy.

That’s a wild story about the moving lady, Hawk. Is there a town called Rosalia in IL? There’s one in the state of Washington, but not in IL. Maybe you mean Roselle? That’s in Dupage country, but never been there.
That’s one of the few instances where I feel sorry for cops, having to deal with some drunk crazy ass people, they show up and immediately people start talking crazy to them, they don’t know what’s going on they only know it’s a $hitshow and wish some other cop had taken this call, lol.
What was this daughter’s name? Maybe she’s got an IG and we can look her up. Or better yet an onlyfans.

Haha Pop, ur the ‘guy with the pickup truck’ now and anytime someone wants something big moved they think of you, unfortunately. Good thing ur strong and able to say ‘no’. But are these good friends asking you or the sort of people who only contact you when they need something? If the latter, yeah, those people can eff right off.

A ‘burner’ pipe is a good way to describe a $25 glass bong, also I realized I didn’t need a 2ft bong to get a decent size hit, sure it might take me 2-3 tokes to clear a bowl with a smaller piece instead of one toke but the end result was the same, got nice and toasty.

I did the ‘swirling the hot water while dropping the egg in’ technique to make poached eggs and I ended up with a lot of the egg white swirling away and making egg drop soup almost, so ill try the slotted spoon and vinegar method if there is a next time.

It probably wouldn’t be a terrible idea if any of the top drafted QBs sits for a bit to start next season, but I guess it all depends on what happens in training camp and preseason. If theyre better than the veteran backup then they’ll start, if they need more seasoning then they’ll sit.

Hopefully you can find ur mum’s bags, ive thankfully never lost a bag on an airline yet but I’ve heard horror stories.

Dang Hawk sitting on a blender’s blades sounds awful indeed, plus those wounds are in places that you keep using every time you sit down. But like Pop said keep cleaning and dressing those wounds and they’ll heal up eventually.

Here's some baby back ribs we made, got them for about $9 a slab, cooked them about 20 mins in the instapot till they were fall of the bone tender, then finished them under a broiler to add some char and topped with KC masterpiece bbq sauce. Doesnt compare to Hawk's steaks but all in all not bad.

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Well-known member
Yeah yeah I think I meant roselle.gotta be dupage.ill ask my dad.hes mad at me though.jesus christ there's about 10 cop cars out my window.at least davenport always has a show


In my empire of dirt
ribs! man
the mrs made ribs in the instapot before and they come out usper good; pro move finishing them off in the oven baba
i would offer the use of the truck to most friends but you would be surprised at how many people think because you havea truck that you just want to haul thier junk for nothing, im not sanford and son and gas isnt cheap
/plus my time is worth even more, pops need to get his drink on and can be driving your crap to and fro
f'n'a hawk you sat down on a blender blade?! that has to hurt
i have no idea re:your reference but maybe you can let us in
/pops dosent get out much
swirling in hot water makes egg drop soup, next time you make ramen try it; we want a poached egg
get a slotted spoon and drop the egg as good as you can in the bowl of the spoon, this helps it stay together
they also have these things you can buy where you just drop the egg into the vessel in the hot water and it kind of holds it together
so it turns out my moms shit got jacked and im ever so pissed at sf airport, isnt this a secure area (the gate where you are waiting for the plane)?
arent there a ton of security cameras all over the place? and "security" guards posted up around the concourse
im still wading through the whole thing but the more i hear the more is pisses me off
but maybe gam gam is at that age where she cant travel alone anymore? who knows
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Well-known member
It wasn't just a blender blade it was a ninja.i thought I would need stitches.my dad's a pos.thought it was no big deal.hope he rots in prison for his 100th dui.hes on bond and he has to drop.he needs a ride but he's gonna pass dirty.fuck him and his 20 cats.doesnt even care about his kids.i went to prison cause he attacked so I stabbed him.i was eating pork chops and the knife was there so...Anyway I think I've talked about my life too much.sorry guys.ribs look good baba


Horse-toothed Jackass
You always get to see a lot of drama, Hawk. I wish my life was as exciting. But it also sounds scary too.

Haha, Sanford and son. Yeah, it’s not like u own a junkyard and want people’s random junk like it’s some great treasure. Sure some of it might be useful to someone the problem is finding that someone and then making sure they come get it.
Whenever ive had a bunch of crap to throw out that the garbageman wouldn’t take I actually rent a 15 or 17ft truck at uhaul, me and a couple guys will load it up and drive it to the dump place, total cost is like $90 for the truck inc gas, $100-120 at the dump and then whatever we pay the help ($200 or so). It’s not cheap doing that but you can throw out literally a ton of stuff.

