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NEW MEMBERS - Please read!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I used to be a silver member on overgrow. i have been reading here for a while. decided to get active again. sorry, i post no pics ever. i would like to show off but it aint worth the risk to me.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Unless it's changed, new members can give neutral rep. If you can't then it has changed and it'll kick in at 50 posts.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
No problem HZ the other 60,000 members will post plenty of pics and not worry :)

Green Mama

New member
thanks, for all the helpful info for us newbies. this feels like a great community and i feel privileged to be a part of it.
peace, Green Mama


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Dutchgrown, I am back to where i can spend more time here again. I used to have avatar #25. It comes up empty now. I tried to revise my portfolio and all the avatars there are white boxes with red x's. Do I have to wait a certian number of posts again? Before I can have an avatar? I don't know how to download my own. I would enjoy sharing pics of one of my grows.Thanks to you or anyone else who can help me with this.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
High FL
If you go to your Albums.
Click "Create New Album"
then hit "Upload Images"
Hit the "Browse" and you can upload pic's from
your "My Pictures" folder on your comp.

Then use the one you want for you Avatar.

Hope this helps

I N Hail
Last edited:


I used to be a silver member on overgrow. i have been reading here for a while. decided to get active again. sorry, i post no pics ever. i would like to show off but it aint worth the risk to me.

Use a program called Exifer and you can remove the data from images you upload that could potentially be used to identify you. Then you can show off with minimal risk! :joint:


The Mad Monk
TroubleGuy, thanks! I was thinking about that very thing the other day. I was going to printscreen, paste to photoshop and save new img. Much more efficient yer way. :D

Dutchgrow, thanks for the info! Nice help to use new guys.


No problem rasputin, glad I could help.

Even photoshop leaves some info. My recommendation? Do your editing in photoshop, run it through Exifer to remove EXIF/IPTC (it's an option when you right click your image in Exifer), then upload to the web. You'll have an image, and only an image. Even the thumbnail windows uses to show you the picture is removed. :joint:


New member
Greetings people.New to IC today.Did a lot of growing outdoors many years ago,so not too well up on indoor set ups.Should be starting up in a few weeks with a 400w grolus rig.Any tips or advice?Can`t decide what strain to go for first.Want something good and strong!:1help:


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
demchok, Just for the learing curve again. I would use one of the mandala strains. Ijust did some mandala1 and some safari, my friends loved it. I say that in my first grow was sharksbreathe. I thought i new more than i did and it cost me $150 in seeds. Just simple mistakes can ruin a grow overnite. I just started another grow 2 highland mexican,2 true blueberry and 10 kalichakra. My room temp in the basement is to cold. I think i just lost another batch of seedlings. I was useing 4' flourecent bulbs to start. I am going to restart with one 200watt cfl to get a little more warmth. Hope this helps LOL!!!

Ted Shred

Much respect and admiration for the icmag crew. You enable this community to flourish and i am forever greatful :bow: This is my first post and i look forward to learning and contributing.


New member
first off thanks dutchgrow for an excellent site...i have been lurking around for awhile..(about a year)..then the search function changed so i figured i would join and just say thanks to all that have shared info and i especially like the diy tut's...they are the boom...less is more and cheap is great...i am also an O.G. refugee..then i got out of it a little after it went down...then about a year ago i decided to give it a swing again...i love watching M.J. grow...it is a very beautiful plant...and i am a firm beleiver in its medicinal properties....since i have first hand knowledge that it does work...hopefully one day we can all enjoy and medicate freely...thanks and i look forward to learning more....also indoor soil just making the switch to hydro and ...dang i am sooooo amazed....peace...B.E.