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NFL 2014

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Well-known member
Colts are coming and they don't need no stinkin defense or running game even though they do have those things. They got Luck.

The Bengals do not have enough of anything to make it to the Super Bowl whadeez. Lets judge them again after this weekend. I think the Bengals are going to get demolished by the Patriots this week. I would not want to be the team that had to play the Patriots after that loss they had.

There is a lot of regular season left and lots can happen. There will be some team making noise at the end that we are not even talking about right now.

I seem to be very smart about football.



Well-known member
Way back on August 22, page 9 post 123...

I have another crazy opinion. I think the Cowboys are going to be real good this year and win their division. Romo steps up and takes his game to a new level.

Am I a genius?



Horse-toothed Jackass
whatever even the sun shines on a dogs ass twice a day. or something like that.
and like i told everyone, romo is leading the cowboys to the superbowl. and then the zombies will wipe us all out. youve been forewarned.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Way back on August 22, page 9 post 123...

Am I a genius?


Slow ur roll therer tarzan. Its early yet. Yeah u called the patriots bengals game. But that's only one game. I am surprised the cowboys are 4-1, but lets see what they do. U can brag on urself if they win it cause that would be the only surprise worth talking about. Not new England winning at home against anybody.

But good predictions. I still don't think the cowboys defense can get them there.


Well-known member
Hey I was kidding guys. I have been wrong way more times so far in this thread. Lets not forget I was like 0-7 on my opening day picks.

Bababooey I mix up metaphors all the time but your dogs ass isn't even a mixed up one. Is it? It made me laugh for 10 minutes though.


Color me gone
Baba, just because you can follow the smart monet doesn't mean your gonna win 100% of the time, remember even pro betters go 60ish% and make a hell of a living. Show me the guys who picks games correct at even 70% of the time and i'll trade you my connection for a dude who shits out gold bricks :) . Vick looked worse than Geno in that game, when you have 2 QB's you really dont have 1 that means. Yes the theory worked on the carolina game best part about that was did anyone else see that line change on sunday??? Public aka guys like us always bet on sunday, the books wanted people to take Bears plus three and the public jumped on the wagon yesterday driving the line back down to 1.5....Pro betters loved Carolina and Public loved the bears, if I get a choice when spending my hard earned dough I'll always take the side of less betters with bigger money on the games, that is me though.

iTarzan, 4-1 usually always make the playoffs which bodes well for my boys, D.murray is carrying this team I don't want to hear shit about romo, that o-line is also looking dominate with jj looking good with his 3 first round draft pics on that line. I love my cowboys but I have 0 faith in them, they've done nothing else but let me down every year so until I actually see them not choke in a big spot I won't believe they're legit contenders......Man all you guys are super homers and when it comes to my cowboys I am always so negative, lol. P.S. I'll be more than happy to call you a genius if they end up winning the division, shit I'll even big ya a big hug!

Pats showing why they're the Pats, I know people don't think they are very good but whether we like it or not they're going to win the division and make the playoff like every year.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Broncos are insane... they don't even need a run game lol

D.Thomas is unstoppable ... Manning is on fire with All his WR's healthy....

Next week against Decker his old buddy... I wanna see some more 470+ yards and 4+TD's

Monte Ball... I hate you....let me repeat that... I HATE YOU!!!

Good Call on Vincent Jackson....he looks sick...he was catching chunks yesterday...

Demarco Murray... I traded him for Jimmy Grahm and I threw in Percy Harvin. to sweeten the deal up.. I needed a TE bad,,,, man do I regret that move...

on a flip side... my boy Andre Ellington... finally showed off that Dre Day skill set

Im down 29 points tonight in my Vegas League and need Percy Harvin to have a break out game...at the cost of Beast Mode


Just Say Grow
yeah ball screwed me in the ic league...looks like he's gonna be out for a while too...not as disappointing as the 2.5 total points I've gotten from megatron over the last 2 WEEKS WFT!?

