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New strain for me



hammerhead i heard that Belladonna is psychedelic weed. give a smoke report when done .i have always wondered about Belladonna and was going to buy it but went with ak47. looking healthy man good luck.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hammerhead i heard that Belladonna is psychedelic weed. give a smoke report when done .i have always wondered about Belladonna and was going to buy it but went with ak47. looking healthy man good luck.

Yea, I'd love to see a smoke report too when done. I deifnitely have it on my grow list. I am slowly becoming a very big paradise fan growing three of their strains now in my sig and they are all smelling amazing and structure is just perfection.

Nice job on these hammer looking forward to seeing them finish.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Keep in mind this plant was a test grow for Lokes and it is a cross OF BellaDonna x Blue God(godbud X blueberry=BLUEGOD) So it's not a pure strain of BellaDonna.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

I just smoke the nug in the pic above. I wont have a final smoke report until 2 months of curing. The girl is stil in flower and wont be pulled until I think she is ready. I want this pheno to be the best it can be with my growing style. This nug was immature BUT the smell/taste was great nice and sweet. My first toke I got a very nice head rush and started to sweat I don't sweat when I smoke Wide leaf Indica Phenos so I think the Belladonna is a major influence in this strain. IMHO once Lokes gets this strain stabilized if he chooses to do so it will always have a spot in my garden. GREAT JOB LOKES!!!! MUCH RESPECT. :respect:


Bro, I didn't do anything. The proof is in the pudding, and your the master chef. You grew, the way good weed was meant to be.

Can't think you enough for riskin your name, and puttin yourself out, when I didn't have the means.

Respect all goes to you Hammer.

Edit: You sure she still couldn't use a lil Deep in her Chunk?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I see allot of strains that do not have there leaves coverd in resin to me this does not mean the strain will not perform just as well. I tried to get a shot of the bud mass and it is soaked in resin it just did not make it to the leaves and I have seen this on many strains that wheree pif/fire.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Anything DC gets a hold of will imo make it better. But the question is does it need to be better. Im sure it wont hurt in any way I just don't want the strain to lose any of the Belladonna traits. This strain if stabilized will be good to go. I would do another test batch and I will be your bitch lol. After you do this cross If you could be so kind send me a few beans of the new cross and I will do my best to grow that one just as good or better. I guess what im getting at is if you have any other strains that are poor(we all have them) cross those with the DC. Pretty soon you will have your own line/linage to distribute at your leisure. I appreciate all your kind words. Believe me I did not want to disappoint ya. So I took a very aggressive approach to her and it work at very well. (WITH ALL STRAINS THERE WILL BE PEOPLE THAT HATE IT DONT LET THAT DISCOURAGE YOU)

Bro, I didn't do anything. The proof is in the pudding, and your the master chef. You grew, the way good weed was meant to be.

Can't think you enough for riskin your name, and puttin yourself out, when I didn't have the means.

Respect all goes to you Hammer.

Edit: You sure she still couldn't use a lil Deep in her Chunk?
Hey Hammer nice grow. That baby looks like it would set the mind on fire! Quick question, what kind of ventilation do you have in that dr120? Got the same kinda tent & I'm having heat issues. I know I need a fan, but I don't know where to start. Your setup looks real professional, I'm tagged.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have ALLOT OF VENTILLATION. IMO this is very important in heathy plants. They need to breath. I use 1 10" inline for 2 600w hps. I have 1 6" fresh air intake, I have 1 6" outake. I have a 12" king of fans this suker will kill a plant if pointed directly at it. I point this dude up at the ciling so it comes down on alll the walls. I also have a 10" oso that is poited at all my indicas. Since I have changed to this masssive ventilattion I have had no issues with any mildews /molds I have had no issues with any bugs they just can fly in such a high flow area. Spider mites hate my room lol thay run for cover. I also Have a 4" inline on my scruber that is just sitting in the corner of the room. I have such a high turnover rate I dont get any smells from the flower room. The veg room puts out more smell then the flower room lol. Im almost done with veg 2 SKYWALKERS and 1 SLH left to go. after that. Im done for the year until winter comes. I dont grow in summer it's just a pita to controll the temps even though I have Air conditioning and the cost to grow goes up by 25% to keep it all cool I would rather keep me cool while im baked lol. When summer hits I will have at leat a pound of differant strains to keep me interested untill next winter. Of cource I will be here to help and answer questions. The only thing that would convince me to grow in summer is some beans of DC that I have been lookin for about a year now. There jsut to expensive.

Give me more info on what you have and we will fix it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I have ALLOT OF VENTILLATION. IMO this is very important in heathy plants. They need to breath. I use 1 10" inline for 2 600w hps. I have 1 6" fresh air intake, I have 1 6" outake. I have a 12" king of fans this suker will kill a plant if pointed directly at it. I point this dude up at the ciling so it comes down on alll the walls. I also have a 10" oso that is poited at all my indicas. Since I have changed to this masssive ventilattion I have had no issues with any mildews /molds I have had no issues with any bugs they just can fly in such a high flow area. Spider mites hate my room lol thay run for cover. I also Have a 4" inline on my scruber that is just sitting in the corner of the room. I have such a high turnover rate I dont get any smells from the flower room. The veg room puts out more smell the the flower room lol. Im almost done with veg 2SKYWALKERS and 1 SLH left to go. after that. Im done for the year until winter comes. I dont grow in summer it's just a pita to controll the temps even though I have Air conditioning and the cost to grow goes up by 25% to keep it all cool I would rather keep me cool while im baked lol. When summer hits I will have at leat a pound of differant strains to keep me interested untill next winter. Of cource I will be here to help and answer questions. The only thing that would convince me to grow in summer is some beans of DC that I have been lookin for about a year now. There jsut to expensive.

Give me more info on what you have and we will fix it.

Do you have to use a humidifer?

nice job hammer head, i double aprove


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I do have both a dehumidifier and a humidifier. The dehumid turns on when the moisture in the room goes above 50%. when it comes back down to 30% it turns off. Most of the time when my humidity spikes is when I water. This can not be helped so I turn it on and wait. a will have to empty a few buckets of very clean water to make for watering so nothing is wasted .


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Pic of Belladdonna outdoors!

Holly molly that big bitch must of been a pita to trimm. I HATE TIMMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol You guys probably already know this. I now know why peaple pay to have this done.


yes she shure was a bitch to trim, 2 people 2 day, 800gr dry,pungent skunk smell, not sweat,pretty good alround smoke .it was about 1.2 mtrs heigh thats 4 feet in american! Cheers All.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Lighter fuel

Lighter fuel

Here is the girl at 52 days. 90% cloudy 10% amber. These are more test nugs. I will Harvest her when she has at least 50% amber. These came from the bottom of the plant so light penetration was weak in this area. I checked the tops and they have allot more amber in them. I might do a 2 part harvest.


