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Just thought some you peps outthere might be intrested in whats new in our gardens?Please feel free to make some of us envyous! :yummy: :sasmokin:


I will be trying to cross my odb with lowryder and planting a fuck load around the fields where I live and then harvest !!!!

Also I will be working on a cross my brother produced last year, yummy47 a yumbolt cross with ak-47 very nice weed knock out high... looking to pimp it off to something for a bigger yeild but dont want to use skunk or chronic....

Trying to mantain the nice flavour though???


IF you inbreed the ak47,get the best male you have back cross him 3 times.This should increase your yeild and sharpen that flavor! :chin:
Back crossing like that should take about 13 weeks.
Never done it myself what r your thoughts? :joint:
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I dont inbreed my strains as this tends to make F2 seeds and more genetic flaws in the plant.

The flavour is fine as the ak the yumbolt was crossed with is a lemon pheno type and that is the taste I want. Slyder from sagmartha looks like the one for it.


:wave: Sounds beautiful,cant wait to start breeding myself.Im gonna wait untill ive gathered a big enough gene pool.
I would love to be able to come up with nice original phenos with stable
sort of high.Essenitally mess about abit see if i can get luckey! :joint:


Think i,lle keep an eye on this to see if you both make any progress i,m trying to learn as much as i can about MJ breeding as i,de like too be able to make something special for myself someday but it,s complicated and i think you maybe need a bit of a brain for this part.
maybe i,de be better just sticking to breeding my staffordshire bull terriers lol.it,s easy just taking some pollen and brushing it on to make seeds, but it,s when you,s talk about back crossing multiple times thats when it starts too confuse me, anyway maybe i can learn something from both of you while doing your experiments in the mean time i,lle pop out and get some Autum crocus bulbs to get ready lol thats what i know lol.
good luck to both of you and hope you,s get something good TTYL.Regards:hashish


:joint: HI,Hash.
Glad to see u in this forum scense your from ere an all that.
Breeding can be a fulltime job,also there alot of copycats useing different names for same skunk.Beware.
Already weve got some exellant results strict phenos and shit.Old school aroma with stronger high.
What are you growing may i ask?
Peace! :wave:


Be back in a min Bro to have a chat theres a wee cloning session going on here, well trying Igohydro.hashish
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Hows it going igohydro? :wave:
well Buddy what i,m growing @ the moment is Brain Damage, Haze,Red Haired Skunk,Northern Lights cross,and Satori.
i have,nt been as lucky too get to try any off the golden strains i had a bit of an accident last week and had to replace all my CFL'S ten of them to be exact with the money i had saved to get Bog and Rezdogs seeds and thats got me right down Bud, i was looking forward to getting some world class genetics in my room not for another while now but anyway m8 i hope this answers your question,i still wanna learn that breeding stuff no matter how hard it is lol.anyway Bud take care and talk to you soon.hashish

Edited:here is the links to what i,ve got growing Igohydro not much but keeps me busy.Peace:joint:
Mixed Grow
My Satori Grow shared thread with ResinRyderR
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I been breeding my own stuff for many years now..... Its not as easy at some make it out to be.. crossing two plants is fine and dandy but do you get the best traits from them as you wanted ??? A lot of work goes into my breeding....


Where would be the best place to start brummygaz? i know we all have to start somewhere but is there any sites i could visit to get all the basic imformation because i really don,t think i,m in a position to start asking question as i only know what i,ve read and has been probably read by most people on these sites.As i have said i don,t care how hard this is i wanna learn it brummygaz for my own enjoyment i have a lot off time on my hands and all that time is not spent with my friends or family i spend it with my plants and learing about our plant.
Maybe you could point me in the right direction brummygaz how to go about getting started i would very much appreciate that thanx for ponter m8.hashish


First hash you will need too choose which strains you want to cross and for what reason... I.E white widow to a skunk #1 for me would be to add yield to the widow....
But in doing this you risk adding finnishing time to the widow.