1 of those td's would have been the icing on the vjax cake


Hyde & Gore
Hyde & Gore
its about time
next time 50 runs will be good
luvin my 9ers

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Hyde & Gore
Hyde & Gore
its about time
next time 50 runs will be good
luvin my 9ers

Hyde doesn't have the vision of Gore, but he's learning.

Give Gore the ball with Kilgore leading the way...9ers win.

As a side note, I heard the stadium was like an oven on the visiting side of the field. That's no bueno and they should come up with a solution already.

Lost on my parlay card because I got suckered into thinking the Bengals knew how to play the big games after a bye week. Oh well.



Just Say Grow
shit if I'm paying 400+ for one of those oven roasted seats just call me Kenny Rodgers...cuz I aint getting up for SHIT!

really sucks to see all of those seats cleared out like they were after half time, maybe that's a big reason niners will elect to defer opening kicks(get all of the "silicon alley fake fans" that don't understand the appropriate time to be loud is when your teams D is on the field to STFU for atleast one offensive drive) Time to start using the heat as an advantage like the bolts...wear white/away uniforms at home until it cools off a bit and force your opponents to wear their darks...seemed to wear down the chawks effectively enough

Hyde needs to learn one thing in particular: Follow the road paved by #49....Gore's not looking like an rb that should be close to retirement...how that dude finds and gets through some of those holes is amazing...fun to watch....keep on poundin the rock!


Active member
Wanna make money? Just bet against the Jets the next couple of weeks. The team has completely imploded. The owner is the worst in football, and is completely clueless. Add to that a GM who has made horrific draft picks and left a lot of money on the table after over paying for Decker. Then you have a head coach who is really only a defensive coordinator, and who should have been fired long ago. Add to the mix a QB who should not even be in the NFL, and you have a recipe for disaster. They also had 5 guys hurt in last week's game. They are finished, and I would be surprised if they won another game.
I don't do fantasy. Only reality betting. Only once in a while do you get opportunities like this where a team is just coming apart at the seams, so you have to jump on it. There are no positives for the Jets, and no fix.
I am a Jet's fan since they were the Titans, so the only way to make up for almost 50 years of losing is to bet against them. Denver is favored by 8 points. They will cover that in the first quarter against the worst pass defense I have ever seen. Imagine, the Jets had Revis & Cromartie, and let them both go. It could be a record day for Peyton Manning.
One thing I really like about online wagering, as opposed to betting with a bookie over the phone as I did decades ago, is the ability to bet the second half. I have yet to lose a second half bet this season. For example, I bet the Bengals last night. Obviously, they were outclassed. So at halftime, I doubled down on New England. What's strange (and this happens in basketball too) is that the team who is leading will often get points in the second half. Last night, New England was getting 4.5 points in the second half. What???? I'm all over that. How could the Bengals be favored in the second half @ New England when they were getting waxed? Same thing happens in basketball, but in basketball, the team winning big in the first half will pull their starters in the fourth quarter, and the other team will often make a run to keep the game closer than it should have been. But in football, I find it easier to pick the second half, as the team that's leading usually pours it on anyway, and they normally only take the QB out at the end in a blowout. Also, you have much more information betting the second half, as you've already seen the first half, are aware of any injuries that may have occurred, and can see which lines are dominating. Normally, the team that's leading receives points in the second half. Who wouldn't take New England last night in the second half +4.5 points? It was a no brainer. So, my advice is: bet the second half of games. It's much easier.
Aside from that, when you include the spread, betting on football is almost impossible to beat in the long term. Turnovers and injuries are unpredictable, so it really doesn't matter how much you know about football. Shit happens, and you cannot predict it. That's why the house always wins.
I also love how you can bet quarters online. The first quarter in every game is a half a point spread, regardless of who's playing. So, in tonight's game, you can have Seattle in the first quarter for -.5. , -4 for the first half, -7 for the game, so I bet first quarter, half, and game. If something crazy happens, you can change sides @ halftime, as I did last night. They also have all kinds of weird bets, like which individual player will catch the first TD pass, etc., etc. Almost anything you can think of, they have action for it. I stay away from these type bets.


