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new micro box - open to suggestions


king of the dinosaurs
thanks HG. its been a bit of consfusion as far as watering goes. i posted some pics in the infirmary and i was told they were overwatered. though, id have to agree with you that there looking for more. theyre looking alot better now. ill have some pics up later


bongasaurus said:
i tried wiring my fans both in series and parallel but both ways seemed to run at half speed, not sure what im doing wrong.

Hey Saurus,

Maybe a little late, but i just visited your grow.
The thing is, when you wire in series, you're dividing the voltage, and when you wire in parallell you divide the current.
So it all comes down to what AC/DC adaptor you have!
For instance, let's say you have 2x 12v0.2a computer fans, and you have a 20v0.2amp DC adaptor, well with this one you'd be better off connecting them in series, as the voltage to each fan woul be around 10v and current around 0.2amp, which is pretty good for a 12v0.2amp fan!
In my case i'm using an old printer DC adapter, which is 12v1.36amp, with 6fans that are 12v0.27amp (most) and 2 have only 0.14 amp if im not mistaken, so what i did is i connected in parallel so the current is divided by all of them. Of course this is in theory, but in practice you always lose power over the cable connections, so keep them short and don't use "large" cables.

Regarding the grow, you know overwattering and underwattering are the most common problems at the beginning, and it's sometimes hard to tell untill you get the feel. But what i noticed in seedlings was that underwatering makes the hole plant droopy and overwattering usually only makes the leaves droopy, anyway if you don't feel confident enough, there are Moisture Meter's you can get, which are pretty straight forward, you just put them in the dirt near the root ball and they either tell you it's dry or it's wet! I never used any personally, i wen't through the trial and error, but basically it's like this, when in doubt, don't water! if it doesn't improve, water! hehe..but that's if the problem is only water quantity related..but you'll probably get good help in the infirmary anyway.

I think by these last pics that your plants are not yet on pre-flower, so i would say do not go 12/12 yet, you notice that they still are imature because the nodes are all simetrical, that's easy to look for. When you see the nodes alternating you can tell they're in pre-flowering, and you can start to think about 12/12 ;)

Good luck!


king of the dinosaurs
so there really starting to take off now. im pretty surue i should have topped them long ago. so i might have to do a very aggressive topping and try my hand at some cloning. im really not sure what to do here. i guess i could throw them all into 12/12 right now but headspace is already getting a little tight in there. i can adjust the shelf down about 6 more inches.

there putting on lots of side branches now and im pretty sure im seeing some pistils in there. the one in the far back left seems to be a different more indicaish plant



that one on the right is looking very droopy and unhappy, did you watter them before taking the pictures? i like to take pictures before i water, they usually look happier eheh
anyway they all look very indica, the one on the left just is larger..but with CFL's the ones that get more/better light always tend to look better! i don't see how limited in space you are, but even if you still have lots of space, i would take 2 clones of each plant, at least the ones who have more than 5 nodes (i think they all do right?), and put those clones in 12/12 so you can sex them before putting the plant in 12/12, that way you only put the females in 12/12, plus, let's say you have 2 females and 3 males, when you have them sexed, you'll already have 4 female clones going with 2-3weeks :) so it's all good! clone them!


king of the dinosaurs
great post hedpi! thanks for the tips. i never really did figure it out mainly beacsue i didnt have to. but now the plants are starting to stink a little so im going to have to hook up the other fan ang get my scrubber going. shouldnt be a problem though now

havent been paying much attention to this thread, or my plants for that matter. there doin alright though. im thinkin about throwing these 2 into flowering as soon as i get some glass and figure out my timer

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bongasaurus said:
That's a little disturbing... Upper fan leaves dying off? From what? Did they get too close to the lights, maybe?

Do they need water or something? Your pics from today show some seriously wilted plants, compared to your last pics in this thread.

Your grow looked good, otherwise. I hope you correct and nail it... We all need a little inspiration from our fellow growers. :)

Good luck!


Active member
Hey Now, Just my imput, but you started with good soil mix. These are gonna be small plants in an enclosed area, so you can't afford alot of yellowing dying leaves. I think your adding way too much nutes. On a 3-5 foot plants you do feed regularly, but my experience is "less is more" when it doing a micro grow. When you get into flowering your gonna get a nutrient "lock out" and your not gonna get those healthy flowering spears you want. do some training too, tying down new shoots when young. Your growing buds, right, not leafy 5 foot plants.
One love


king of the dinosaurs
segue said:
That's a little disturbing... Upper fan leaves dying off? From what? Did they get too close to the lights, maybe?

Do they need water or something? Your pics from today show some seriously wilted plants, compared to your last pics in this thread.