So what you would do is find the fastest finnishing skunk#1 with the best yield from your bunch of plants ( I do around 20 ) of each strain im going too cross then breed it too the best looking male plant from your widow stock.

You do need a lot of room for a breeding plan like this.... you can do it smaller but it can take more time then it should....

A simple way too pollinate your female plants is to tap the top of the male flowers into a cleant plastic bag. seal the bag tight !!!! then change your clothes have a shower then go into your female room with a make up brush what women use for their cheeks or a small paint brush will do. put the brush in the bag and lightly dust the female flowers hey presto seeds......

I advise you to get the indoor 2005 bible as it has a great section on breeding


Brummygaz thanx for the help, i have pollinated my plants before, it was done with a Northern lights male and a Red haired skunk female and that plant produced some very fine seeds and those seeds produced some very nice bud Brummygaz i,m still growing her seeds 5 years down the line.
This was just an experiment i was told too try when i first started growing i did the same method you explain i took a paper bag and gentley tappped the pollen sacks into it.
my problem back then was i thought thats all there was to making a strain off my own and i guess thats where i got confused.So what i would like to ask you Brummygaz is have you ever tried it?, making a strain of your own even for experiment reasons? i think this is what i should have asked to start with instead of confusing you i have read loads on this subject about crushing crocus bulbs and using them to mutate whats gonna come out of those seeds which will give you freaks after this i think you try and stabilize them?.if i,m wrong in what i,m saying here correct me m8 as this is the most i have ever asked anyone on this subject and has took me some time to get the courage to talk and ask without sounding stupid Brummygaz if you know anything on this part of it and what i have written is wrong please correct me and put me straight.thanx brummygaz TTYL.hashish

Heres an interesting read on OG Brummygaz
Making your own strain from scratch
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Hash,know what you mean dude.Crossing your own is easy but its a fulltime job,youll be very busy maybe for years before you come across the one.As Brummy says you need to make sure you raise alot in search of the prescious.Be clinical about it,the bible has an exellant section on it.It took a friend off mine 3 years hard work before he struck gold.Patience and resarch,then you will know how to become a successfull Breeder off this mighty fine species! :chin:


Hi igohydro i,m really only getting into this part of it m8 as i said in the other post i did my first crossing about five years ago and did ok good seeds good bud never did it again but i feel the time is right for me to go a bit deeper into this.i will have a 25x25 grow room soon it,s just taking longer than i thought it would but once it,s done i,m good to go.i have good patience for things so thats a good thing, but there is like something inside me pushing me to try this.
Question igohydro in the three years your friend was doing it did he end up getting any really bad looking plants that was just good for nothing @ all only the compost heap? i have lots of time on my hands and i think this is maybe why i want to do this now i have medical problems so time is,nt an issue yet, but i am determined to get this going sometime soon.Thanks for your help and encouragment with this Brummygaz and igohydro TTYL.hashish


Yes hash I have at least 7 of my own strains

ODB or old dirty bastard.
Brummy gum
choccy chron
silver moonshine
pepe le pew
juicy widow
stone roses
So yes I have done it many a time bro lol

It takes a long time for me too find the parents I want but thats beacuse im a perfection head.


brummygaz... inbreeding is the only way to go imo... it can give you a chance to improve the seedline.. and its how you create an inbred line..... also... back crosses. as rez once said about brothel bro's. work with his sour diesel v3 and the og clone only sourdiesel... when they back crossed the sd v3 to the clone mother "pissing in the gene pool" when you make f2's f3's and etc. etc.. you hope to be able to breed out any flaws to the original parental stock.. outcrosses only decrease stability of the strain...


crossing a strain to another strain....crossing to plants outside the innitial genepool.. though it does make new strains... i was simply stating that incrossing isnt a bad thing.. better than bxing by far...and is good for stabelising a strain... like after youi make an outcross.. you will want to inbreed it for a few gens. for stability


:joint: I agree backcrossing or incrossing 3 times gets you back to more original flavas,oldschool.If we didnt do it we could loose great strains.
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