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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
I actually saw a pizza mre video on YouTube the other day.it looked bland but I've had prison food that was worse so I'd eat it


Horse-toothed Jackass
There'll be no changing of anyone's gender here. Unless you really want to. It's a free country after all.
I've never really watched the boondocks but i just looked up the prison visit scene, that was hilarious, haha. Nothing funnier than prison rape, amirite? 'First i put the peanut butter, then the jelly, I call that a PB&J and butthole sandwich'.

There's something off about the mre pizza's i got, no wonder they were so cheap. The taste is mostly of overly sweet tomato sauce, i'd prefer school cafeteria pizza instead.


Well-known member
I talked to a young cadet that like to visit my uncle's horses.she said the sweet and sour chicken was the worst.the Japanese MREs are probably the best.

Fucking boondocks is the best.black Jesus is funny too.its made by the boondocks producer and Mike clattenburg from the trailer park boys.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I looked at a couple of reviews of S&S chicken and ur right, no one really liked it, one thought it was too sweet and the rice too soft, almost pasty; the other thought the chicken didnt have much taste, it could have been beans for all the taste it had. I'll have to re watch some japanese mre reviews but it's hard to mess up rice and meat, especially if you keep them in separate pouches while packaging.

I might have to download or record the boondocks, especially if there is an uncensored version. The bleeps are just annoying after a while.
I havent really heard of that black jesus show, sounds like an interesting premise at least. Is it overtly Christian?


Well-known member
Nah black Jesus smokes weed and drinks water turned to wine.they grew some weed that turned their vegtables to cross with weed and their selling tomato sauce that gets you high.its pretty funny especially cause it has the late Charlie Murphy and John Witherspoon who was also the grand dad in boondocks.youd like it


Horse-toothed Jackass
Haha, so it's more of a stoner comedy than anything else? Alright, gonna try and look up those episodes also. So many things to watch nowadays. Well, at least the nba is over, and we have some time till football starts (about 2 months left).


In my empire of dirt
happening guys! almost the weekend and the mrs is heading up to some meditation festival or some junk with her friend this saturday
im running wild for the day and ready to get down

watched the game of round ball last night and enjoyed the action
a neighbor stopped by and we hung out in the garage
/now if only it was hawk in a dress! the party would be on

look at mr fancy mre eater, putting his food on a tray like that; it looks great wthe way you got it laid out
/ i would slurp that chicken noodle stuff out of the bag and then pour the the dry drink mix into my mouth: YUM

lets get to the weekend, i need to escape the pressures of the week
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Horse-toothed Jackass
When you hang out in the garage do you leave the door open and anyone can see in or do you keep it closed so you can smoke and be discreet? I used to smoke up in my buddy’s garage back in the day, he lived with his parents plus cannabis was illegal at the time so we had to keep the doors closed but im sure his parents knew what we were doing, that garage must’ve stank to high heaven. But we also smoked a lot of cigs then too (we both quit years ago) so maybe that covered it up some.

I bought a few mess trays a while back off of ebay but never really used them till now, theyre not good for regular eating imo because they’re rather large, don’t fit in a microwave (plus theyre metal) or dishwasher, etc. Theyre great if youre at a buffet style place and want to pile a lot of different foods (like a mess hall duh) but for regular eating at home it’s not as practical.

I think all the mre’s are made to be eaten out of the pouch, youre not going to have a mess tray with you in the field. Back in WW2 or WW1 you’d have a mess kit (small metal food tray and utensil) if there was a field kitchen set up and they were served hot food, otherwise theyre eating out of cans.


In my empire of dirt
i just leave the door open
we arent cheifin like i used to plus was just the two of us and he dosent really smoke
mess trays would be cool for camping, i might have to look into something like that
he stopped by last night, but this time w/o the small cooler of beers he carries
we ended up going back to his house and watched some warsslin on tv
the show wasnt that good and i mentioned how i hear the wwe is having problems with its "culture" of mistreating women
/v.mac is in some hot water for having an affair with another employee and might be in for it but who knows
its summer time and the living is easy brother
hope you have a great day!


In my empire of dirt
499 level, what are were doing bro, eating sticks of butter as a snakc
thats great doob, whatever you are doing keep it up
do you move around much?
i to like go for a little walk every day
i like to toke up and go for a stroll most days, sometimes i will bring some smoke for a mid walk break in the canyon
some days im drinking but muscle memory kicks in, left foot right foot and i repeat as needed
/edit to add: most days im drinking
keep up the good work my man and make each day count
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
It's this medication I take...haldol? I get a shot once a month. It's through my shrink. It made me gain like 50 pounds and made my cholesterol soar. Looking for alternative but haven't needed anything to calm me down or stop me from raging in like 4 years. So might not need haldol anymore.
Relaxing today. Smoking on bubblehash and listening to music. Hope you have a good day poprocks!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Man, I loved professional wrestling as a kid and then I found out it was fake/scripted and afterwards lost interest. I still have a lot of respect for the wrestlers, it’s a rough lifestyle. 300 days out of the year on the road, even if it’s scripted they accumulate a lot of injuries over time, there’s rampant drug and alcohol self medication and steroid use.