Your grow looked good, otherwise. I hope you correct and nail it... We all need a little inspiration from our fellow growers. :)

Good luck!
thanks segue. they really havent recieved much attention lately. didnt start off all that well in my opinion which i got a little discouraged i think. anyways, ill see where they go from here. i took the pics before i watered and they were getting pretty dry.

hey rastatrue. thanks for the words. but they cant be getting to many nutes as i have hardly fed them anything. unless maybe the soil already had too much in it. ive started doing to tying down as of late too. do you guys continue to train into 12/12 or no? im getting a little tight on height in there as you cn see in that last pic. maybe ill take a few more pics.


I don't think it matters when you start the 12/12, just make the dark cycle when you don't plan on looking at them.

Does your shelf lower more I hope? It looks like there's another six inches of space under there.

Even if you got off to a bad start, I'm sure you'll get some decent bud out of it. You're done with all the hard parts, all you have to do is water and feed occasionally, and wait a few more weeks.

My first attempt was awful. I did pretty much everything wrong, from seed choice to soil, potting, feeding, watering, etc... and I still ended up with some of this at the end:

One hit later and it was all worth it. And I got inspired to do better the next time!

Good luck with flowering!


king of the dinosaurs
thnaks for some inspiration segue!

got my scrubbber hooked up finnally. with the glass it seems to be keeping temps low and steady. i just gotta make sure it cuts the smell and lightproof the lightchamber exhaust. ill put up some pics later


king of the dinosaurs
so my 3 keepers got repotted just before flowering. i couldnt figure out this damn digital timer but i found a better one anyways. temps are real low at the moment. i cant wait to see what 12 12 brings me



60'F for dark period.. Not at all man thats good imo because it will bring out some nice purple coloring in late flowering.. but doesnt hurt either when vegging or in early flower.

BUT if thats the temp while lights on, then you gota get rid of that plastic separator you got there.

Prime temps for all cannibis is 75-85'F.. I prefer 80-82'F because that promotes vigirus rapid growth :p

They good decent though :p Dont get discouraged man you made it this far :p

Well shit.. I cant even grow in soil :( lol I have had bad luck after bad luck after bad luck lol SO i just went straight to Hydro :p Have had only good luck :p



king of the dinosaurs
hmmm, looks like ill have to figure something out soon. its usually about 62 with the lights on with the separtae chambers. when i take out the glass and turn off the fan its way too hot, so i guess illl just try to find some ofther adapters. im quite happy that im worrying about it being too cool than hot for a change though

there stretching like crazy now. i think i might have to cut it down to finishing only 2.

got some new pics. got rid of the 2 non keepers. what a shame

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king of the dinosaurs
so, im thinking im going to have to get rid of one more. just seems like its getting too tight in there for all three. im still tying them down and i can still lower the shelf about 3 more inches so i think i should be alright for height. i messed around with my exhaust but i cant keep the inside temps any warmer than about 60 with the lights on. i guess my plants aure just going to have to deal with it. im starting to see lots of pistils and there starting to get stinky about a week in. the sugabear carbon filter is working like a charm so far


king of the dinosaurs
so i finally got rid of my other plant and im down to 2. it was hard to do cause it was female and so far along, but i think it wouldve just been too tight in my box in another week or 2. scrubbers doing a great job. so is this velco plant tie tape. soooo much easier than stings or stakes. id highly reccomend picking some up for anyone LSTing. i gotta pick up some flowering nutes pretty soon too i guess. not too sure what to go for.


king of the dinosaurs
so i finally took those pics today. things are progressing along nicely. still training them a bit every other day when i get a chance. im starting to see some fan leaves turning yellow. maybe im low on N?

any suggestions for boosting my temps with out changing anything to drastic? were in a bit of a deep freeze here at the moment and temps never really get above 60. im not sure if this is really affecting their growth at all though

i still dont really have a proper lightproof exhaust for the light chamber either. so im thinking about moving the fan closer to the door side and making some kind of light trap inside for stealthyness. but id rather not have to fill in the old fan hole... any suggestions?

other than that, im pretty happy with my box. this first grows turing out alright too. let me know whtcha think!



king of the dinosaurs
thanks panop. thats sorta what i was thinking too. i think ill give them their last bit of veg nutes in the next day or 2

i took some new pics today. things are coming along. i love to watch em grow :joint:

the plant on the right has less budsites but its growing pistils and buds way faster than the others. everythings been the same for the 2 of them. in the last pic you can see a comparison between the 2 plants. youll know which is which. not sure why it happening but it tis

there starting to stink more now too. the scrubbers holding up well but id love to get rid of that plexi sheet. it seems i should be able to. which would mean higher temps than 60 lights on and i think i could have the buds closer to the lights...:confused:



Its looking good, i thought i accidentally clicked on panops thread again when i saw the box, very similar. (It was probably because im high :bashhead:)

If temps are 60, i mean, you could try it plexi-off, and if it gets too hot you can just train em under the plexi again, they would grow into it either way, so i dont see what you have to lose as long as you monitor it closely.