Alright, that sounds like a good idea, using the slotted spoon to protect the egg as it goes into the water, at least until it firms up a little.

I think baggage claim isnt secured, like anyone can walk in and wait for passengers to come out. Boarding gates are secure, you need a plane ticket and go through TSA to get to a gate.
That sucks that your mom’s stuff got jacked, yeah there should be at least one or 2 security cameras that caught the perp. Also I think baggage theft might be increasing nowadays so you would think airport security/cops would be taking measures to prevent it, but I guess they figure passengers are the 1st line of defense to baggage theft? I know when im waiting for a checked bag im scoping out anyone walking away with a bag that looks like mine, but I cant fault ur mum for not being more cautious. Old ladies are pretty easy to dupe.

DB, ur a croissandwich fan I take it? It used to be better than it is now, then again you could say that of most anything at BK. They brought in a new chairman of the board, the same guy who turned Domino’s around, so maybe BK will get better. The whopper is still a good burger if made fresh.

Is a ninja basically a super sized blender? I guess they can do all sorts of things, even make soup or something. I hope you were at least wearing jeans when you sat on it, that had to have hurt.
Yeah, sounds like lots of drama going on in your family. Is it the drinking? That can’t help, but maybe you guys would be fighting a lot even without booze. Some families are just like that. You guys Irish or something? I hear theyre always fighting amongst themselves, but if someone outside the family threatens one of them, they’ll join together and gang up on that person no problem.

Ribs were alright, soft enough, would have preferred more char on them plus smokiness but would have needed to cook them on charcoal for that. Maybe when it gets warmer.
You get snow in Socal, Pops? Hear a crazy storm covered half the US. We got a lot of rain here but thankfully not cold enough for snow.


In my empire of dirt
i used to like their breakfast croissant but the last few times i went they were sux so i stopped going there
saw this pon another sight and decided to repost about kcKarens!
oh noeeesss the players (who are all grown ass men) are dranking,if it was me in that same position oh you know pops is gone'drank
plus i still think pattie got a hit off something strong in the locker room at the half, if you watch the game you could see he was "different" when he came back onto the field after halftime
plus his leg wwie was cured, no limp not even a little hitch in his gait
just like new!
but shos going to think of the children?1
i had some other football taeks but i have been getting into the BOOZE again

thats part of the thing baba, at some point its just like maybe you should hire someone to hepl you out
me and my truck run on a tight schedule and im not there at your beck and call, but like i said before friends get special privilege
i think she needs to streach her legs here soon and might be taking a trip in the nxt few weeks
my mom is kind of a spcae cadet so i can see how she could be jacked, but still she was in the outgoing gate; a secure area
but i dont really know the whole story, she just got abck and will tell her story in time
but its still f'd and shows the level of lawlessness we have been accustomed to, esp in an international airport
the snow level is down to i thnk 2k/ft which isnt that high and more cold weather is one the way
the last storm brought super winds! and sounded like waves crashing on the side out the house!
im finally attuned to the cold, meaning im just used to freezing hands and feet! but this one is a ripper

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I pray for refuge from the wind...my dirt shack can't stand up to those 40 mph winds. I was up all night last time...sticking the mini flathead screwdriver up in the top of the screen door to keep it closed, tying rope around handle and attaching it to wall. It's too much. My building is brick but has single pain crap windows that crank open side to side. They rattle and shit. When the big gusts of wind come it's like the place is going to explode like Poltergeist. Or implode like The Abyss. Either way it's frightening. Could have it fixed but I was out of control like 5 years ago and ripped the handle of the inside part off the screen door. It just flaps around if not tied up. It's glass. Gulp. Wish me luck poprocks and bababooey.
Big storm coming next week to Boston I'm hearing.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Bababooey I have Dunkin Donuts with a 5 minute walk...sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant. Really good.
We stopped by McDonalds this morning in the city...mom had to take care of some cats for someone...we stopped and as I was walking in a girl about 20 was sitting on the ground outside McDonald's and it's freezing and really snowing and I said hey and she asked if I could buy her something to eat. I said I was gonna get an egg McMuffin and asked if she wanted one. Got the stuff, came out and gave her an egg McMuffin and i told her to hang in there and not give up.
As we drove away I saw her gobbling the egg McMuffin down.
And the Russian dirtballs moved out today!!!!! God is watching over my 25 percent Scottish ass! 👍


