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New Organic Nutrients from General Hydroponics


How about a mix of:
5 Parts Coco Coir
3 Parts Hydroton Clay Pellets
2 Parts Earth Worm Castings
To be used with the G.O. Bio-Thrive Nutes?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
How about a mix of:
5 Parts Coco Coir
3 Parts Hydroton Clay Pellets
2 Parts Earth Worm Castings
To be used with the G.O. Bio-Thrive Nutes?

I'm sure it would work... but anything like fox farm ocean forest would be more of a guarantee because it has nutrients in it as well.


I'm sure it would work... but anything like fox farm ocean forest would be more of a guarantee because it has nutrients in it as well.

So added soil amendments are needed to supplement the G.O. Bio-Thrive? I would then uses LC's Mix over the FF Ocean Forest.


They are not needed but it always helps when I grow. I use a version of LC's 2 with Biotone starter+.(3 cups per cubic foot)

I believe GH even has their own bagged soil now.

I would just use LC's as it's cheap and reliable. Start out slow if you do use soil with nutrients in it, and raise the dosage as you go. I have used up to the 2 TBS per gallon about once a week with no issues(strain dependent, and I usually water about every three days in flower). I haven't tried the whole line though, just the Grow and Bloo/v\.


Again I use soil with biotone starter+ in it and haven't had that issue. I would think using the grow for the first 2-3 weeks in flower would help. How early is the yellowing? Have you grown this strain before?


the strain is greenhouse seeds trainwreck.
I have grown it once before, hydro, dwc. (all details on that here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=173602)
My plants are about 2.5 weeks in, yellowing at the top.
I am using 100% fox farms ocean forest.
I had some nitrogen overdose early on. moderate to lightly severe clawing. I flushed my soil despite what people say about flushing an organics. I also noticed some calcium deficiency but I think this is due to the nitrogen locking it out.
Here are two fan leaves taken from the same plant. The light green was taken from very near the top of the plant. the darker was taken about 1/4 up the plant.

This one is exhibiting some nitrogen overdose and calcium lockout?

This is only my second round, i'm still learning how to grow. I have been grouping the nutes like this, and sticking to the feeding chart on the website:
Veg exclusive nutes: bio grow, bio weed.
Flower exclusive: bio bloom, bio bud.
Additives suitable for whenever: Root, marine
Once two weeks or so: diamond black, light dose of calmag.
I feed them a nute mix every 3rd watering. (feed, water, water, feed,) waiting for the soil to dry to a lightly humid state between each watering/feeding.
I really havent been feeding them that much nitrogen, I am puzzled as to why I am getting these Overdose symptoms along with the early yellow in flower, they seem like opposites to me?
Please call me out on any errors of my ways.


ive been having the same issues with the early yellowing phosphorus/calcium/mg deficiency symptoms . just went heavy on the botanicare cal mag to try and remedy the yellowing. also upped my pH. my runoff was 6.2 when watering with 6.8. going to try upping the pH of the mix to 7 or 7.4 to up it in the medium to around 6.9. the strain is blue dream. had similar issues with white widow but not with AK or shiva. thoughts?


Have you gotten the yellowing under control yet?

Nope, I posted in the breakoff thread from stitches guide to plants ph and blah blah. No one has given me any imput so far. I talked to my growing buddie who said my plants were too close to the light. so I moved them farther away and the yellowing seems to have slowed down. I am still having some issues with nitrogen od and cal lockout.
Working through it best I can :(


mine stopped yellowing. it was only affecting my biggest plants. i did 4 things. raised the lights 6 inches. applied the botanicare calmag for faster uptake(calcium nitrate vs CACO3) at 75% strength of the recommendation in one feeding with low strength GO bloom.In the next feeding, hit them with some Big Bud @ 2 ml/gal for 1 feeding with low strength GO bloom. pH balanced both those feedings with the chemmy nutes to 6.8. I hate to not use organics but needed a rapid correction. Im not sure whether the organic P doesnt get processed by the plant fast enough in the GO formula or what.

im not sure whether I just need to use more of the GO fert at the beginning or use the same amount and just use a mineral based booster @ week 2-3 and on to 6-7. seems like the mineral booster is the way to go. Gonna try some AACT with high P guano next time.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I think it says "Bio Bud."

I'd like to see if these are truly organic and how well they perform...
GH's organic line up is organic hense the labelling of organic
but I have tried:
Almost every GH product is Organic, even the ones on their regular lineup
Rare Earth
SubCulture M & B
Diamond Nectar
Floralicious Plus
All of these products are basically organic and have been extracted from all natural sources.
I use em all and my taste, smell, strenght are through the roof. Plus my soil is completely organic and packed with my own soil mix goodness
If their organic line up is anything like their regular stuff I can say it will be pretty pretty pretty good.