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New MicroMedical Cab Bag seed 125W CFL


Yea plant limit sucks - I need to supply me and my lady who is a patient so I have no more than 6 veg and 6 flower at the same time. :(


Active member
dont worry bout the leaves thats what they look like in reveg.



weed fiend
Lots of great info in the last post, tripper.

I will admit i have grown before.. but it was a long time ago... back before the internet.. well Yahoo anyway or 3.1.. never mind im dating myself
But i can keep house plants alive for 15+ years and i figure its a weed so i should be able to grow it...

i cant wait till i get to try this on a large scale. (That's if they ever legalize it of course)


I always thought you had a knack for weeding out the best grow advice. Turns out I'll be coming to ya with my sick plant problems, j/k. :biglaugh:

We need a CO-Op in Colorado where we can trade it out and for those that are too sick then they can get some donations from the rest of us.
No matter how good i grow my medicine i build tolerance and need different strains to keep it working... so i would like to trade out at least half of what i grow.
Not on this forum or anything like that.. i think a place that is a like a dispensary with all the paper work and what not but the currency is mainly home grow meds.
Sounds like a plan. Hope you're able to see it through.

Here is a pic of BSF2... So i open the Jar and my wife comes from the other room and says is that your weed.. i say yup and she is all Nice..
She doesn't smoke at all.. not even once a year..I know it sounds crazy but, more for me.
A toast to your wife.:D

My hands dont work like the use to and if they do its not for very long... so no laughing and my trim job..


After Smoking this its like the lights are on and you are ready for what ever... at least the first 30 mins.

its one hit quit.. you can load another bowl you just forget to smoke it...

Update after 8 days of Cure

Flavor: is as crazy as the smell with 8 days of Cure its super smooth and you get flavors of Berries and something.. its crazy and you will remember it and want to hit it again just to get the taste.

Smell: After curing for awhile it went from citrus and fuel to some type of berry.. its sweet and something.. A few ppl have stuck there nose in the jar and go what is that? Blueberry pancakes? lol its crazy.. its got a bite that's for sure (This plant never had the grassy or hay smell at all i assume that has to do with its genes.)

Smoke: is real fruity and smooth no bite in the back of the throat and gives that pins and needles expansion after exhale in your lungs.

I'll check it in a month.

Both plants are super smoke.. but #2 is a real keeper i wish i would have remembered to label where those seeds came from.
Oh well others have found great smoke this way. But from now on I'm labeling any new seeds i find even if its Something like Northern Lights OutDoor Bag Seed.
at least i should have sort of an idea of what its going to turn out like... well maybe..
lol yeah i try to rep you all every time but im running into the same problem


Nice report. The bud is well trimmed and pics are excellent. I especially liked the parts about the instant, racy high and tingly smoke. I can almost imagine what it's like. A cure is more than genes. Glad you got it right the very first time. IMO, you rate about 7 or 8 of them little green thingys below your avatar.

Anyone Used Barney's Farms? i hear or read they are pretty good.
Sorry, never tried.

BSF2 has some strange looking leaves right now but its vegging so im happy.


That one is looking really good. Here's a Catpiss reveg about a month or so after chop. I'm expecting great things from her after she made a disappointing debut.

This one ends up not smelling at all like pot. Closer to eucalyptus than anything I can think of. Can't wait to get a dozen cuts and a fat batch.:D


I arrived when the party is ending i guess... (or shall i said atarting?)

really nice and neat setup you have, very cool!

Hella THC

He has a sequel going in the Grow Diaries section. It's called Purple Dragon grow or something like that. Check it out