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new micro box - open to suggestions


Sneak attack critical
bongasaurus said:
just to make sure i got things straight... that scrubber is for both of your cabs? is there an exhaust fan blowing into the dryer hose out of the box and another fan in the scrubber pulling aswell? thanks


The dryer hoses connect the scrubber and the exhaust fans from the grow chambers in both of my box. I don't bother to scrub the air cooling the lights because there is plexiglass separating the two chambers...

The scrubber has a fan at the top that pulls the air from the grow chambers through the carbon and releases it back outside...


king of the dinosaurs
there growing along nicely. needing water every day. i got a shot of the purpleing

i built myself a scrubber too. decided to go with this desing. much smaller and seems to have similar coverage to reds design. i think it uses alot less carbon too which is a bonus. dont buy your activated carbon from petcetera. 10 bucks for 100g


who dat is

Cave Dweller
I really like the look and design of your scrubber there. I was thinking of making a design just like that one but I don't know where to get those little buckets that you have. Got any tips on where to look?


king of the dinosaurs
Once again, thanks guys!

So i hooked up the scrubber to see what kind of temps Id get. And its not great news. They got up to 87 with all the back pressure on the fan from the scrubber... I think ambient room temperatures have gone up now too now that the heats on for winter. It looks like ill have to put the other fan to use. I guess I will need that glass heat sheild under the lights afterall. Im sure that should keep me where i want to be. I believe my fans are rated at 45cfm. Let me know what ya think. Ill have some new pics up later


Sneak attack critical
bongasaurus said:
I guess I will need that glass heat sheild under the lights afterall.

That's actually the trick to the cab working to it's potential. Keep all your hot air quarantined, so your grow chamber temps are reasonable...



king of the dinosaurs
panopticist said:
That's actually the trick to the cab working to it's potential. Keep all your hot air quarantined, so your grow chamber temps are reasonable...

thats the plan! not going to worry about it for a while though, still a ways to go before i think of flowering. only thing is, CFL's all have that warning on them not to be used in enclosed fixtures...

heres a few new pics. i was looking for some sort of dryer vent coupling to attach the hose to the outside of my cab at Home Depot but couldnt find anything to suit my needs. So i picked up this exhaust vent. Flipped it over and a couple minutes with a hack saw, it makes for a nice clean transition from box to hose. Rather than butchering it with duct tape.

Nice n' neat, just the way I like it


king of the dinosaurs
yeah, i figured it would be, might give it a shot though

heres some new pics of the plants. i think they may be a little underwatered. what do you guys think?



Sneak attack critical
Yeah, they look thirsty...

I've gleaned a few tips from other growers when it comes to watering:
Learn to water by checking the weight of the plant and container. Try to remember how heavy the plant felt when it was dry, and compare that to how heavy it feels after receiving a good watering. Eventually, you'll get to the point where you can pick up the pot and know immediately if it needs more water...

Another trick is to use your pinky. Shove it about an inch to an inch and a half down into the soil. If it's moist and firm, leave it alone. If it's loose and dry, it's time to water.

Using these two techniques in tandem is an easy way to avoid overwatering...


Active member
i bought a bottle of fish emulsion's at walmart 5-1-1 it was about 3 or 4 dollars all organic all though i use chem ferts too, the bottle said guaranteed not to burn plant's. i'll add lots of it to the big girls but i always just go by the directions on the bottle for the young one's around 2 1/2 to 3 weeks depending on size is when i first feed. they take well to it. on the more adult plants i just dump the emulsions in a milk jug until it (looks like enough) which leaves me with some pretty murky shit smellin water. that stuff reeks worse than anything. funny thing is i bought the bottle that claims to have a no fish smell, i'd hate to be near the original.
Hey bong... Id suggest getting a variable speed fan that still pushes alot of air(If you already haven't gotten that fan that you posted back in late november lol)...

Heres some 80(92mm w/80mm conversion) fans that have a great CFM and are adjustable... I bought two, cut the LED wire, And wired em up in my case, the fans are a bit loud when on full.. But it keeps my case cold as my room with a 70w HPS inside lol

Personally.. Id go with this one... A 120mm that moves up to 110 and is still relatively quiet.. So say the 260+ reviews on there.. So it MUST be a kickass fan.. I'm actually buying 4-5 of these on my next PC build to keep that sucker cool ^_^
Bit pricey.. but for the performance.. i think itd be worth it :)

Otherwise.. Cut down on the watering a bit it looks like, maybe wait an extra day or two... Those pots also look like the ones im using.. 6" pots? If so.. They take about a half liter of water before it starts coming out the bottom and filling the catch pan... And in a couple hours that is soaked up, and i let em go 2-3 days before i water again.. So i hope that helps...

Keep it up :)


king of the dinosaurs
Wow, its been a while since i posted pics. I know there not as big as they could be for how old they are but there doin alright. I repotted them into a mix of pro mix, sheep manure, compost, lime, bllod and bone meal. I wasnt too sure if it was going to be too hot for them but they seem to be handling it. I topped the 2 tall ones the other day and the lower branches are really starting to take off already. I think ill let them go a bit longer and start trainging a little then give em the flip

let me know what ya think



king of the dinosaurs
im trying a bit of lsting on a couple of them now too. ill get some pics

i cant decide when to switch to 12 12, im really tempted to do so soon, but then i think i should wait and train em up all real nice

i think there starting to show sex too?


Eugene Oregon
Id start spraying those plants with a sprayer with pure H20 and getting a better fan ITS leaves are pointed downward which meen more water, plus adding a highier fan would get more air on those leaves to make them look nice and sexy.
Like the box just the plants dont like it bra.
But overall for a first grow good job.