i think Hyde actually motivates Gore to do better.
See a kid in his role and he wants to show he is still the man


Just Say Grow
yeah 4.7ypc average for gore this season, he's top 5 in yds so far...if Lattimore doesn't work out gore will stick around next season imho...I wish he could keep playin like his til he was 50....I love gore.


Horse-toothed Jackass
shit if I'm paying 400+ for one of those oven roasted seats just call me Kenny Rodgers...cuz I aint getting up for SHIT!

that was kind of shocking too, seeing all those empty seats. guess all those yuppies didnt want their iphone 6's to bend in the hot sun.
a solid win by the niners over a good chiefs team. run game looked right, kaep took a few more sacks though. then again, kc has some good pass rushers.

Wanna make money? Just bet against the Jets the next couple of weeks. The team has completely imploded. The owner is the worst in football, and is completely clueless. Add to that a GM who has made horrific draft picks and left a lot of money on the table after over paying for Decker. Then you have a head coach who is really only a defensive coordinator, and who should have been fired long ago. Add to the mix a QB who should not even be in the NFL, and you have a recipe for disaster. They also had 5 guys hurt in last week's game. They are finished, and I would be surprised if they won another game.
I don't do fantasy. Only reality betting. Only once in a while do you get opportunities like this where a team is just coming apart at the seams, so you have to jump on it. There are no positives for the Jets, and no fix.
I am a Jet's fan since they were the Titans, so the only way to make up for almost 50 years of losing is to bet against them. Denver is favored by 8 points. They will cover that in the first quarter against the worst pass defense I have ever seen. Imagine, the Jets had Revis & Cromartie, and let them both go. It could be a record day for Peyton Manning.
One thing I really like about online wagering, as opposed to betting with a bookie over the phone as I did decades ago, is the ability to bet the second half. I have yet to lose a second half bet this season. For example, I bet the Bengals last night. Obviously, they were outclassed. So at halftime, I doubled down on New England. What's strange (and this happens in basketball too) is that the team who is leading will often get points in the second half. Last night, New England was getting 4.5 points in the second half. What???? I'm all over that. How could the Bengals be favored in the second half @ New England when they were getting waxed? Same thing happens in basketball, but in basketball, the team winning big in the first half will pull their starters in the fourth quarter, and the other team will often make a run to keep the game closer than it should have been. But in football, I find it easier to pick the second half, as the team that's leading usually pours it on anyway, and they normally only take the QB out at the end in a blowout. Also, you have much more information betting the second half, as you've already seen the first half, are aware of any injuries that may have occurred, and can see which lines are dominating. Normally, the team that's leading receives points in the second half. Who wouldn't take New England last night in the second half +4.5 points? It was a no brainer. So, my advice is: bet the second half of games. It's much easier.
Aside from that, when you include the spread, betting on football is almost impossible to beat in the long term. Turnovers and injuries are unpredictable, so it really doesn't matter how much you know about football. Shit happens, and you cannot predict it. That's why the house always wins.
I also love how you can bet quarters online. The first quarter in every game is a half a point spread, regardless of who's playing. So, in tonight's game, you can have Seattle in the first quarter for -.5. , -4 for the first half, -7 for the game, so I bet first quarter, half, and game. If something crazy happens, you can change sides @ halftime, as I did last night. They also have all kinds of weird bets, like which individual player will catch the first TD pass, etc., etc. Almost anything you can think of, they have action for it. I stay away from these type bets.

