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Newt Gingrich on drug laws



Ever hear the tapes from when it was explained to Nixon how HMO would allow for less health care at waaay greater profit???

He was all over it, like Newt on a new girlfriend - you could practically hear him salivating over the money his cronies could make...

Couldn't give his approval fast enough - and that signaled the end of the US as world leader in medical services (IMVHO).

lost in a sea

Are you sure that's not three sixes instead of ones???

now you mention it, it is ! & written in doves blood as well,,

well thats what happens when you let bankers pick the polititians and design the whole system,,

poor america,, never was real,, just an illusion,,,


or is it ??

only the people will tell,, can they be the most free people ever ?

the answer is still yes,, but the beast is well well inside,,,

rise up,, or go the way if the titanic,,

when your done with the wizard then come over to europe and save us n'all because they are killing us whilst strangling you lot,, damn wicked witch of the west,,

lost in a sea

shame their satanists then really lol,,

mormons definitely are whether they have enough brains to see it is another thing,, so fucking dumb it steals everyones IQ points not just its own brainwashed cult members,,

mormanism = devolution

and newt is as much a christian as the pope,, precisely 0%

im not even religious its just blatent their is a man made devil,, & both these guys have done a deal with it, call it whatever you want,,,

its ironic that their are so many guns in america and at the same time so many sleezeball snakes running the show that need a bullet between the eyes,,


Well-known member
now you mention it, it is ! & written in doves blood as well,,

well thats what happens when you let bankers pick the polititians and design the whole system,,

poor america,, never was real,, just an illusion,,,


or is it ??

only the people will tell,, can they be the most free people ever ?

the answer is still yes,, but the beast is well well inside,,,

rise up,, or go the way if the titanic,,

when your done with the wizard then come over to europe and save us n'all because they are killing us whilst strangling you lot,, damn wicked witch of the west,,
Dorothy asleep in a field of poppies, symbolic of much of what is affecting American society today.


I completely disagree that Newt is more electable than Mitt vs Obama.

Mitt is liked by woman, Newt is despised.

Obama carried woman in 2008, even with a broad on the other ticket.

This country is not nearly as far 'right' as the GOP may think, that is why their most moderate candidate was dominating hands down (until about 96 hours ago).

Newt will destroy any chances the GOP has of ousting Obama, either by sullying Mitt, or winning, and being unelectable.

A South Carolina primary is full of zealots. They werent going to vote for a mormon who is 'hiding' his finances; they like loud mouth unapologetic assholes like Strom Thurman and Newt Gingrich.

Newt probably peaked last night. Too many skeletons. Romney has kept his focus on Obama, this will change.

lost in a sea

true,, either way its worse than obama imo,, which is hard to believe,, same way it was hard to believe he was worse than bush,,


In a lot of ways, i dont even think 'Republicans' exist anymore. There are corporatist, religious fanatics, and people who have conditioned to hate anything the democratic party says.

Ron Paul is a true fiscal conservative, and the 'republicans' laugh him off.

As long as the corporatist message is "look how bad they fucked it up, vote for us", the sheep will gladly follow. Two wars and a tax cut... makes sense to me...

Gingrich ushered in this modern day gridlock in govt. The obstructionist policies including threatening to veto EVERYTHING, forcing a 60 yes vote in the Senate. Shutting down the Govt because you had to sit on the back of Air Force One, and use a different exit than Clinton.

But it makes a great talking point to say 'The Prez had a majority in both Houses of Congress, and still didnt fix anything'.

Roger Houdini Ailes.

The dems arent much better; id rather be slapped in the face, then kicked in the balls.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
the GOP sure the hell isn't fiscally conservative anymore, but they haven't been since Reagan...

that's another myth they try to perpetuate...


they havent been since GOLDWATER in 64.

Reagan raised taxes and the debt ceiling. Reagan didnt defeat the Soviets, Afghanistan bankrupt them.

Bush was VP, Cheney was head of the Dept of Defense, and Rumsfeld was selling arms to Iraq (to fight Iran).


weed fiend
Interesting that history smiles on Reagan as a conservative. He raised taxes 11 times, expanded the drug war and doubled the national debt.

I watched a journalist remind Grover Norquist that Reagan raised taxes multiple times. Grover stared blankly as if he didn't hear the words.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
there is no doubt the GOP is a lost party with a shit platform and no viable leaders for president...


Newt damn near proclaimed him a god. 'An actor who worked with a monkey, vs. a nuclear scientist peanut farmer'

Interesting career choices to promote and demean.
it's time to bring back the people's razor.

Newt can be Robespierre!
(Although he did say the French Revolution was misguided. Sorry to all those people living under Democracy in Europe, Newt thought it was "misguided".)


Careful guys - remember the TOU...

Don't want to piss off someone that can close, or make this thread disappear...

Far be it for me to be sensible - but...


I wish they would ask all the candidates a well formulated question about the failed drug war and its relationship to the border war we are having with Mexico. They send drugs north, and we send money and guns south (weapons that are illegal in mexico).

FWIW there is a debate tomorrow night on NBC, and Thursday night on CNN.

I only remember one question in these debates about drugs, and it was glossed over pretty quickly.

lost in a sea

there never was a right or left at all,,

no such thing as communism or capitalism either,, or at least they shouldnt be antagonistic concepts, that is a ploy,,

just dualisms that appeal to human beings,, and they are like the opium silencing what people know to be true,, there are so many spells that make up america,, its like israel in that way,,

id love dr paul to sort that mess out,, mans got a clean soul, a good heart and knows what needs sorting out,, which is rare as hens teeth,,

even if he has to trick all the paranoid people into caring about america instead of backing the killing of people abroad,, its a trick with a good ending,, dont know if anything im saying makes sense,, this is looking in from the outside,,

same time reagan sold america to big business,, thatcher did the same here in the uk,,

we're dealing with thugs,, genocidal megalomaniacs taking orders from inbred bankers,,

avant gardener

it doesn't make a shit shred of difference if you vote for the candidate from this faction of the Corporate Fascist Party or the candidate fro the other faction of the Corporate Fascist Party. Either way it's regular folks who get screwed. This is a debacle that folks can't vote their way out of. No amount of reform will fix it. It's going to get hellish for everybody, but there is going to be a real reckoning before very long.
