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New MicroMedical Cab Bag seed 125W CFL

WOW dude, great job! I've been watching your grow for sometime now with great intrest as i also Have one female right now, day 40 of flowering cycle. A Mexican bagseed that is from South Texas. Needless to say Its gonna be DANK! I'm expecting simlar results, except I didn't do any stress techniques. Its just gonna be one cola for the most part.

I'm using Miracle grow bloom feed formula and running on a Micro budget as well as set up. I'm running 171 CFL watts @ 11750 lumens, respectively. Shes surrounded by light.

I noticed the 1st pic in your latest set you posted. The very top of the bud structure is Identical at this point to mine, just under developed(40Days). So i know for the most part shes streched all she will right? I haven't measured her lately but if i had to guess shes about 24 inches from the soil to top. Give or take 2 inches. I got stoned and lost the tiny girly tape measure. I don't have the key for the good one, its not mine and its locked away. LOL

Also btw i forgot if your counting from when your switched the light or 1st saw pistils?
Thanks in advance and check my grow out, for some reason i flagged the thread with the yellow exclamation mark in the upside down right triangle. I have know idea why i did that.


Great job you give me hope! i've got some plants under 300w of CFL and hope to get anything close to this.

Hella THC

Yay Trip! Been gone for a few days but it's awesome you got that first one chopped. I'm sure YOU'LL be the one getting chopped pretty soon ;)

I love the "dreaded" look those buds take, it's just beautiful.

What a GREAT, amazing, beautiful plant this is that we all enjoy!

Can't wait to see the second plant all chopped up.

- Hella

Hella THC

Those buds are probably going to take about 4-5 days to tally dry out. I'm a fan of the stem technique... try snapping one of the stems. If it snaps and breaks, your plants are ready for a cure. If the stem just bends like a noodle, then they need a little time.



Eugene Oregon
Oh, this is all from a 125w CFL?
That is mind blowing my friend, I have seen people with HPS's pull nothing near the results your looking at!


weed fiend
Hey trip, just a thought. 70 degrees, dark, passive air, and misting the inside of the box might contribute to mold. 48% humidity will keep your bud from drying too fast. Glad to hear the smell is consistent.


Active member
i was just thi nking the same thing. i dried my last weed in a house with constant heat in the high 80's inside, inside a cardboard box with holes in it and saw on a windowsill for ventilation and it still took aweek to dry. wetting the inside of the box and sealing it like that is just asking for a fail in your grow. your shits gonna get all moldy. doesnt matter if you dry it fast or not dude, the cure is what makes the weed good. just as long as its not too dry when you jar it.


Get some air flow on those buds you don't want mold at this stage that would be heartbreaking.

This is post #420!


Active member
thats real nice for 250w cfl. im starting to get nostalgic for the cfl actually. the plants are so much frostier compared to my hps grows.


this one is from the last grow under hps. not done, like 2-3 weeks early not really that frosty.

this one is a couple grows before under hps also. almost done prolly like 2 weeks from end also. kinda frosty, was the frostiest one really. well second frostiest. sasha wins.

really blurry, this is like 5 years+ ago not done yet prolly 2-4 weeks from completion. but even blurry you can see its frostier than the 2 previous one grown under hps. this one was under cfl, i think 120 some odd watts. it was 3 cfl and 2 t8 tubes.