See ottoman, now here's a system...

i use youwager.eu. cant vouch for taking money out, since i havent done it yet (i suck for one, two i didnt put much in in the first place).
i think with all these foreign gambling sites you have to be aware that the us gubmint could shut it down or freeze its accounts (here and overseas with cooperation of foreign gubmints) without warning, like they did those online poker sites operating out of the caribbean a couple years ago. Now i think the gubmint is reaching agreements to allow those sites to start operating again, but unless your pretty sure that wont happen to your site, i wouldnt keep a lot of $ in your account all the time. if youre lucky enough to win big, cash out (or bet it all again, heh)

yeah 4.7ypc average for gore this season, he's top 5 in yds so far...if Lattimore doesn't work out gore will stick around next season imho...I wish he could keep playin like his til he was 50....I love gore.

gore might play till he's 35, if he's reasonable with his contract demands and averages less than 300 carries a season like he has been. the team has been pretty good about spelling him enough every game to keep him healthy, this also limits the upside of those rotation backs, some of them are on other teams now.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Hello Football Fans, :tiphat:

since yesterday I can watch american Football on TV, I pay for it. In Germany you only can see the superbowl, no other games on free TV. The rules are a little bit more complicated than Soccer, but I understand more from year to year. :biggrin:

Now I don´t now for what team I should cheer? If you got some intresting links for me please be free to post.

By the way my first game was Seahawks vs. Redskins yesterday.

I am very glad to have the oportunity to see a lot of games. I think I am gonna see most of the games recorded, but no Problem. Nobody in german tv or Radio is talking about the Football games, so I don´t know how the games were ending live.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Hello Football Fans, :tiphat:

since yesterday I can watch american Football on TV, I pay for it. In Germany you only can see the superbowl, no other games on free TV. The rules are a little bit more complicated than Soccer, but I understand more from year to year. :biggrin:

Now I don´t now for what team I should cheer? If you got some intresting links for me please be free to post.

By the way my first game was Seahawks vs. Redskins yesterday.

I am very glad to have the oportunity to see a lot of games. I think I am gonna see most of the games recorded, but no Problem. Nobody in german tv or Radio is talking about the Football games, so I don´t know how the games were ending live.


Congrats buddy,

I enjoy rooting for home teams or underdogs, but I don't know how u pick when u don't have a home team. Just watch a few games and see who u like.

U can also catch any live sporting games on wizwig website.

I like watching the broncho's cause they got the most exciting offense. The seahawks are the reigning superbowl champions, and have the best defense. The colts are the young up and comer with the best young quarterback in the league since peyton manning and should be good for the next 10 to 15 years if Luck stays healthy.

U saw a good comeback game for ur first one. That's part of what makes the nfl special. Most games are decided in the last couple of minutes.

If u have any rule questions or anything like that ask away, as I think ur in the right forum to get some helpful answers.

Enjoy, nfl is the only pro sport anymore that interests me to watch the whole season.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Hello Football Fans, :tiphat:

Now I don´t now for what team I should cheer? If you got some intresting links for me please be free to post.

I am very glad to have the oportunity to see a lot of games. I think I am gonna see most of the games recorded, but no Problem. Nobody in german tv or Radio is talking about the Football games, so I don´t know how the games were ending live.


You should become a Cowboys fan. They are America's team, after all.

Or, if you like good teams, you could be a Broncos fan (Peyton Manning is the most famous player, Captain Football himself). Or a Seahawks fan.
Indianapolis Colts have a German guy on their team, Bjorn Werner (sp?).
If you start to like a certain player, you could follow their team.

If you have certain favorite teams in the bundesliga, then you could find their equivalent in the NFL. small cities with good teams include green bay, pittsburgh, san diego, new orleans ('good' could change to bad though, even month to month). big cities with bad teams include NY jets, miami, chicago, washington dc, houston.

You could identify with a team's colors. If you have a favorite soccer team, maybe an nfl team will have similar colors. or if you are in a gang, then you could wear a teams colors if they match your gangs (oakland raiders silver and black, for example).
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