I watched Mcmahon give his little speech during smackdown last week and man, when did he get old? I still remember when he was this buff swaggering business guy who’d strut into the ring and own it. I know he’s had a lot of injuries over the years but he looks like one good bump in the ring would dislocate a hip.

Pop is right, the cholesterol was way high, glad to hear it’s down a lot, DB. You think you’ll get it down to below 200?

Sounds like smoking cannabis is a better medication than taking Haldol, those psychiatric drugs can have some wack side effects. That’s the thing with prescription meds, it can cause all these side effects and then you need more drugs to combat those side effects, then other drugs to combat the side effects of the 2nd course of drugs, etc etc. Before you know it, youre on like 7 different pills and you might be wondering if youre worse off than before.

Sorry for my criticism of US healthcare, DB, hopefully youre getting good care.

I went to my local Mexican fusion cuisine place otherwise known as taco bell and got a crunchwrap. This one was actually pretty decent tasting, I know Hawk has complained about his nearest taco bell and ime one location can be way better than a different one because they actually give an F about making their food right.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey @Bababooey Hope you're doing well man! That Taco Bell crunch wrap looks good!
I think my triglycerides will get down under 200. No sweat. I don't like taking pills because of the side effects of other pills either bababooey. That's when I step back and get off the drug. The shrink originally also prescribed cogentin in case I get tardive dyskenesia from that haldol medicine. I was like you're crazy man. Luckily he just quit after 5 years, so things are looking good.
Have to make a dispensary trip into Boston on the trolley soon. Maybe tomorrow. I love seeing tits such a treat 👍


In my empire of dirt
you are right how there is a lot of variation between fast food places
it comes down to leadership
staff is a big part of the problem but it comes down to the team leaders to get that shit right
maybe they dont know there is a problem but if the food is not up to par im surprised that people dont complain
are there any other mexi joints close by? even a poorly run taco shop could have decent food if its a popular item
vince mc has always been old but he roided out and got swole a while back to seem bigger than he is
mcmahon is part of the problem in the wwe
im not sure how widely held their stock is, but i would not invest in it
a niche market iwth bad management is never a good bet
plus he seem to have this megalomaniac air to him where he thinks he is a king of something like that; yeah you run the show in the wwe but its a shit show so its not you like are elon musk creating new ideas and pushing the envelope
/he actually inherited the company from his old man and while he built it up he ruined regional wrasslin where the real action was at
i used to like wrasslin too but then mma came along
/dont get me started on dan white
im sure there will be tons pf people coming out on his side saying how he saved their jerbs and is a saint in the wwe; i wonder if his wife will make a statement on his behalf
us health care is the best on the planet
doob just needs to get his game tight and keep doing what he is doing to keep his rage down and lower those fatty numbers
the fattest number is 8

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey @pop_rocks hope you're having a good weekend. Never really got into wrestling. I have come across trading cards on Twitter of the wrestlers from 1982...it's like the first real wrestling set. With the guys you remember from back then...Rick Flair? Andre the Giant? Way more names. Hulk rookies. Signed cards you name it. I did like the Ultimate Warrior without seeing him wrestle...was popular back in 1990


In my empire of dirt
that sounds sweet doob and i would like to see an old collectors card set of those old school wrasslers
nature boy and andre the giant would be some sweet cards to hold
the ultimate warrior, or the ultimate maniac? you choose

he was one of the og buff guys and had a great schtick, big poppa pump comes to mind when it comes to those gym freaks
/steiner was actually a top class wrestler for real plus he is big af
but nothing means nothing, macho man was cream of the crop

pops longs for the football to start
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Well-known member
My dad's ex girlfriend supposedly lived next to Macho Man in westmont or somewhere in DuPage.said there was tons of partying going on.used to like watching old WrestleMania on beta max when I was a kid.Andre,hulk,Jake the snake.dont watch that stuff anymore.

Next time I go to Taco Bell I might ask for a refund if they screw me again but I'd be worried about them fucking with my food.thats why I'm always nice to people who handle my food.my friend recently went to McDonald's and knowing her she was probably being loud.just how she talks.i don't know what the problem was but she said the worker was rude and made a scene and got a free bigmack so she gave one to my buddy.guess Wich one he got! Lol


Well-known member
Doesn't look like much meat on that crunch wrap either baba.maybe that's how they train there employees.buncha lettuce filler