Well-known member
i can assure you dont want any drama i witness baba.shit when i was 5 cops raided my house and put a gun to my head cause they were looking for my dad.gotta be the biggest POS i know next to me.but no one cares about me.no sympathy for the devil so thats what they get.i dont even like being called a human.i hate them all

yeah it was a ninja blender and those things are sharp as fuck.thought i cut an artery.but whatever.dont care anymore.gonna drink myself to death.made a rum drink with cut up lime and grapefruit.tastes good.gonna have a natty daddy in a minute. im so fucking pissed right now.got nothing to eat.so im gonna drink


Horse-toothed Jackass
Haha DB, you did it, you outlasted the Russians. Maybe you should wear yellow and blue, the Ukrainian flag colors, as a symbol of steadfastness in the face of Russian aggression.

Yeah, some moms didn’t care to see their kids’ football heroes getting drunk, it’s probably not the best example for a kid but yknow, them little ones is going to find out about al-kee-hall sometime, if people want to get drunk during a big celebration that’s not that bad, it’s when ur drinking like that all day every day that there’s issues.
When the bucks won the nba championship a couple years ago, PJ tucker drank so much champagne dude could hardly talk when it was his turn to talk on stage. And it’s Wisconsin, the drunkest state in the nation, so it was all good. Maybe Kansas/Missouri is more bible belt and you got some teetotalers there.

That’s right Pop, ur not at people’s beck n call just cause you got a truck and free time. People be thinking you want to help them move heavy crap for the fun of it. Like what part about that is fun?! You know what’s fun, watching tv or listening to music and getting drunk and high in my garage, that’s fun. Not throwing my back out trying to lift some old ass piano into a truck while ur screaming at me not to scratch it.

There’s this dude who was going around baggage claim trying to snatch people’s bags for a tiktok prank, he messed with the wrong dude tho who grabbed his hair and screamed bloody murder.

This might sound like a stupid question but do you have heat in ur house, Pops? Or you just use space heaters? Cause it sounds like u sometimes don’t have central heating or something.

That doesn’t sound good, DB, that u cant keep ur door closed in high winds. Doesn’t ur building have a maintenance man, they kept having to go to the Russians to fix stuff? But maybe u don’t want them inside ur home because ur keeping the smoking on the down low.

That was nice u gave some breakfast to someone down on their luck. Maybe next time you should invite her to your place to shower and clean up. What did she look like again? I’m kidding, she would probably rob you blind.

Hey Hawk, this self-defeatist attitude is a dark road with no end in sight. We’ve all been there too, fear doubt and uncertainty (FUD) is something that everyone feels at some points in their life. I don’t think the alcohol is helping with that, I know you need the calories but maybe try to reduce the consumption when you can. I don’t like sobriety all the much either but it’s not that bad really when you get used to it, and honestly i make better decisions sober than under the influence.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Well the damage to the screen door is like plain damage...I have a backstory running where the wind whipped so ferociously that it broke off the handle..no, bent it. Then I took it completely off to compare at Home Depot. I actually got angry and ripped the handle off like Lou Ferigno. Happened like 4 years ago. A window in the living room was dangling off it's hinge and open a bit for same time...until I locked it properly. Was some cold winters. Everything is good now except for that door. They didn't say anything last inspection but have one in a month. The wind did it. I also have $500 saved in the bank if they charge me for it...can't be more than $100. They're out there now shoveling and stuff.


In my empire of dirt
hahha doob smash! hulk out brother and fix all the things around the house
a new door at home dept cant be that mcuh, maybe instead of taking the hit on your security deposit you could replace it yourself
/just like you and you moms did when you shot up the place
but this could also fall under wear and tear, after you live someplace so long they cant really hit you with a lot of charges because they would have had to replace thise things anyway
yeah we have heat in the house but the mrs dosent like to turn it on and im not that uncomrfortable
would i like to be wearing shorts and nothing else, heck yeah but its winter time so i just roll with it
one thing i learned a long time ago was not to think of cold as pain, its just cold; but the shit still hurst
that guy in your video was a dick,yeah its funny to try adn steal peoples shit
if you start mess with me i give you that one chance, i will look at you like are you f'n with me and see if you are just a joker
i have no problem telling people to f'off
bad advice baba for doob to take in some skank
man, dont invite any street urchin to your house doob! these people are where they are for a reason and you dont need that shit