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It didn't work for the pictures. I had the same thing happen to me but I just opened up the edit message window and put the pics in again the same way I said earlier and it should work.



WOW, That looks nice.... Ya know i tried about 4 different times to get the pics on here. Tell me how you did it. Did you click on the add pictures link in the message box, or open your album and drag and drop from there?
ok so here is the update everyone was asking about, sorry so long to do it. Dame is now 9 weeks old today and 38 days into flowering. She is super Cropped to about 28 inches and is doing very well. I have been a VERY BAD girl however as lack of weed and money have led me to clip a few little buds from her. She is a nice lemony, light smoke and comes from a seed that my Mom had before she died. This seed was from about 20 years ago and I am very excited about the final product. I am trying to upload some pic now for your viewing pleasure......


Also on this thread I have been updating you on my second start, while I still consider all of this to be my first grow, until I harvest something atleast, I have been updating everyone on the 6 week old's in here to, up to and including my NASTY experiance with trying to make Canna-butter out of the males. Well here are pictures of the 5 that were left after sexing... i will just show the tops here. you can check out my album for more pics....

Right now these are showing up as links. I hope when I post the update that will change and the actual pictures will show. I drag and dropped them from my album.

I am gonna run for now and go on over to my growing by the moon 12/12 from seed thread to update it...hope to see you all there......PEACE

Like I said in the previous post just edit the message and try to drop the pics in again....sometimes it's just weird and does the links for some reason. The pic in my last post was done the same way you did just it worked lol. They girls look awesome. I love how big Dame is. Too tall for my set up but very nice looking. And the bud sight...omg drool. lol I just smoke a few bowls of that stuff that I showed you....wooo flying but for reasome I can type about the stuff I loving....growing smoking and talking about it :woohoo: wow i'm high :yoinks::kos::crazy:lol alright I'll keep watching and now I'm swingin over to your other thread lol.

I first clicked the button on the right. forum albums. Then just click and hold on the pic u want. then drag and drop it in the message.



I first clicked the button on the right. forum albums. Then just click and hold on the pic u want. then drag and drop it in the message.


Yep, thats what I did...maybe its a site thing.... But I put the links in my signature so folks can find it that way too, cause I know until I got to 75 posts I couldn't look at the links inside the messages people put, but I could look at them through their signature if they had links there.....
interesting....well I don't know lol. Maybe message a mod if you really want to figure it out. but your way is also good just to cover all the bases.



try this again one more thing to do....


  • Picture 170.jpg
    Picture 170.jpg
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wow really? well it would only let me put 4 pic in the post maximum so probably NOT the right way....lol oh well whatever..... you can see them through my album right? if so I am not gonna blow my buzz trying to figure it out right now...I'm enjoying my little well lit cave....
lol I am actually headed to smoke a nicely packed bowl in my lil personal bong....about a foot and a half. It's my baby lol. I got it diffused downstem and a new bowlpiece. I opted for a smaller actual bowl cuz I'd rather smoke a lil less and just bigger single hits ya know lol. Wish you could be here to smoke some of this plum lol...its going to be nice. What you got?



lol lol what I stole off of Dame..... Not much yet, but damn....soon.... enjoy a hit or two for me...just don't choke me to death....


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
nice looking ladies, Jayla. I thought I'd said hello to all the new growers who started in the last 2 months or so (like me) but I guess I missed this post before, anyway "hello" :smile:

I'm glad you're finding lots of good information here, its like being back at school eh? (only better cuz its fun and teacher doesnt tell us off for smoking a sly doobie :wink: ) - I'm not even sure if I would have attempted to start without such a great resource behind me.

Anyway, sounds like you're on the right track. I'm really interested to see how your mums seed stash turns out - if you can get them to germinate. maybe you might save some of them and see if you meet a fully experianced grower near you who might grow some of them and clone them for you? be careful with that though, lots of people make promises with good intention..if you find the right person though, you could be reviving a classic as mentioned before :smile:

anyway enough rambling... time for a reefer and a coffee... can't beat a good wake n bake :smile: