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New Organic Nutrients from General Hydroponics


Are you guys feeding every watering with this line?

Also how much & how often are you applying BioMarine and DiamondBlack? These items aren't included on the feeding schedule..

I've sold my Bio-Marine off to friends. Don't like it. It can be used in place of the Bio-Grow. I like the Diamond Black, but a lot of pre-amended soils have the fulvic.humic properties.

I add D.B. Whenever I feel like it. Once every 2 weeks in veg?

I apply this about every other watering in soil so far, but never did a soil run with it before. All coco. Fed everyday with that stuff.


Well I used this line through one grow with LC's soil mix and had great results. And NO PH'ing should EVER be needed in organic growing.

I should point out that every grow is different and people with real bad water sources might have to check the ph. My water is around 7.3 from the tap and I don't really have problems with it. A lot of people have varying water sources so it does depend on what you are using.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yep NO PH!!! I love this shit for that and if I was really lazy I'd do my next run indoors with this and my plants on the floor of my tent in drip trays and hand water just mix nutes and water! The smell coming from my girls is intoxicating...


I made a bong to water my plants!
This stuff smells so bad I had to make a contained bubbling system.

I just flip the valve when I wanna pressurize the container to water, otherwise it sends the stinky air to outside. I plan to expand the system to more than one bottle


I made a bong to water my plants!
This stuff smells so bad I had to make a contained bubbling system.

I just flip the valve when I wanna pressurize the container to water, otherwise it sends the stinky air to outside. I plan to expand the system to more than one bottle

How long do you let that sit without any oxygen? or do you bubble it in the bottle?

I never even bothered bubbling it because I use amended soil and this as a boost so to say.....


Dunno, I just started using the stuff. I let it just barely bubble inside that container. Smells really bad and is really foamy. Hope I'm not doing anything wrong....


You need to keep it nice and aerated if it sits for more then an hour or so. Otherwise you will end up with nothing but anerobic bacteria in your bottles, and that isn't a good thing. If it smells like ammonia, there is a problem.


Well most organic teas have a little funk to them, I'm not sure if disgusting rat shit is exactly what I am talking about though, lol. I guess if your not having any problems you are ok. Like I said I dont even bother aerating it, I just mix in pour with my amended soil.
Hey just some food for thought, anything with the word "synthetic" in it is prob not even close to organic. you have organic nutes and synthetic. synthetic means not natural. And its not just the ingredients listed that makes something organic, its how its pulled out or made, and tons of organic materials/ingredients can be made "syntheticly."

Bingo. Let's also add that non-"organic" does not necessarily mean unnatural. For instance, lots of chemical salts are mined from the ground. Thus, they're entirely natural even though they have no place in a purely "organic" garden.

Well most organic teas have a little funk to them,

Mmmm... an anerobic tea would have a "funk". On the other hand, an actively aerated compost tea will not. Rather, the smell will be more like fresh earth. A bad odor suggests that a dangerous microbial population is dominant. I'd chuck such a batch or fix it with a lower temperature and lots more oxygen.


Well what i meant by funk was more of the earthy smell, if you look at my post above that I did mention anerobic tea......


Well my plants don't seem to notice the smell, I have been just ignoring it and feeding my plants normally and they are LOVING it. Really really love these nutes.
Well what i meant by funk was more of the earthy smell, if you look at my post above that I did mention anerobic tea......

Right, I saw that you made that point. It's a semantic distinction that I'm making here. "Funk" is synonymous with a reeking bad odor. So as to not confuse the noobs, let's change that term to something friendlier like... "aroma" or "bouquet" and we're good. :thank you:
What are you guys doing to prevent the early yellowing as reported by a few growers? Are you modifying the bloom schedule to include extra veg nutrient?
I routinely feed veg fertz in the stretch phase to sustain that growth. Somewhat before the end, though, I switch to a traditional flowering formula. At this time I also switch my organic teas to sustain fungal growth (vs. bacteria dominated). I experience no yellowing or leaf drop until the very end. Every strain is different and grow medium certainly affects nutrient strategy, however. Your mileage may vary. :tiphat:


I love love LOVE these nutes!

Had a small nitrogen overdose problem due to feeding them veg nutes a little too early after transplant, but they are kickin almost an inch a day now! Streeeetch my girlies!


I'm looking to try some organicals on my next crop. I'm running straight coco and blumats. So basically I don't need to pH my res anymore with these nutes?? What things should I be on the lookout for when using this with coco?

Also, what products in the line are absolutely necessary and what things can be cut out?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I'm looking to try some organicals on my next crop. I'm running straight coco and blumats. So basically I don't need to pH my res anymore with these nutes?? What things should I be on the lookout for when using this with coco?

Also, what products in the line are absolutely necessary and what things can be cut out?

Liquid organics has never been kind to automation. Often if left in a reservoir for too long they become anaerobic and nasty, killing or harming your plants.

If you're interested in feeding plane water I suggest this soil recipe from Blazeoneup (search his name for his threads and you can see the results).

1 bale of bcuzz hydro mix
1 bag of foxfarm ocean forest
1 bag of foxfarm happy frog
1 bag of earth worm castings
1¼ cup blood meal
1¼ cup of bone meal
½ cup of peace of mind fruit and flower
¾ cup of dolomite lime

Also these nutrients aren't technically organic, as they haven't been OMRI listed. Natural is the best term that can be applied.

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